Stroller Stolen Today at Hollywood Studios


Active Member
We had a case of mistaken stroller a couple years ago at The Land. Luckily we had nothing of value in ours and there was an identical one left that looked exactly like ours. We waited around for quite a while to see if whoever took ours would realize their mistake, but no one came. We finally decided to take the one that was left (we did leave the only item that was left in the stroller - a ball cap - on the planter next to stroller parking) and quickly went to Mousegears to grab a luggage tag to put on the stroller. My wife was worried someone had stolen ours, and we in turn had stolen someone elses...but I assured her it was simply a stroller swap :shrug:


Active Member
When I was at EPCOT, certain spots had a sea of strollers and no one watching them. It would be very easy to take anything you wanted and no one would blink an eye. There needs to be some sort of stroller wheel lock or alarm.

Total bummer that someone took your stroller. Did you have name/address on it at all. Maybe they thought it was free, people are crazy.


Well-Known Member
This worries me when we go in May. Will for sure decorate my Maclaren umbrella stroller to the hilt and leave my more expensive BOB stroller at home.
We came out of Mickey's Philharmagic once and went to get our stroller. We had marked it with red tape and a red bandana, so we could always see it easily and families wouldn't mistake it for theirs. Well one family did, and we saw them rolling off with it right when we got there. It was really close to happening to us the same way it happened to you.


Well-Known Member
Your best bet is to get a stroller with quick-release wheels and take the wheels into the attractions with you. :lookaroun

Or, get one that has squeaky wheels, that nobody would want. :ROFLOL:
We had one that started doing this years ago, it was quite annoying, but made it quite distinguishable when pushing. We never took it to Disney, but if we had I might have found another one like it and traded. (J/K).

Another option, that many people do is to buy a cheap umbrella stroller that you don't care about. In fact, I've heard that so many people who fly to Orlando do this, and simply leave them behind after their trip. Thousands of these are given to charity by Disney and other parks every year.


Well-Known Member
Just being funny here, but to bad you can't keep a backpack stroller with you on the rides or make the Cast Member stand there and hold it until you get off the ride.....


We need time for things to happen.
I can't believe this is even a real problem.
I'm not naive, but people stealing strollers with little to nothing of value in them? :shrug:

My best guess is that 90 percent of the time it's mistaken identity but a few posters have said they never saw their strollers again...


Well-Known Member
The thread title is a bit misleading. If there was a mistake of fact (such as mistaken identity), then the stroller was not "stolen" because no theft could have taken place; at least in Florida. In layman's terms, there was no criminal intent, which is a required for the crime of theft.

I'm guessing that thieves would be more inclined to take items from the stroller (camera equipment, purses and bags, etc) rather than the stroller as a whole.


I keep checking back on this post to see if someone returned it. Please let us know if it's returned. I hope it was a case of mistaken idenity. I know it's upsetting. I hope it didn't ruin the rest of your trip!

Uncle Lupe

Well-Known Member
The thread title is a bit misleading. If there was a mistake of fact (such as mistaken identity), then the stroller was not "stolen" because no theft could have taken place; at least in Florida. In layman's terms, there was no criminal intent, which is a required for the crime of theft.

I'm guessing that thieves would be more inclined to take items from the stroller (camera equipment, purses and bags, etc) rather than the stroller as a whole.

Some of these strollers can be very expensive. Why steal the stereo when you it's so easy to take the entire car? :drevil: Would not surprise me if strollers are stolen sold at flea markets, yard sales, EBAY.

Maybe the NextGen system could include a RFID wheel lock.


Well-Known Member
We use a vary small bike lock when we go. It is kind of a pain, but it keeps my stroller safe. Also, I wrote my last name in some hidden spots in the stroller incase we saw it later in the parks and had to show a CM that is was in fact ours if a situation arose.


Well-Known Member
For everyone suggesting chain locks remember not to connect it to any railing or tree at Disney. If it is connected in a wrong area or in an area deemed unsafe and you are not right there to unlock it they will cut the lock and move it. If you just lock the wheel then they will just pick it up and move it where it needs to go.

I remember there being some chatter either here or on another board about a local stealing strollers and then reselling them to the stroller rental companies and on craigslist. The person said they were suspicious of the individual when they kept saying they had several other models of strollers which a typical family selling an old stroller would have two or three ones at most to get rid.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Do like we use to do at the parks....make the children walk.

Look at the pictures of the parks back in the 70's and 80' can count the strollers you see on one hand.
(And the children were skinnier also:lookaroun)


Many years ago, we came back for ours and found the same one , but older and more worn out. We were in Fantasyland, so we just checked other stroller parking areas at other rides, and found it. We just switched it out and went on with our day. I am sure it was just someone not paying attention grabbing the wrong one. Hopefully you will get yours back.


New Member
Original Poster
Thank you for all of your suggestions and/or shared experiences

I am happy to report that our stroller was eventually turned in to Lost and Found. We picked it up earlier this evening. We are still out two sweatshirts/hoodies and really don't know what happened to them, but we did get back the most valuable item. All in all, we were inconvenienced for a day and a little annoyed by the circumstances this put us in, but we had a great vacation full of wonderful memories that two "lost" hoodies could never take away. Thanks for the great tips and words of encouragement. I knew there was a reason why I have been following and reading posts on this website for years (without making a single post myself until now); in a way you have all restored my faith in human kind. Good night.:)


New Member
Original Poster
One detail missed in original post

In re-reading my original post I realized that I left out one important detail. I mentioned that I was able to locate a stroller that looked exactly like ours in every way in a spot very close to where I parked our stroller. This stroller was, in fact, exactly like ours (model, colors, etc.). However, this stroller a family's last name written in 3 inch tall permanent black marker on the inside seat wall. The owner of this stroller clearly wanted others to know that this was their stroller not to be mistaken with another. There was also a disney gift bag in the rear compartment. Since it wasn't our stroller, we only inspected the stroller visually and did not touch it. I have no idea what the contents or value of the contents in the bag was. If this was indeed a case of mistaken identity (which I still believe was the likely cause), I have no idea why someone would return the stroller to Lost and Found without our sweatshirts/hoodies. Oh well, I guess this will always be an unsolved mystery to us :shrug:

King Capybara 77

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Premium Member
Glad to hear you got your stroller back:sohappy:

On a side note it always amazes me that so many people leave so much stuff on their strollers and are surprised when something goes "missing" . WDW is a large place and no matter how magical there are always going to be some "villainous" types around..

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