Survivor 23 (South Pacific)


Well-Known Member
Interesting start for sure. That one lady who said "temporary players" was dumb. Nice way to start the game, but then she had absolutely no follow thru. She was a big mouth and then just there. crafty saying "I'll look for wood" but really looking for the idol. Duh...not the time to do that. Everyone knew what you were doing.

I thought it was cunning for coach to say that the first challenge against Ozzy was a "team effort" so it didn't look so bad for him that he lost it. I can already see a couple of people annoying the heck out of me based on the little bit we saw of each of them.

The one who was voted off was the right choice. She did step up, but then failed miserably. That's the risk you take when you talk yourself up so much. Then she is crying at the end of the show. What did you expect, princess? Gumdrops and lollipops out there?

Also, Cochrane, the Harvard guy...He totally reminds me of Paul Riser's character in Mad About You. And Dawn totally reminded me of Suze Orman. I just read on her bio that Dawn is only 41 years old.

Some nice camera work for sure. I think the zoom button works just fine.

I loved it when Ozzy put the hand print on Pretty boy Probst's shirt after cracking the red egg.


Well-Known Member
Also, Cochrane, the Harvard guy...He totally reminds me of Paul Riser's character in Mad About You. And Dawn totally reminded me of Suze Orman. I just read on her bio that Dawn is only 41 years old.

THANK YOU - I knew that they BOTH reminded me of someone and those are the exact two people I was thinking.

Wow - 41? - I thought she was MUCH older and looked good for her age. She looks kind of old for 41.

The one that said "temporary player" is from a few towns away from me on Long Island. I would have LOVED to root for someone from my area but she really irks me.


Original Poster
Make no mistake, the show's producers are desperately hoping Russell's nephew makes it to the Family Member challenge.
That would be the moment of the season having Russell step out. :ROFLOL:
Though if 'Lil Hantz does make it that far (isn't the family challenge close to the final 4?), he'd be pretty stupid to be that close to the mil & blow it with a publicity stunt. If he's smart, he'd better keep his shirt on & mouth shut until the reunion show.


Well-Known Member
Here's something that's been bothering me - why didn't the girl who blew the challenge just stop tossing the coconuts and be a runner to fetch coconuts instead? She could have just started a pile on the ground next to Ozzy and let him do all the shooting. Was there anything in the explanation of the rules that would have prevented that from being "legal"?


Well-Known Member
Oooh...good theory, but in the heat of the moment, you aren't thinking that clearly. There was nothing that would have prevented that, though.


Original Poster
After tonight, it is clear that 'Lil Hantz & Uncle Hantz are on complete opposite ends of the spectrum. Though maybe this whole "goody good", wussy front is just an act being put on by 'Lil Hantz, and he is fooling us all. :shrug: But he did follow the family tradition and cause drama during tribal council. Backbone or not, he is still a Hantz.

Now on to the older woman who got the boot tonight. For some reason, I could not STAND her! :mad: Since the show began last week, I have not liked the look of her one bit, and was more than thrilled she got kicked off tonight. I just hope she doesn't get a ticket back in due to redemption island. Her age, lack of charisma, and overall not-for-TV-appearance just didn't suit the show well. Not somebody you love to hate...just someone you hate, period. Cannot remember her name (Christine, Christina?) But glad she's gone for now!


Well-Known Member
lil Hantz is not right in the head

Lil Hantz scares me. He keeps talking about Mikayla like she's some sort of siren and the girl has not given off one ounce of the flirt vibe. I know editing comes into play, but when he is oogling her, then they have his voice talking about her while he is hacking at a piece of wood - kind of makes think she should be sleeping with one eye open.

Christine rolled her eyes so much at tribal I thought they were going to get stuck backwards in her head. I definitely laughed out loud shen she went to Redemption and was poking at Sempar (what's her name??!) to wake her up. Thankfully one of those two annoyance will be leaving the game soon.

3rd time around and I FINALLY like Coach!


Well-Known Member
Lil Hantz scares me. He keeps talking about Mikayla like she's some sort of siren and the girl has not given off one ounce of the flirt vibe. I know editing comes into play, but when he is oogling her, then they have his voice talking about her while he is hacking at a piece of wood - kind of makes think she should be sleeping with one eye open.

Christine rolled her eyes so much at tribal I thought they were going to get stuck backwards in her head. I definitely laughed out loud shen she went to Redemption and was poking at Sempar (what's her name??!) to wake her up. Thankfully one of those two annoyance will be leaving the game soon.

3rd time around and I FINALLY like Coach!

I agree with everything you just said! I've started calling him Lil Creepy, cause he totally skeeves me out. Like you said, there is a lot of editing, but they have never shown her flirting with ANYONE! I didn't expect to like her, simply based on the whole "lingerie football player" thing, but I actually DO - she works hard, she's a strong player, and she isn't all girly. The things he says definitely make it sound like he's got some issues, especially with women.

Christine was extremely annoying, and pretty much sealed her fate on Day 1. I was laughing, too, when she got to Redemption Island. "Hey. I'm with you now".

I'm actually liking Coach this time around, too - at least for now. Shaping up to be an interesting season!


Well-Known Member
I didn't expect to like her, simply based on the whole "lingerie football player" thing, but I actually DO - she works hard, she's a strong player, and she isn't all girly.

Even when she described herself she said she plays in an all girl full contact football league (she didn't highlight "lingerie") and said she's a tomboy.

Lil Hantz reminds me of the Billy Bob Thorton character in Slingblade. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
I agree that Jr. Russell isn't right in the head. She didn't do anything to anyone. Dude, you need to coexist on an island with her, you don't have to her. If you are all religious, then accept her for what she is and let her be. Good thing he isn't on the other tribe with all of the other hotties or his head would have exploded by now.

If he were smart, he would have let the drama happen at tribal and shut the heck up about it. Coach wasn't selling him out. Coach has the HUGE hammer in his back pocket knowing he's Russell's nephew. That's all he needs. The drama and attention was focused on others...perfect.

Rest of the show was OK. Glad Christine went. She played a terrible game the whole way...from the "temporary players" right to the end. Should be a very annoying Redemption Island and a poor challenge if the past performance is an indicator.


Well-Known Member
Well, Russell Jr. went off the deep end. I think he just may have ruined his chances of winning by saying who he was. Trying so hard to not be like Unky, he did. Ozzy may get voted off with another Idol in his hand the way the guy he "trusted" ran to Whitney and told her he had it. I can see them using him a bit further and then launching him.

I had to laugh when Christine was puzzled that Coach didn't like her...hmmmm, calling him out the second he gets on the tribe? I wonder why? They were ready for people to play the game right off of the bat, but not ready for someone to take off on their own and not be a part of the tribe. Bad strategy and you blew it.

So glad Semhar is gone...what was up with that stupid poetry junk? Glad she won't waste another 5 mins of my life on my tv screen.

I like the game Coach is playing. Cerebral, but not over the top out there with his diatribes. He did learn something the previous times.

I am hoping Cochrane can do something to save his butt for a while longer. I think the kid is entertaining and being a mega fan of the show, he may just cut himself if he does get voted out.

Once the Immunity challenge was over, we knew who was going home next, so not much drama there.

I do wish they would spend less time on the redemption island stuff and more introducing us to the players who really don't get much air time to this point. I still don't know who half of them are.


Well-Known Member
Well, Russell Jr. went off the deep end. I think he just may have ruined his chances of winning by saying who he was. Trying so hard to not be like Unky, he did. Ozzy may get voted off with another Idol in his hand the way the guy he "trusted" ran to Whitney and told her he had it. I can see them using him a bit further and then launching him.

I do wish they would spend less time on the redemption island stuff and more introducing us to the players who really don't get much air time to this point. I still don't know who half of them are.

Lil Hantz totally blew it. How stupid can you be? I'd tell no one. Regardless of what you say - you'll forever be associated with Russell. They will never be able to get that out of their mind.

And I think Ozzy was dumb for telling anyone he has the Idol. Use it for leverage later, man. No need to tell a soul right now. And it totally back fired as the "trusted" dude ran off and told someone right away. Bad move, I think.

And I hate the redemption island aspect. Very boring. No one cares. And I miss the days of 2 challenges - one reward and one immunity. Sometimes they lump them together so there is more TV time for redemption island. Boo to that.


Well-Known Member
I do wish they would spend less time on the redemption island stuff and more introducing us to the players who really don't get much air time to this point. I still don't know who half of them are.

And I hate the redemption island aspect. Very boring. No one cares. And I miss the days of 2 challenges - one reward and one immunity. Sometimes they lump them together so there is more TV time for redemption island. Boo to that.

I think we were complaining about the same thing last season. It took until around the merge to really know the quiet people's names.

Mikayla has to be watching this air and feel totally creeped out!! I feel bad for her - she really doesn't realize (yet) that he has some serious mental issues. From the looks of the scenes from next week, people are starting to realize he's not glued together right.

Never thought I'd say it - but I really like Coach now!


Original Poster
One bad thing about R.I. is that it gave Christine yet another week of having to be on television. I'm sorry, but I cannot stand that woman in the least. She has that rough, "dirty south" persona about her. She lacks that "it factor" which it takes to be on television. Not sure what the casting director(s) were thinking with her. :shrug: Hopefully another contestant beats her at an R.I. challenge soon, so she can get back to watching Nascar, and the rest of us can enjoy the season.

Coach is one of my favorites now. Never thought I'd see the day.


Well-Known Member
One bad thing about R.I. is that it gave Christine yet another week of having to be on television. I'm sorry, but I cannot stand that woman in the least. She has that rough, "dirty south" persona about her. She lacks that "it factor" which it takes to be on television. Not sure what the casting director(s) were thinking with her. :shrug: Hopefully another contestant beats her at an R.I. challenge soon, so she can get back to watching Nascar, and the rest of us can enjoy the season.

Coach is one of my favorites now. Never thought I'd see the day.

I agree - that is exactly how she seems - but I think she's actually from Long Island (maybe a half hour from me). Definitely not a typical New Yorker! Sadly I'm not sure Papa Bear is going to be the one to take her down. Although him hauling it into the woods to look for the idol was quality television at its best!

I like Ozzy - but the evil side of me wants to see him get voted out with an idol in his pocket...AGAIN.


Well-Known Member
One bad thing about R.I. is that it gave Christine yet another week of having to be on television. I'm sorry, but I cannot stand that woman in the least. She has that rough, "dirty south" persona about her. She lacks that "it factor" which it takes to be on television. Not sure what the casting director(s) were thinking with her. :shrug: Hopefully another contestant beats her at an R.I. challenge soon, so she can get back to watching Nascar, and the rest of us can enjoy the season.

Coach is one of my favorites now. Never thought I'd see the day.

I've got to hope that the casting directors saw her as crazy annoying too and thought " is someone America will love to hate" and boy were they right! Can't stand her. Couldn't stand the other poetry chick who lost either so it was win win (or lose lose) with who was voted off.

I think little russell is going to be gone very soon. He's creeping people out, lying, and then says " the way...I'm the most hated (but BEST IMO) player in the game's nephew...but oh I'm not like him." Dumb. Buh-bye.


Well-Known Member
Overall a "meh" episode for me this week. I Savaii were smart they would get together and whack Ozzy right away. They are noticing how he is manipulating things. Why go after the girl he is tight with, just whack him. It's not like they are winning every challenge with him. They have learned what they needed from him at this point, or at least should Do it while you have the numbers. He wouldn't expect it this early.


Well-Known Member
Overall a "meh" episode for me this week. I Savaii were smart they would get together and whack Ozzy right away. They are noticing how he is manipulating things. Why go after the girl he is tight with, just whack him. It's not like they are winning every challenge with him. They have learned what they needed from him at this point, or at least should Do it while you have the numbers. He wouldn't expect it this early.

I agree...not much happened this week, pretty predictable. If the Jim/Cochran/Dawn alliance is actually able to pull something off, it may turn the tables a bit.

I was rooting for Papa Bear in the Redemption challenge, just b/c Christine is so annoying. Next week I won't have an opinion either way. Not sure if it was just editing or what, but neither of those ladies were portrayed as being very personable!

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