Stroller for a 4 year old?


New Member
We're going to Disney World in September. My son will be 4 1/2. He's right around 40 lbs and 40 inches now and doesn't really fit well in our stroller anymore so we haven't used it in quite a while. I'm wondering if:

A) strollers that are for rent at the parks would accomidate a child this size?

b) If so, have any of you used one for a child of his age/size? Is it worth it?

I'm sure he wouldn't want to ride in it but later in the day may be really tired and crabby. I'm also worred about him staying with us. I HATE the idea of the "leashes" I see folks use for their kids (he's not a dog). I don't want to spend the money on one and then just use it to cart around our bags and things instead of our son.

What do you all recomend?


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
I would get one. We had a double for our 5 yr old and 2 1/2 yr old, and they are invaluable... if you can keep them in there. ;)

So, A) Yes, your son will fit, and B) Yes, yes.
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Well-Known Member
He probably won't want to ride in it at first, but once he tires out he'll appreciate having it. We always found that at the end of the day, just having a place for the kids to rest for a moment did wonders for their mood. You'll also appreciate having something to carry your "stuff" in too.
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Well-Known Member
HauntedPirate said:
Ah yes, my only caveat for getting a rental stroller - carrying a sleeping 4 year old out of the parks at the end of the day. ;)
I had this experience when we took a friend's kids from the Beach Club over to MGM. The kids were 2,4, and 7 then, and my then 16-year old daughter and I took them to go see the muppets and the Little Mermaid as a special treat while their Dad and my DH went over to Epcot. They were fine at the parks, but all 3 were falling asleep on the boat coming back, and we were faced with the prospect of carrying all 3 back to their rooms. With a little quick thinking, we showed the 2 older ones the Disney Dollars we got for returning the strollers, and promised that whoever was still awake when we got back to the hotel could keep one. It worked like a charm, and all we had to carry back was one sleeping 2-year-old.
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Well-Known Member
our daughter who is going to be 6 when we go down in sept will be using a stroller..she is 40 pounds and 41 inches( she's on the small side ) but we are definatly bringing the strollers. or renting one....please if I would'nt look too odd I'd hop in one at certain times of the day to take a break...I mean you do see some kids who looklike their falling out of the stroller..but yes either rent one or bring an umbrella stroller...(also great for the airport)
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HauntedPirate said:
I would get one. We had a double for our 5 yr old and 2 1/2 yr old, and they are invaluable... if you can keep them in there. ;)

So, A) Yes, your son will fit, and B) Yes, yes.

I second this. We went in Jan. and did not want to lose anytime with the short hours. Our 4 year old did wonderful going all day. This was just the break he needed, and I did too, from any carrying so we did not have to go back to the room in the middle of the day.
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New Member
Now don’t take this the wrong way, I’m not attacking anyone and I feel “to each his own” … but … I have to ask this, if for no other reason than to see if I’m the only one who feels this way.

When my son was 4 I told his mother that when we went to Disney World the stroller stayed home. I felt that he was old enough to walk on his own at that age and if he became tired we would go back to our room. I felt that the trip was about him not us, and if he was too tired to be in the parks then our day would be through. I didn’t see the point in “dragging” him around with us so we could “get the most” out of our tickets. Also I waited until he was old enough to appreciate the parks before I brought him.

Am I the only one who feels this way?
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New Member
you have two options:

Start taking your four year old for 10 mile hikes before your trip


Rent the double stroller, planty of room for the child and any packages and backpacks.

I pick the stroller
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Well-Known Member
Rented a double stroller for my six and three year old nieces. It was invaluable. The 3yo slept in it half the day. But they fit comfortably in it together, and they're average-sized. I might suggest a double stroller for the one kid, too, since then he or she will have room to curl up.

Have fun! Four should be a terrific age!
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New Member
MartyMouse said:
Now don’t take this the wrong way, I’m not attacking anyone and I feel “to each his own” … but … I have to ask this, if for no other reason than to see if I’m the only one who feels this way.

When my son was 4 I told his mother that when we went to Disney World the stroller stayed home. I felt that he was old enough to walk on his own at that age and if he became tired we would go back to our room. I felt that the trip was about him not us, and if he was too tired to be in the parks then our day would be through. I didn’t see the point in “dragging” him around with us so we could “get the most” out of our tickets. Also I waited until he was old enough to appreciate the parks before I brought him.

Am I the only one who feels this way?

No, you are not... :sohappy:

I had the same discussion with my wife when my kids started getting "old enough" to walk. Sure, I get stuck carrying them for short periods, but when given the "let's go back to the hotel or ride Space Mountain one more time" decision, you can bet they'd both take one more ride.

Somehow they find the energy, and usually fall asleep on the buses... but they never quit on me!


And to the person who mentioned 10 mile hikes- My 8 year old son and I are hiking to the top of Half Dome in Yosemite- 8.5 Miles up (4800' elevation gain) to warm up for Disney in August!:p
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New Member
Original Poster
I would love to feel like my 4 year old will be old enough to walk along but between the heat, the excitement of the park and the walking distance I thing the stroller is looking like a good idea.
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New Member
We just got back 3 weeks ago and we have a 3 1/2 yr old that is 40 lbs and 40" tall and a 6 month old also. Of course we took our regular stroller for the baby, but instead of toting our umbrella stroller on the plane. (Just too much, along with diaper and camera bags) we just went over to Walmart and bought a new umbrella stroller. I think it was like $12-$15. That way we had it in case our 3 yr old became tired. And we do go back to the room mid day for a nap, but after a week, little guys still get tired at the parks. We just gave it to another family we met when we left who were happy to have it for their small child.
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Park nostalgist
Premium Member
One other thing to keep in mind - if you choose to head back to your room during the day, you can get another stroller if you return to a park later in the day. Just present your stroller coupon from earlier in the day, and provided they have strollers, you'll get another one.
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New Member
Marty Mouse!

MartyMouse said:
Now don’t take this the wrong way, I’m not attacking anyone and I feel “to each his own” … but … I have to ask this, if for no other reason than to see if I’m the only one who feels this way.

When my son was 4 I told his mother that when we went to Disney World the stroller stayed home. I felt that he was old enough to walk on his own at that age and if he became tired we would go back to our room. I felt that the trip was about him not us, and if he was too tired to be in the parks then our day would be through. I didn’t see the point in “dragging” him around with us so we could “get the most” out of our tickets. Also I waited until he was old enough to appreciate the parks before I brought him.

Am I the only one who feels this way?
Hi there,
I do agree with you to some extent. We have had the same discussions here. The solution we've come up with is that we never stay in a park the entire day. It's just crazy. We go back to our hotel around noon-1p & have lunch, take a swim & a nap & head to another park around 5ish. This seems to work the best. Everyone is rested & relaxed & able to enjoy themselves minus the screaming tired kids. I hate the thought of dragging our kids around. This year (we go in July again) they will be almost 8, almost 6 & 2&1/2. Last year our middle child was almost 5, she didn't use a stroller & she didn't use one the year before either. She walked & was fine with it since we took that nice break in the middle of the day. Just our solution... I don't blame you for not wanting the stroller & I agree about dragging them around, it's just not fair & for the $$ it costs, we all want to enjoy it. The kids can't if they are tired or their legs hurt & we can't if they are miserable! :p

Take care!!!
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MartyMouse said:
Now don’t take this the wrong way, I’m not attacking anyone and I feel “to each his own” … but … I have to ask this, if for no other reason than to see if I’m the only one who feels this way.

When my son was 4 I told his mother that when we went to Disney World the stroller stayed home. I felt that he was old enough to walk on his own at that age and if he became tired we would go back to our room. I felt that the trip was about him not us, and if he was too tired to be in the parks then our day would be through. I didn’t see the point in “dragging” him around with us so we could “get the most” out of our tickets. Also I waited until he was old enough to appreciate the parks before I brought him.

Am I the only one who feels this way?

I also do not want to offend anyone, but I have to agree.

My husband and I do not have children yet, but we have already decided that they will not be going to Disney until they are old enough to spend the day comfortably walking.

(On a side note: Strollers can be very painful for the innocent bystanders that get their heals ran over by them or almost trip over them when the person in front of them comes to an immediate stop out of nowhere. This seems to happen to us A LOT while at the world)
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Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
MartyMouse, I'm with ya...

My kids went for the first time at age 5. Strollers were not even offered as an option. Quite frankly, my kids would have been humiliated to be in a stroller, as they had been out of them for nearly 2 years by then.

If the kid was tired, it was time for a break. It's that simple.

When you travel with children, you have to make sacrifices. There will be times that you need to get out of the park to accommodate the kid's schedule, and you will just have to skip ____ (insert name of your favorite ride).

Even if they're in a stroller, tired cranky kids are not a pretty sight. They can still scream and pitch a major hissy fit even if they're sitting.

IF you choose to take young children, you will NOT get "your money's worth" out of your tickets. You cannot be a park commando with kids in tow.
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Active Member
When we took my nephew at 2 1/2, he walked the entire day no matter what park we were in because he was used to walking. We had a stroller, but it was more of a place to toss all our stuff and I think my SIL was ready to hop in it a few times, but he only went in it when we were sitting on the curb for a parade so he wouldn't get mowed over by the inconsiderate idiots that try to step over you or rather on you when crossing the street when they should go down to an empty spot or crosswalk.
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New Member
I know when I was a kid my grandmother would always brag about how when I first went to Disney World (1975 I was 3), I never complained and I walked the entire time and never asked to be carried. I know from my own experience that I can remember as far back as 4 and a half and I can’t remember ever seeing a stroller in my house much less ridding in one, so I don’t see why these 6 year olds would ever want to be caught dead in a stroller, I know I would have been embarrassed (again I’m not saying it’s wrong).

One thing I’ve noticed over the years is the amount of strollers used at the parks seems to be increasing a thousand fold. It’s only in the last few years that I have seen the major stroller back-ups around attractions in the parks.
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