Stroller Stolen Today at Hollywood Studios


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Original Poster
Hello, I am a long-time viewer and this is my first post ever to the site. I wish I was posting under better circumstances. My family and I visited HS today. I parked our stroller outside of Star Tours with several other strollers befor heading into to the attraction with my 6-year old son. When we came out I looked for the stroller in the exact location where I had parked it. When it wasn't there, I immediately looked for it at a nearby location. I found the exact stroller, however, this stroller was not ours. I found a CM who tried to help me find the stroller but neither of us could locate it. She was very nice and helpful, but ultimately could do nothing more than offer us an ice cream and instructions on how to file a report with guest relations. We waited in the Star Tours area for approximately a half hour in the hopes that it was a simple case of mistaken identity, but no one returned our stroller. Luckily, there were only a couple of light jackets in the stroller at the time, but we brought the stroller with us from home and we paid $250 for it. We still have a couple days left on our trip and this has put a damper on an otherwise great family vacation. The reason for the post is two-fold: I simply needed an outlet to vent and I wanted to know if anyone has had a similar experience with stroller theft or "mistaken identity"? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
That really really stinks! I am sorry that happened and hope the remainder of the trip is amazing! And I hope the stroller breaks on the people that got it.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
If you found one just like it, themn it is possible that it was a case of mistaken identity. The people who took it might have not noticed it for hours after the fact. Since you are still at WDW for a few more days I would call central lost and found everyday that you are there. If it was taken accidentally then the people who did it will probably want their stroller back as much as you want yours. If there stroller winds up at lost and found then they might just turn your stroller in as well.


Le Meh
Premium Member
If you found one just like it, themn it is possible that it was a case of mistaken identity. The people who took it might have not noticed it for hours after the fact. Since you are still at WDW for a few more days I would call central lost and found everyday that you are there. If it was taken accidentally then the people who did it will probably want their stroller back as much as you want yours. If there stroller winds up at lost and found then they might just turn your stroller in as well.

I agree. Given the facts presented its likely a case of mistaken identity.


New Member
This did happen to us on our last visit. We've been many times and this was the first time it had ever happened. We parked at Magic Kingdom to eat and it was gone when we returned. Several cast members tried to help us without any luck. The only thing of value in the stroller were my son's Mickey Ears (with his name on them). Our stroller wasn't an expensive one so that didn't bother us - but just the realization that this could happen at Disney World put a slight damper on our trip. It was our last night at the parks.

As always though, Disney took care of us. They brought us a park stroller to use for the rest of the night. We stopped by City Hall on the way out and they not only wrote us a voucher for a park stroller for the next morning but also for a new pair of Mickey Ears for my son (including having his named embroidered).

We called on our way home that afternoon and they did in fact find the stroller in the park later that night (no mickey ears). They shipped it to us and we received it within a week.

There's no telling why someone decided to take our stroller that night - or if it was an accident.


Well-Known Member
we're ap holders and go all the time, in fact i've been going since 1972 and we finally had ours taken for the first time (it was at epcot) in january this year. i made it through my kids growing up and almost got to the point where my granddaughter is old enough not to have one but i guess it was our turn. it was only a disney rental but it had our extra bag on it with things like my granddaughters jacket, a new shirt we'd just bought those sort of things. i carry the money/phone/kttkc etc...with me at all times but it's just a pain to carry a backpack on a ride so we gambled and lost that time. the jacket was the biggest expense, not the one we lost but replacing it in the park when it got cold...disney prices and all (sigh). the stroller was clearly marked with our name tag and some red and blue ribbon that was tied on it so it should have been noticed as not belonging to the person(s) who took it...not to mention the backpack with my granddaughters name on it should have been a dead giveaway that it wasn't theirs. i was parked with all the other strollers by test track. given the sheer number of people in the parks and lets face it bad people behave behave badly even on vacation so i'm actually surprised it doesn't happen even more often.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your stroller...and I have to guess it was a mistake. I would like others have said keep checking with lost and found to see if yours turns up. This is one reason why (when I was pusing a stroller) I woud tie something to my stroller handle. Like a balloon or hang a hat or something simple so if someone walks up to it thinking its theirs when they go to grab it they will see this and know its not theirs. Just a tip for others with a stroller from home...other folks in the parks are sure to have the exact same stroller. I hope you find your stroller!!!


Well-Known Member
I've done this very thing before. I walked out of Buzz Lightyear and grabbed our son's stroller. We were nearly over to Space Mountain before I realized that there was a bag that looked like a purse or something in the bottom. After taking a longer look at the stroller I realized it wasn't ours and rushed it back over to the stroller section. Thank God no one was out there looking for it. :eek: I found ours and off we went. Like the previous poster stated, it was likely an accident. Keep checking with lost and found.
We had this happen on the last night of our last trip. We parked it outside of Thunder Mountain, and we went on, it was closing time, and when the train came through the station, the CM's let us stay on two more times... Sooooo when we came out, it was superlate, the park was empty, and the stroller was gone. We never ever leave anything in it, so we didn't lose anything except the stroller, but still... we searched for about a half hour, all around frontier land, and all the way out of the park. I went through adventure land, and hubby went the other way, just in case. We found it at the front gates, bent and broken and unusable, so obviously some un-monitored teens or preteens had taken it for a joyride (gotta love parents that let their kids run free). I was really peeved, but oh well... as much as we go I'm surprised it hadn't happened already...


Well-Known Member
Almost happend to us to. We was in DAK a few years back, as we was walking out from getting soaked on Kali Rapids, I noticed some people getting ready to walk away with our stroller. I stopped them and said hey that's ours. Of course they looked at me like i was crazy. I said look at the name, well they laughed after that. I wasn't.......

Maybe we should start putting locks on the wheels like a bike chain....


Active Member
we're ap holders and go all the time, in fact i've been going since 1972 and we finally had ours taken for the first time (it was at epcot) in january this year. i made it through my kids growing up and almost got to the point where my granddaughter is old enough not to have one but i guess it was our turn. it was only a disney rental but it had our extra bag on it with things like my granddaughters jacket, a new shirt we'd just bought those sort of things. i carry the money/phone/kttkc etc...with me at all times but it's just a pain to carry a backpack on a ride so we gambled and lost that time. the jacket was the biggest expense, not the one we lost but replacing it in the park when it got cold...disney prices and all (sigh). the stroller was clearly marked with our name tag and some red and blue ribbon that was tied on it so it should have been noticed as not belonging to the person(s) who took it...not to mention the backpack with my granddaughters name on it should have been a dead giveaway that it wasn't theirs. i was parked with all the other strollers by test track. given the sheer number of people in the parks and lets face it bad people behave behave badly even on vacation so i'm actually surprised it doesn't happen even more often.

Sounds a lot like us! I rented a stroller at Epcot in Jan this year since dd is mostly past that stage but was tired and it helps gets around the World Showcase more enjoyably. We parked in stroller parking outside the Land building and when we returned about a half hour later it was gone along with our belongings (nothing extremely valuable...but stuff we wanted!).


Well-Known Member
Take a small cheap bike cable lock. The smallest you can find. You can even buy something specifically for this called a Buggyguard. Run this through one wheel and then the theives won't get far without looking stupid for fighting a stroller that doesn't roll correctly. DO NOT attach stroller to anything or the CMs cannot relocate the stroller. ;)



Well-Known Member
Take a small cheap bike cable lock. The smallest you can find. You can even buy something specifically for this called a Buggyguard. Run this through one wheel and then the theives won't get far without looking stupid for fighting a stroller that doesn't roll correctly. DO NOT attach stroller to anything or the CMs cannot relocate the stroller. ;)


This is a good idea. Might get annoying after a while, but it's better than a stolen stroller.


Well-Known Member
This is a good idea. Might get annoying after a while, but it's better than a stolen stroller.

If you keep it attached to the stroller and only release the cable from the lock so you just have to slip a smal peice through then it ought to go pretty fast. I agree though that taking it on and off over and over again would get a bit much. But secure it down by the wheel and just open, move the cable end, and secure and you're done. :)


Well-Known Member
^That Buggyguard is interesting.
When my kids were/are 4 or older, I'd just use an umbrella stroller and NEVER leave anything important in them. For one, they are less clunky and able to fold quickly and nicely. And two, they can be replaced for $25.
For smaller kids, you obviously want a nicer, more comfortable stroller to cater to your toddler.
In this case, I'd be sure to have some sort of identifier on the stroller to make it easy to locate and to identify it as your own: on the handle put colorful/neon bandana, luggage tag, duct tape, etc.


Well-Known Member
all strollers look like some one elses in the park, this is going to happen as people are having fun and not paying attention. The best thing to do is make your stroller look very different than it did in the store (like you do with your suitcase). Tie streamers to the handles, paint the handles. Do something to your stoller so that anyone who attempts to push it off will instantly see that it's not theirs. Have your kids put stickers all over it.


Well-Known Member
I have seen strollers in the parks done up elaborately with tons of wrapped around ribbons and balloons and lots of decorations. I always thought it was silly. I guess in reality it was pretty clever. First off, no honest person is going to get theirs mixed up with yours. Secondly, a thief isn't going to want to go through the trouble if drawing attention to themselves by undecorating yours when they can just walk away with the nondescript stroller just inches away.

So sorry this happened to you. Don't let it spoil your trip. I realize it was expensive but it can be replaced. Memories of your vacation time with your family can't be replaced. Have fun and make good memories.
all strollers look like some one elses in the park, this is going to happen as people are having fun and not paying attention. The best thing to do is make your stroller look very different than it did in the store (like you do with your suitcase). Tie streamers to the handles, paint the handles. Do something to your stoller so that anyone who attempts to push it off will instantly see that it's not theirs. Have your kids put stickers all over it.

We do this. DS has Disney stickers on his the front of the stroller. Not only does it help make things stand out but it also keeps him entertained when we are walking around the park. We also have a this belongs to label on the back of our stroller with one of our cell phone numbers in case it gets lost.

We also have a bike lock but we don't use it most of the time.

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