There are 6 contestants remaining: Erik, Cochran, Brenda, Sherri, Eddie, Dawn. I'm guessing one gets eliminated tonight, and 5 will remain going into Sunday's finale. Sunday's episode will be LONG, so a lot can happen in that 2-hr period. There usually are 3 going into the final Tribal Council, where the jury asks them questions & votes for who deserves the million dollars.
Tonight's episode will also have family members come visit the contestants. I understand players miss their families, but I've never understood the extreme crying & whaling some players unleash, as if they've been gone from home on a multiple-year tour of duty in Iraq; not knowing if they'll come home alive. Seriously, people? It's a 30+ day GAME SHOW on the beach!! Yes, I can understand getting a little emotional when your spouse, sibling, or parent walks onto the shore to greet you after a long hard game battling hunger, fatigue, and other stresses of competing in this game. But some players go way overboard with emotion and act as if they just returned from 'Nam. From tonight's preview, Sherri may be one of those people.