Stuck on Rides


Well-Known Member
While I've never had to walk off any rides, I don't know that there's a ride in the parks I haven't been stuck on for awhile.

HM - multiple times stopped during the backwards drop towards the graveyard. (One time they paused the sound effects and everything. Just had the "ghost host" mention that the spirits were being bad and causing trouble.)

TTA - Random stoppage multiple times in multiple locations. Once in one of the tunnels - really hot in there.

Spaceship Earth - multiple stoppage on the backwards decent at the end of the ride (really uncomfortable!)

POTC - stop at the jail scene (boat backup and malfuntion in the empty boat return)

Pooh - stop at the end right before you exit

COP - the whole ride stopped and we didn't rotate. We had to sit through I think it was the 20's twice. They announced that the theater didn't properly rotate and that we'd make the next one, so sorry, we had to watch it again. When we did rotate the next time, everyone applauded.

Test Track - stop right before the turn where the truck pops out at you. (they turned on the lights and started us up slowly that time)

I'm sure there's more but that's all I can think of off the top of my head. The more often you go, the better the odds are that at one point in time or another you'll get stopped somewhere!


Well-Known Member
I got stuck on Splash Mountain once when it was pouring down rain. It at the top of one of the mini hills outside in the middle of the ride. We had to get off right there since it started thunderstorming, but they gave us rider switch passes so we could get back on using the fast pass line.


This past New Years Eve, at the Magic Kingdom, I got stuck on the WDWRR behind the PotC building and right before the first tunnel. We were stopped by the RxR signal to let the Spectro Magic Parade go through into Frontierland- the whole parade. I was a little frightened on account of me being surrounded by lions, tigers, and tiki birds in the dark nighttime jungle. A half hour later, the parade finally passed and we continued on our journey (thank god!- I was so anxious to hear Pocahontas sing). It's a good thing they have those signals, or we woulda crahed right into that parade- wouldn't that be a story!


New Member
I have seen Test Track stopped many times...I think it might be the attraction that stops the most, and I always feel bad for the poor folks on that one particular embankment! Yesterday, however, we were backstage in the staging area getting ready for the 3:00 parade at MK when a woman and her child came wandering by. Apparently Splash was stopped so they decided to get off the ride and have a look around....:wave:
This want in WDW but in IOA. Once I was stuck on Spider Man right under the part where the guy blows fire at you so it was extremly hot. We were there for probaly aobut 15 mins. but when we went through the lines we went right to the front without an fastpast and in front of people with a fastpass


New Member
I've been stuck on Tomorrowland Transit Authority, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, and Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin. I didn't mind getting stuck on Buzz's because it allowed me to rack up my top score. :)


New Member
Twice in the same ride of Splash Mountain...i liked the explination that was announced: "Brer Fox and Brer Bear are causin' some trouble..."

Haunted Mansion--in front of the mirrors with the ghosts.

Once on Spaceship was was at the very top, my car was right in the center, i could see all the stars, and the pretty music--the perfect time for a nap! I used my little brother as a pillow and rested. There's a pic of me in my album doing just that.

In IoA, I got stuck twice on the same ride of the Jurassic Park River Adventure...I got really uncomfortable and started freaking out a little bit because of the lap bar. :D


New Member
I've been stuck a bazillion times. Usually on omnimovers like Haunted Mansion, Spaceship Earth, and Buzz when they stop the rides for wheelchair guests and such. But I've been stuck on Splash a bunch of times, Test Track, it's a small world, Pirates, Great Movie Ride, etc. etc... the last time I was on the Safari we were stuck for like 10 minutes for these birds to move, 30 minutes for this crazy ostrich to move, then we were stuck for like another 30 for a giraffe to move. The animals were so strange that day...


Active Member
Stuck at DL on Splash. On the initial ascent we stopped near the mid-top of ramp up. A CM came to get us and we had to walk down the stairs and wait for the next log.

Last visit to WDW. Stopped in the Seance (sp, sorry) Room. Really was hoping to get stuck in the graveyard or ballroom so I had time to really look around. Oh well, maybe next time!


New Member
kali river rapids

Well, let's see.....We got stuck on Kali River Rapids on the drop. They had to drain all of the water and evacuate us. They took us through the backway and we saw the construction of Everest. It was sorta cool.


New Member
I once got stuck on Space Mountain for about 20 minutes. Our car just started right around the bend just about to drop into the blue flahing tunnel when the ride stopped. They had to turn the lights on and everything, but we did not have to exit out car. A CM came to where our car was and talked and entertained us the entire duration of the wait. We asked him if he would be able to send us through the ride lights still on (we were not so lucky). Though after we did ride the ride we were able to go backwards through the chicken tunnel and ask to ride it again without waiting in line. Apparently the car previously before us had too much space behind the previous car (due to a crying kid who did not want to ride) so the ride automatically shut down. I have been stuck on Test Track, Pirates, Haunted Mansion, Spaceship Earth, Spalsh Mountain. Most of the time under a minute or two usually to help handicapped people board thier cars.


Active Member
Here goes:
SplM: Just the usual "Brer Bear and Brer Fox are causing some commotion, you will be moving shortly."
CoP: (This is very interesting.) We were going from the second scene into the third, and we hear a very loud, annoying sound. Then a CRASH. Some ceiling tiles were thrown into the back rows of seats. Apparently, the moving wall hit the ceiling :lookaroun. No one was injured, but we reported the situation at the end of the ride, it was closed for several hours afterwards.
HM: Just a brief stop in front of the ballroom scene.
WDWRR: Not anything too exciting, just thunder and lighting caused us to get off (we hadn't even left MSUSA station yet, lol).
Maelstrom: We were going up the first incline and it stopped. The usual spiel came on "Please stay in your boats. You will be mobing shortly." Nothing happened for a while, and finally the lights came on and the Norweign CMs came up and got us off.
That's all I can think of.


New Member
My family got stuck on ToT a few weeks ago on our trip. We were stuck on the part where the elevator moves forward into the shaft where you drop. The lights came on and we were stuck for probably ten minutes. It was kind of disappointing because we saw the ride with the lights on. The floors were clear and we could see pretty far around the tower. When we finally began moving, the lights stayed on. Needless to say, the ride wasn't as scary with the lights on. We did have some people on the ride who were freaking out though, I dont' think they will be riding anytime soon. We were offered another ride, so my dad and I went, my mom and sister didn't. We got to walk through the cm area and up the service elevator, where we got right on the next elevator. They were very accomadationg to us! It was a strange experience though. :)


New Member
We were at Disney last summer, and they stopped splash mountain, while we were in the open, pouring rain, thunder and lightning all around. They kept announcing "stay in your cars", and finally told us someone would be with us soon. We were stuck for 15 minutes, and the thunder and lightning kept getting closer and closer, until it was entirely too close for comfort. They finally came and got us off the boats, and we were able to go inside the mountain to get out. IMagine how terrified my children were! I wasn't really thrilled myself.

Does anyone know why they stop the ride, leaving us exposed for 15 minutes (I timed it), when the ride would be over for everyone, if they would let it go on? We were miserably drenched, and cut our stay at Disney short (we only went for one day).


New Member
marni1971 said:
Imagine what would have happened if the original 95mph concept had been carried through; the speed was dropped to 65mph since the higher speed required a bank of 60 odd degrees; the bank was lowered for the very reason of a ride stop, but so was the speed.

95? that sounds awsome. Too bad they couldn't work it out :cry:

Boo's Mom

New Member
testtracker said:
95? that sounds awsome. Too bad they couldn't work it out :cry:

It would be awesome if they could make it go 165 mph :D That is the speed of the Richard Petty Ride Along at Charlotte Motor Speedway (Lowes..). I know, I've done it twice :sohappy:


New Member
wdworbust said:
We were at Disney last summer, and they stopped splash mountain, while we were in the open, pouring rain, thunder and lightning all around. They kept announcing "stay in your cars", and finally told us someone would be with us soon. We were stuck for 15 minutes, and the thunder and lightning kept getting closer and closer, until it was entirely too close for comfort. They finally came and got us off the boats, and we were able to go inside the mountain to get out. IMagine how terrified my children were! I wasn't really thrilled myself.

Does anyone know why they stop the ride, leaving us exposed for 15 minutes (I timed it), when the ride would be over for everyone, if they would let it go on? We were miserably drenched, and cut our stay at Disney short (we only went for one day).
omg,that would be horrible.I am deathly afraid of lightning.:lookaroun


New Member

Just got back from Disney this past Sunday and I got "Plan B Evacuation" from Pirates. Didn't know what was wrong but our boat was the first boat to be evac, right before the burning city. A CM got into the water and a security guard helped us out of the boats. Got a good view of where they store the boats and remove them from service as well as backstage of Splash Mountain


New Member
I was stuck one time on the HM right next to the original bride, listing to her hearbeat for a while. It was spooky at first, since the original bride is a lot scarier then the one now, but i enjoyed it after a while.

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