subliminal messages in disney movies

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Well-Known Member
Disney_Freak, if you see a bridge blow up in a movie on TV do you automatically percieve that as the truth?

Not everything your all knowing friend Confusious junior says is true!!!


Lol, Loucifr

But Amen to Now and Feivel. I don't think I could say it any better. If you try to hear it, or see it, of course you'll hear and see it.


Active Member
I've heard the rumors too. I never caught the one in TLK or Aladdin, but then again I didn't look much.


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Original Poster
all of you disney-obsessed people are so in you think i actually WANTED to hear that stupid stuff when i was 10 years old....hell no...what is it then..if it's not 'good teenagers take off your clothes' then what the hell is it :confused: :confused: don't have an answer...i didn't think so...i totally LOVE disney...just as much as all of i am not TRYING to find something's just there..i dont like it either....and it's not the fact that little kids don't see it or hear it...just the fact that IT'S THERE...i still watch disney...i still love it...i'm just saying....i never said any of you were stupid,but i honestly think that you like disney too much to believe it.. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Ummm, Ok, I think I need to say this...
If someone tells you something like theses supposed subliminal messages exist, and they have several times in the past, especially with music, you are going to get a certain amount of the general public who is actually gullible enough to believe it...Just because there is something that sounds like what they are saying...dose'nt make it so. Have you ever played the game "Telephone"?? Where one person says a phrase, and it gets passed on to other people, by whispering it in your ear?? By the time you get to the end, it is a completely different phrase! Thats what happens. It may SOUND like thats what it is, but it is completely wrong!
Also I have to say, that if a person is soooo obsessed with the fact hat Disney may have some evil subliminal messages, and takes the time to over analize things, I feel that they have entirely too much time on their hands, and need to get some kind of life...Our time on this planet is wayyy to short to spend on silly things such as these. Go do some volunteer work, maybe we all would be better for it in the long run:)


RunDisney Addict
I'm going to say this as nicely as I can.....

You're not listening to anyone here....this "subliminal messages" thing has been going on since long before you were born. Old records supposedly were the devils voice if you spun them backwards. Of course, it sounds weird , but it's what people make of it.

Disney is the first to admit that things have happened, but corrections have been made, and the complaining stopped. There is a huge screening process now to make sure nothing like this ever happens again.

GOOD Teenagers take off your clothes....well, that's what you hear...the script calls for a similar line, but it was said quickly, so one guy hears it by accident, and it starts to spread like wildfire...all of a sudden all the people who never thought twice about it can hear it too....only because they are looking for it.

I'm going to categorize your attitude within in the "I'm right and th world is wrong" are refusing to hear us explain the methods to why things like this only hear us saying "you're wrong", and then you tell us we're in denial.

This couldn't be farther from the truth. This board has a HUGE amount of knowledge on its side...we know people and have people inside of Disney and a lot of the inner departments of disney, so we've all been educated by these people as they've come and gone. It's not us that's in denial -- It's you that think you have found the hidden truth, only to have it turned around.

We'll be more than happy to discuss if these things actually exist, but for you to say "I'm right, you're wrong, and I refuse to hear any arguments." This is no way to start a discussion.

Just trying to attract more flies with honey than with vinegar.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Disney_Freak:eek:þ
all of you disney-obsessed people are so in you think i actually WANTED to hear that stupid stuff when i was 10 years old....hell no...what is it then..if it's not 'good teenagers take off your clothes' then what the hell is it :confused: :confused: don't have an answer...i didn't think so...i totally LOVE disney...just as much as all of i am not TRYING to find something's just there..i dont like it either....and it's not the fact that little kids don't see it or hear it...just the fact that IT'S THERE...i still watch disney...i still love it...i'm just saying....i never said any of you were stupid,but i honestly think that you like disney too much to believe it.. :rolleyes:

Yes I do have a answer... Here is the link.... OK .. The original line was...
"C'mon . . . good kitty. Take off and go,"
When you were 10 did you figure out that it "Said" that or did someone tell you?? Im guessing someone told you.. When you found out you ran your little but over to the tv and vcr and started looking for it..... Of course you heard it!! But the sad part is.. Since you have heard it thats what your going to belive for now on.. Plus with that "S E X " in the sky nope WRONG!!!! Thats waaaaaaaay false also.. Sad......

~ Justin...


New Member
I totally agree with NOWINC...thats pretty insulting to the animators who have spent long hours on these movies and personally I believe these "accusations" are false. Thats all:rolleyes:

O Now Inc...just wanted to ask you if you like being an animator because I'm one in training...hoping to be a Disney cast member one day.


Well-Known Member
ooooooooooo boy..where do I start...

DENIAL??? I guess that ALL my teachers and ALL my research on this EXACT topic were all fake. I guess that because you have too much crud in your ears and REFUSE to pay attention that YOU must be right. Im sorry...My old age has made me Dumb and forgetfull...not to mention my history with this subject must be so outdated and all the proof that I have to dispute everything you say has since been re-examined and prooven wrong.

Believe what you want Kid, You are going to have a really hard time in this world.

Tell you what...I will go line by line of every movie if youd like and tell you what the REAL line says instead of your "questionable" one...for example...your dense mind seems to keep hearing "All good teenagers take off their clothes"...but uh...sorry to break it to ya..its actually "C'mon . . . good kitty. Take off and go," ...dont believe me?? WATCH THE DAMN MOVIE AND LISTEN FOR YOURSELF... I did this twice today ALONE to make SURE I was right..and ya know what..both times..I WAS!

I never said ALL the myths were false..In fact I know from people who worked on the cartoons of a few VALID ones..but to think that EVERY myth is try is just proof of how gullable Humans can be...

Now..on to more plesant topics...

figmentbaby... i LOVE being an animator..although most of what I do is Computer based, I did a bit of traditional animation back in college..its a really rewarding career..the only downside is finding work..but if you are have no worries ;)


New Member
aww thank you so much! I really appreciate it. I just cant decide if i want to study architectural engineering as well for imagineering...but i have a ways to go for that. BUt i really do appreciate it and thank you again!

ps. if u have any more all ears


Well-Known Member
If you have aspirations to be an imagineer..then you are better off doing archtecture/CAD design. Animation is nice and all, but they really dont need it at WDI....


New Member
When I first heard about the Aladdin rumor a few years back, I decided to see for myself.

I had to turn the volume on my TV WAY up to even hear anything. And when I did hear something, I had trouble understanding what was said as it wasn't very clear.

Therefore, I think I can let my 4-yr-old watch Aladdin & feel pretty confident that he won't start stripping off his clothes because some "subliminal message" told him to.

He just watched The Lion King today. If he starts writing the word S-E-X over and over, I'll be sure to let you guys know. :rolleyes:


New Member
:lol: ...what a bunch of crap....subliminal messages...I don't believe it for an instant!:fork:


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New Member
Originally posted by Tramp
:lol: ...what a bunch of crap....subliminal messages...I don't believe it for an instant!:fork:

DO NOT READ TRAMP'S POST. It has a subliminal message in it. It says ALL DISNEY FANS ARE STUPID.



New Member
Originally posted by turkey leg boy

DO NOT READ TRAMP'S POST. It has a subliminal message in it. It says ALL DISNEY FANS ARE STUPID.


:sohappy: :sohappy:

Subliminal message, they aren't subliminal messages they are hidden pranks. IF some teenage girl got naked in aladdin, then it would have been a subliminal message.


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Mr. Toad

Active Member
Personally, I think all Disney movies since 1971 have had the same subliminal message in them: "Go to Disney World and give us your money". How else can you explain why we all go there so much and love the place but non-Disney fans do not?

I remember when I was a kid and had vinyl albums. I would play my Beatle records backwards to here the hidden messages like "Paul is dead". I could convince myself it was there but in reality they were saying something like "Ishsd aksf gruenhdbj" which I admit is very close to "Paul is dead".


New Member
i just listened to the aladdin clip and what can i say? it's bull! geez people! listen tot he clip! OBVIOUSLY(sp?) someone dubbed their voice over the long and normal takes and as for the slow version? even though i WANTED to hear "good teenagers take off your clothes" i KNEW what it said "good kitty take off and go". the similarites between the 2 phrases are close. Sub. Mes= 6 words, 8 syllables. actual phrase= 6 words, 7 syllables. so you can see the first is too long, by a syllable (any parody-song writer will tell you the importance of syllables! any song writer for that fact). as for the little mermaid "things"-the cover-i couldn't tell. someone must have been looking for something like that, maybe the guy who drew it. the erection the priest has-bull, can't tell and it doesn't look like it. as for the lion king- i can arrange eraser shavings on a piece of paper and have them say "i'll kill the president". come on people! GROW THE FUDGE UP!!! everyone who BELIEVES in those UL are like the film critic for the charlotte observer-they're morons! i'm done now.:D


RunDisney Addict replies by "Ms. Denial"......'re the only one who is's the rest of the world that's wrong.....:lol:


New Member
Original Poster
oh geez...screw all of you...maybe because someone told you that it was 'good kitty.take off and go' THAT'S why you believe it...hmmmm....practice what you preach...don't accuse me of doing it,because you are doing the same thing...and because you didn't get a reply from 'ms. denial' is because I actually have a life and don't spend 24/7 on this should try to get out would help a lot :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Maybe I would have listened to you,if you didn't treat me like i was stupid and blaming disney from the beginning...:rolleyes: if it bothers you so much,STOP REPLYING TO THIS STUPID POST...GROW UP :rolleyes:
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