Surprise! Red Tier Now Begins Sunday; Downtown Disney Restaurants???


Well-Known Member
Good governance does demand transparency. While something like a dashboard would not be an appropriate venue for such information, there are other more appropriate means of publishing research and modeling such as journals. The information should be shared and subjected to review like all good data. Those who are going to misinterpret it, either accidentally or more likely intentionally, will do so regardless and the absence of the information only provides support for such misinformation. Secrecy breeds misinformation.
This. I’ll add that even from a selfish perspective in the event of a legal challenge it’s beneficial to have this information in the public domain for vetting. There are always going to be conspiracy theorists but it is the job of government to make information (to the extent feasible) readily available to the public in an easily understandable format. This is why in this state we have the California Public Records Act in place governing the release of public reports used to drive guidance/decision-making.

Not embracing these principles breeds more distrust and frankly legitimate frustration, not less. I know there are many lockdown supporters on this board, but from a good government perspective it is shockingly concerning standard given the cavalier attitude many state governments have taken toward greater transparency into their state’s decision making process. With California being among the worst examples.

The only way to counter disinformation is with actual information. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and it’s clear we have too many public officials that prefer to work in the dark.

Deleted member 107043

If this does indeed happen, there is no more trying to hide it. Gavin Newson closed your businesses and eliminated your job just for himself and his own parties political gain.


George Lucas on a Bench

Well-Known Member
These comments would be funny if they weren't so absurd.

I know you and all the other Shut It Downers are upset about the potential end of the Regional Stay At Home Order, AKA The Regional Shop at Target Order. You'd better make a Target run while you still can and pick up some bath towels and some of those little travel size hygiene knickknacks before it's too late.


Well-Known Member
I know you and all the other Shut It Downers are upset about the potential end of the Regional Stay At Home Order, AKA The Regional Shop at Target Order. You'd better make a Target run while you still can and pick up some bath towels and some of those little travel size hygiene knickknacks before it's too late.

In all honesty, I used to respect your opinion and think of you as a pretty reasonable person. I don't know if the coronavirus has had a particularly hard impact on you or your livelihood, or if I had just previously misjudged your character, but it's been sad to see.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
In all honesty, I used to respect your opinion and think of you as a pretty reasonable person. I don't know if the coronavirus has had a particularly hard impact on you or your livelihood, or if I had just previously misjudged your character, but it's been sad to see.
It’s the political side of folks coming out that’s making people look differently. This is a Disney Parks discussion board and we all agree that Disney parka are great (for the most part) and bonded. However, once the political discussions started, we saw other sides of people that doesn’t align with the character we got to know simply as a Disney fan.


Well-Known Member
It’s the political side of folks coming out that’s making people look differently. This is a Disney Parks discussion board and we all agree that Disney parka are great (for the most part) and bonded. However, once the political discussions started, we saw other sides of people that doesn’t align with the character we got to know simply as a Disney fan.

Being able to talk about more than the parks has also given lots of opportunity for my faith in humanity to be restored as well. It would have been nice to do that over beers, in person, but it hasn't been all bad.

George Lucas on a Bench

Well-Known Member
I'm one of the most apolitical types you could encounter on here, in fact. All your childish mainstream media and politician fueled partisan BS has absolutely nothing to do with me and I'm sorry you're so butthurt. Alas, I'm not sure I even knew who you were before.


Well-Known Member
I'm one of the most apolitical types you could encounter on here, in fact. All your childish mainstream media and politician fueled partisan BS has absolutely nothing to do with me and I'm sorry you're so butthurt. Alas, I'm not sure I even knew who you were before.

Why not take time to get to know me before starting the name calling and the rest?

George Lucas on a Bench

Well-Known Member
The gag is no one is butthurt, except maybe the one who’s name-calling.

Yeah, sure. And I'm the Prime Minister of Algeria! And you were so convinced it's the "political side of people" coming out? Eh? How do you apply that to a nonpartisan person? I'm waiting for a response that's actually logical and reasonable, based in science and data, not clearly fueled by emotion and partisanship.

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