Survivor: Kaôh Rōng


Well-Known Member
Spoilers in tags is one thing, posting that someone's predictions are wrong because they know otherwise is flat out spoiler territory, and incredibly rude.

Agreed, but I did want to mention it because people should be aware that their spoiler posts are inappropriate, specifically posts that were spoilers but not hidden behind a spoiler tag (see above).

See what @PUSH said - I echo that sentiment.


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Spoilers in tags is one thing, posting that someone's predictions are wrong because they know otherwise is flat out spoiler territory, and incredibly rude.

Agreed, but I did want to mention it because people should be aware that their spoiler posts are inappropriate, specifically posts that were spoilers but not hidden behind a spoiler tag (see above).
Just for the record (yes, I know you have me on ignore and won't see this), I know nothing. No more or less than you. I'm not a Producer of the show, nor am I related to any contestant.

What I do, is belong to a couple of FB groups, and follow a few people on Twitter, and based on their wild speculation/educated guesses, I have a feeling that I think I know who the final three are.

I am nobody. My hunches and feelings, based on other people's hunches and feelings scarcely even belong in a "spoiler". Unfortunately, there in no "speculation" option.

I'm sorry if you feel I've wrecked the show for you.

I don't agree with the winning order, but only because I think I have insider intel regarding the final 3. :joyfull:

And for the record I didn't say anybody's predictions were wrong per se. I said I didn't agree, because I "think" I have insider intel. That insider intel being a FB group, which I made clear weeks ago.

It might just be time to lighten up Francis.


Well-Known Member
I'm late to the party here, but I have been enjoying this season, even though the hot chicks got early boots.

The multi-prize Reward Challenge this week was the most clever stunt they've pulled for a Reward Challenge in a long time. Very impressive.

Any season of Quirks vs. Jerks must include Phillip, the former federal agent and official assignee of nicknames (as in "The Specialist"). That guy was immensely entertaining.

This season I'm on Team Julia, because she's playing the boldest game. Props to Aubry, too, for getting Tai on her side. Any of the three could make a good case to the jury.


Well-Known Member
I'm late to the party here, but I have been enjoying this season, even though the hot chicks got early boots.

The multi-prize Reward Challenge this week was the most clever stunt they've pulled for a Reward Challenge in a long time. Very impressive.

Any season of Quirks vs. Jerks must include Phillip, the former federal agent and official assignee of nicknames (as in "The Specialist"). That guy was immensely entertaining.

This season I'm on Team Julia, because she's playing the boldest game. Props to Aubry, too, for getting Tai on her side. Any of the three could make a good case to the jury.
I completely forgot Philip for the Quirks tribe! :facepalm:

Wendy Pleakley

Well-Known Member
Just for the record (yes, I know you have me on ignore and won't see this), I know nothing. No more or less than you. I'm not a Producer of the show, nor am I related to any contestant.

What I do, is belong to a couple of FB groups, and follow a few people on Twitter, and based on their wild speculation/educated guesses, I have a feeling that I think I know who the final three are.

I am nobody. My hunches and feelings, based on other people's hunches and feelings scarcely even belong in a "spoiler". Unfortunately, there in no "speculation" option.

I'm sorry if you feel I've wrecked the show for you.

And for the record I didn't say anybody's predictions were wrong per se. I said I didn't agree, because I "think" I have insider intel. That insider intel being a FB group, which I made clear weeks ago.

It might just be time to lighten up Francis.

Personal dig, classy.

If you think you know the final results, based on outside sources as opposed to personal opinion, that belongs in a spoiler tag. You were very clear that your source knows specific details.

Since you put such comments in a spoiler tag, why would it not stand to reason that referencing those same comments, in regards to an alternate opinion, should also be marked as a potential spoiler?

There are always lots of sources for spoilery info on Survivor. I would never post anything like that here, only my personal opinion of what has happened on screen.

I wouldn't want to ruin anything for a fellow fan of the show. A shame others don't exhibit that same courtesy.


Well-Known Member
A weaker episode compared to the past ones, but still enjoyable.

The reward challenge went back to being a somewhat boring event. The immunity challenge was rather lackluster, as it really didn't matter who won. It was either going to be Jason/Julia or Tai. Plus, it was pretty obvious that it was going to be Julia. When you looked at the numbers and how Cydney and Michele were talking, there was no possible way of getting four votes for Tai. You never really saw Cydney and Michele talk to each other about it.

Looking forward to next week... Jason is in a bad position. He is either the obvious target, or he's the guy who will make it 3 vs 3. Option #2 is much better, but it's still a rare thing to happen. And the way it was advertised, I doubt it will come down to 3 vs 3 and drawing rocks. Maybe Tai uses his idol? He only has two more votes to use his idol and advantage. And if it does come down to 3 vs 3, it would be a great time to use the extra vote.

Here are my new power rankings...

1. Joe - He is actually one my radar for the first time. Aubry is tight with him, and it may be wise to vote him out of the picture. However, if that were the case, I'd target Aubry over Joe.
2. Tai - He has the idol and the advantage to use in the next two votes. Like I said, this could be a perfect time to use an extra vote if the votes are split 3/3. His idol would likely be played the next week.
3. Cydney - She seems to be the middle man now. She has the ability to stick with Aubry and Joe, or try to round up Jason and Michele.
4. Michele - She hasn't done anything, but she's stepping forward. She could simply be voted out because she's arguably the least solid alliance member.
5. Aubry - She's the biggest threat left in the game, besides maybe Tai. She looks like she'll have to choose between Cydney and Joe, and the obvious choice is to go with Joe.
6. Jason - He might get lucky and move forward because it's almost time to switch the alliance up. Once it gets down to the majority alliance plus one, the plus one becomes very valuable. Although his value might not be as great at an even number vote. Still, if you're on the bottom, you better start working with Jason.

My order of who has the best chance to win should they make it to the end...
1. Aubry
2. Tai
3. Cydney
4. Michele
5. Jason
6. Joe

I moved Jason up because if he does make it to the end, that's a fantastic job at the end. He's the clear man out, but if he makes the finals, that's one heck of a resume. I also did this because the jury seemed to agree with Jason's statement that Joe is Aubry's puppet. And honestly, he is.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Mark the Chicken trended on Twitter tonight! :joyfull:


Also, this happened:,,21002994,00.html :joyfull::joyfull:

It sucks to lose Julia, and I'll talk more in detail about my thoughts later in the week, but I have a new favorite that I'm ready for to kick some butt- Mark!


Well-Known Member
Much better episode than last week!

I get right to the good part this time. Tai's gameplay and strategy continues to baffle me. He holds so much power, yet he is so poor at his execution. Once he tries to combine his social and strategic skills, he falls apart. He seems to shoot himself at Tribal each time he opens his mouth. He's really turning into the villain of this season.

But looking at Aubry, I don't know why she didn't take this opportunity. She must think he ties with Cydney are very strong, which I believe they are. But why would you go with Cydney and Michele when you can have a solid 3 at the final 5? I know there's a risk of Tai flipping on Aubry at the final 5, but I don't think Tai could have pulled Cydney over at that point. That would still leave Aubry, Joe and Cydney as the majority alliance. But then there's also the risk that Cydney would hold a grudge against Aubry. A confusing situation, but I think Aubry would have been better off with Joe and Tai.

As for Jason, why on earth did he not vote for Michele? He would have had a better shot of not going home. Voting for Joe was a stubborn move that shows he wasn't playing to win the game. I do think he gave up at the end. Yeah, he didn't know about Tai's advantage, but 2 votes against Michele is better than 1 against her and 1 against Joe. If he would have voted for Michele, he still would have been down in numbers, but he had no idea who Tai had pulled in to go along with the vote.

Michele's stock has risen a lot after the past two episodes to me. Stephen Fishbach seems to think she's getting a "winner's edit", and I would not disagree. She's played a great social game, along with a solid physical game. In the next few votes if she can prove to be a strategic player, I can see her winning the game. She could be a Natalie Anderson from San Juan Del Sur, who comes out of nowhere to win.

Cydney seems to drift further and further into the "dead zone" that was previously occupied by Michele. She has so much potential, but her stubbornness is killing her. She would be a long shot to win at this point in my mind.

Looking forward to next week, a Tai and Michele alliance would be interesting. I think it would be a good decision for both players. Tai and Michele are clearly the two on the bottom. If Tai can use his idol to keep that duo safe, they could very well end up in the final three.

Here are my power rankings...

1. Tai - He's proven selfish enough (which isn't a bad thing) to not give his idol up. If would have to be a very obvious vote split in order for him to use it on someone else.
2. Joe - Just like previous weeks, he's the goat of the season.
3. Cydney - She is in a decent position where she hasn't been anything other than the #2 to Aubry, but that doesn't mean she has a shot to win.
4. Michele - While she's on the bottom of the alliance, Tai's goof at Tribal Council did her nothing but good. If she can get past this vote, I like her chances.
5. Aubry - I think her time has come. I have a gut feeling she'll be the target of Tai, who will use his idol to draw Michele in. Michele knows Aubry is the biggest threat, and she knows she's at best #4 in the alliance with Aubry, Joe an Cydney. And with Tai being immune at the next vote, Michele's best option is to join forces with her. The obvious target would then be Aubry.

A lot of what I said above can be changed by who wins immunity. For example, if Michele wins immunity, that brings the votes to either Aubry, Cydney or Joe. And Aubry is in the tough part where she's played a perfect game, but she's the only one who has played the all-around great game. Nobody could beat her at the end. She also has no enemies on the jury.

Here are my chances of winning, should they get to the end...
1. Aubry
2. Michele
3. Tai
4. Cydney
5. Joe

Michele makes a big climb here. I think Tai has hurt himself so much over the past couple weeks with the flips and lies, which the jury will hold against him. I even thought about putting him behind Cydney. However, Cydney has not made as many moves as Tai, and if I were on the jury, I'd still give Tai the vote over Cydney.

Should be an interesting finish to the season!


Well-Known Member
As for Jason, why on earth did he not vote for Michele? He would have had a better shot of not going home. Voting for Joe was a stubborn move that shows he wasn't playing to win the game.

Exactly what I came in here to post. Or he should have piped up and said "I'm voting for Tai...anyone else want to flush his idol and his advantage?"

I do agree with Jason that these 4 aren't really playing the game. Aubrey is the only one who is.

Wendy Pleakley

Well-Known Member
Jason not going along with Tai was baffling, but there's always stuff we don't see. Maybe he thought Tai was playing him, and simply had no trust for him.

I don't see Tai as a villain, merely someone who reveals way too much at tribal council. He's probably the worst player in the history of the game, in this regard. The second you tell someone they're on the bottom, you open the door for them to make a move.


Well-Known Member
Poor Joe. He was there for the adventure, and he would have gone to day 39. Definitely a sad med-evac.

But the implications of this are huge. Aubry has now had her two closest allies med-evac'd. The fact that she's even still there is amazing. I think Tai is with her. She has an incredible skill of pulling at Tai's heart and getting him on her side.

Cydney is up in the air. I'm inclined to believe she'll flip with Michele, just because she's always mixed things up if you do anything to tick her off. It could very well come down to 2 vs 2, or who wins immunity.

However, at this point everybody is in it for themselves. Anything is possible.

Aubry is in a bad spot. She has the biggest target on her back, next to maybe Tai in the eyes of the contestants, and she has no true ally.

Tai is in a bad spot, too. He has shown himself as an unreliable threat, which could be beneficial or the opposite. He's still definitely on everyone's radar. His advantage here is it looks like Aubry wants to work with him.

Cydney is in probably the best position. She has options to go with Aubry or Michele.

Michele is the biggest question mark. She's not viewed as a particularly big threat, but she has no ally.

Another thought... I don't think it will be a final 3. I'm thinking final 2. That's a lot of episode (two hours) for one vote. And with so many med-evacs this season, the producers might want more voting.

I'm not even going to predict the final two, as it's so unclear. This has probably been one of the more unclear finales in recent memory. I'm not going to do my power rankings either as everyone is so close to each other IMO. They all have a legitimate chance of being voted off.

But I will do my most deserving!
1. Aubry
2. Tai
3. Cydney
4. Michele

While I think all four have a legitimate case, I moved Michele down because I thought she would pull off a big move this week. Joe's evacuation didn't allow for that. She would have to do something big in the finale (or be sitting next to Tai, combined with a bitter jury) to win. But that's still a good possibility. Cydney could make a move at the end to get Aubry out and solidify herself with the jury. Tai I think is more deserving at this point than Cydney and Michele, but I'm not sure if the jury agrees. And like I've said since the merge, Aubry has been the most controlling, deserving player in the game.

Can't wait for the finale! I don't see a scenario where one of these four doesn't have a legitimate case in the finals.

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