Survivor: Cagayan


Well-Known Member
And another COLD Ponderosa "welcome" for Trish. They really didn't like her. I can't imagine what it will be like if Tony gets whacked and has to go there. They may all just run away from him or not speak to him. And some telling comments about Woo, that he really hasn't played a social game at all. They seemed indifferent to him. But who knows how they will actually vote.
I'd like to see Kass arrive at Ponderosa, just to see the reactions. Especially those of Sarah and Morgan.


Well-Known Member
Spencer NEEDS immunity at the next vote (we've said that HOW MANY TIMES this season??!). C'mon Spencer!!!!

He will definitely get the Rupert fan favorite award for the season.
I think Tony or Spencer is going to win immunity, and then the other will be voted out. They are the two biggest threats, and I don't think Kass or Woo have a shot at winning. At this point alliances are out, and the strategy starts to take place.


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Original Poster
But does Tony really need immunity? He has the Special Idol. And since nobody is going to tell the real rules for it, are they going to believe that he can use it in that last vote?

That will send the rest of them scrambling and one will make a comment to get themselves voted out.

Or will they still vote for him hoping he doesn't use the idol and risk it?

Of course this is all assuming that Spencer wins the immunity. Because if he doesn't, I don't think any of them want to sit with him on the final Tribal. He'll win against any of them.


Well-Known Member
But does Tony really need immunity? He has the Special Idol. And since nobody is going to tell the real rules for it, are they going to believe that he can use it in that last vote?

That will send the rest of them scrambling and one will make a comment to get themselves voted out.

Or will they still vote for him hoping he doesn't use the idol and risk it?

Of course this is all assuming that Spencer wins the immunity. Because if he doesn't, I don't think any of them want to sit with him on the final Tribal. He'll win against any of them.
I don't think anyone really trusts Tony, so who knows what they'll believe.

And the thing with Spencer is, nobody really sees him, or at least has vocalized, as a threat. I think Kass thinks he can beat Spencer hands down. She sees him as her pawn. Woo doesn't see anybody as a threat because his strategic gameplay has been awful. Tony is the only one smart enough to see him as one, but I think Spencer can talk Kass and Woo into going final 3 together and voting Tony out, assuming he doesn't win immunity.


Well-Known Member
I agree with everyone that if Spencer makes the final 3, he wins pretty much in a sweep. And if Spencer does not make the final 3, Tony wins a majority of the votes.

Tony voted for Trish for probably all of these reasons to one extent or another:
1. He saw her as a threat to beat him because he thought she was more liked.
2. Woo told him he had to vote for Trish to prove his loyalty to Woo.
3. He knew that Woo was going to vote for Trish, and he wanted to be in the majority.

I'm actually thinking it was primarily #3. Thus far, Tony has put everyone on the jury. In most all (if not ALL) of the cases, he's made the call. This makes for an interesting and compelling argument at Final Tribal. "You are ALL on the jury, because *I* put you there. You were a threat to my game, and I got you before you could get me." WIN.


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
All caught up.

If it's all possible, I dislike Tony more than ever. He has the Russell Hantz/Boston Rob ego, without Russell's brains or Rob's charm.
Or, maybe he's just another Russell - except Russell I liked, and Tony, I do not. Whichever.

Except for flipping Trish the bird, I liked Kass more this episode than in quite a while. It's not nice to kick someone when they're down. And certainly not in full view of the jury. (As I shared in that other thraed, you do that BELOW the dashboard, so no one sees it!)

Spenser for the win. If not, I would not be crushed by a Woo victory.

ABT - Anyone but Tony!


Well-Known Member
Because I have nothing to do, here's a breakdown of the remaining contestants in the order I'd give my vote out:

1. Spencer - He's been dominant in challenges, and he's played a great social game. Kass is the only person he got in a feud with, but that seems to have died down in recent episodes. His strategic play is as good as it can possibly be from where he's been most of the game. There's not much decision making to be made when you're constantly at the bottom, but I think making it to the finals from the bottom is a much greater achievement than being the deciding factor of who's voted out.

Grade this far: A+

2. Tony - He's been great strategically. He's been the one to vote out everyone on the jury, except for possibly Trish... we still don't really know why he voted for her. He has been okay in challenges, nothing to complain about, nothing to write home about. He gives each challenge his all. His social game has been the downfall of his game. He's burned bridges with multiple jury members, and they could hold grudges.

Grade this far: B+

3. Woo - He's played an okay social game. He hasn't burned bridges with anyone, but he also hasn't made any notable relationships. Strategically he has been a non-factor. He's been Tony's puppet most of the game. His most notable reason as to why he should win would be his challenges. He's won individual immunity, and he always gives his all. On the brawn tribe he was a big factor as to why they would always win. Another notable achievement for him was when he stole Spencer's idol clue. He caused chaos and made it known there was one out there and most likely in play.

Grade this far: C+

4. Kass - She has played an okay strategic game. She has been in power, or at least the majority alliance, most of the game. Her most notable accomplishment was shifting the power of alliances with her flip. She's been awful in challenges, never even coming close to winning individual immunity. She was a big reason why the Brain tribe didn't work out well. Socially she was playing a decent game up until she decided she had to become the villain of the game. Since then she has played an awful social game, burning alliances and relationships with nearly everyone on the island. Grudges remain intact, and there's no way she goes home with a million dollars. Her comments and gestures (giving the bird to Trish, etc) have been seen by the jury members, and they will not soon forget about that.

Grade this far: D-


Well-Known Member
Because I have nothing to do, here's a breakdown of the remaining contestants in the order I'd give my vote out:

1. Spencer - He's been dominant in challenges, and he's played a great social game. Kass is the only person he got in a feud with, but that seems to have died down in recent episodes. His strategic play is as good as it can possibly be from where he's been most of the game. There's not much decision making to be made when you're constantly at the bottom, but I think making it to the finals from the bottom is a much greater achievement than being the deciding factor of who's voted out.

Grade this far: A+

2. Tony - He's been great strategically. He's been the one to vote out everyone on the jury, except for possibly Trish... we still don't really know why he voted for her. He has been okay in challenges, nothing to complain about, nothing to write home about. He gives each challenge his all. His social game has been the downfall of his game. He's burned bridges with multiple jury members, and they could hold grudges.

Grade this far: B+

3. Woo - He's played an okay social game. He hasn't burned bridges with anyone, but he also hasn't made any notable relationships. Strategically he has been a non-factor. He's been Tony's puppet most of the game. His most notable reason as to why he should win would be his challenges. He's won individual immunity, and he always gives his all. On the brawn tribe he was a big factor as to why they would always win. Another notable achievement for him was when he stole Spencer's idol clue. He caused chaos and made it known there was one out there and most likely in play.

Grade this far: C+

4. Kass - She has played an okay strategic game. She has been in power, or at least the majority alliance, most of the game. Her most notable accomplishment was shifting the power of alliances with her flip. She's been awful in challenges, never even coming close to winning individual immunity. She was a big reason why the Brain tribe didn't work out well. Socially she was playing a decent game up until she decided she had to become the villain of the game. Since then she has played an awful social game, burning alliances and relationships with nearly everyone on the island. Grudges remain intact, and there's no way she goes home with a million dollars. Her comments and gestures (giving the bird to Trish, etc) have been seen by the jury members, and they will not soon forget about that.

Grade this far: D-

You miss school don't you?!


Well-Known Member
24 hours from now I will be eagerly sitting in front of the TV watching the minutes go by as I await the final episode of Survivor: Cagayan. Sad that we will not have Survivor until fall, but excited to see how this season ends up.


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
24 hours from now I will be eagerly sitting in front of the TV watching the minutes go by as I await the final episode of Survivor: Cagayan. Sad that we will not have Survivor until fall, but excited to see how this season ends up.
You should give Big Brother a whirl.


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Original Poster
Gonna be a late night tonight. First have to go to my son's baseball game. Then have to watch the Blackhawks game as soon as I get home and then on to Survivor after that. So happy for a DVR. Fast Forwarding through commercials should get the actual show down to about 1:40 and the after show down to about :40. I may wait to watch the after show until tomorrow. Depends how tired I am.

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