No, I agree that they should make attractions that target every audience. No doubt, I 100% agree. I'm a staunch believer in "
Something for everyone, not
everything for everyone."
However, before spending millions on an attraction, I think they should take the target audience into account and budget accordingly. It's purely my opinion, and I don't expect everyone to agree, that if the little kids were happy with a traditional M&G...why spend so much to upgrade the experience with details and such that the target audience can't appreciate?
If the little ones are happy with the old way, I say (and anyone/everyone feel free to disagree) let them keep it the way it's been done since the M&G phenomenon first arrived. Spend the extra money in places where it will be better appreciated by a broader audience. This doesn't mean don't give the kids nothing, but don't give them more than the want/need/can appreciate.
But that's just me. I admit I don't relate to kids and their needs very well at all...