Understood, but budgeting is part of my job somewhat, and if company 'x' wants to pickle off money to another part of the company, they can make it happen. Matter of fact, companies cross pollinate monies all the time to beef up other projects or to other sub-custodied properties they may have stake in.
But, for arguments sake, let's just look at marketing crap being sold INSIDE the parks. Or, how bout the record number of attendance the parks keep doing? Or, the absurd amount of money made off of strict nostalgia attractions. Yes, maintenance upkeep costs to keep rides going through their ever-lengthening lifecycles are costly, but they are budgeted out years, nay, decades in advance to know what's going to break (barring some sort of major malfunction and/or death that may of occurred that caused modifications to be made).
Point is, the parks keep breaking the bank with profits. There's hiccups here and there, but I can't see how a damned magicband could turn a future e-ticket into a c-ticket. If so, Disney financial has to be ran by cowardly 'yes men' or people with a basic BS in economics from DeVry or something. Companies the size of Disney should be factoring in every possible negative scenario and do risk mitigation before deciding on a multi-million or billion dollar concept. I'm sure they do this, right?
I suppose Disney could go on 'the cheap' and create screen driven 3D rides that leave 50% of the people that ride them sick or with headaches, but I don't think anyone really wants that.
where's the money, Disney?