To be honest, I don't know every detail he helped out on. It's funny, whenever I bring it up he excitedly starts telling us EVERY DETAIL of his life at the time and how excited he was to see the plans. At this point he usually goes off on a tangent about all of the "separate" companies Disney used to buy up all of the land in the area. He then tells us about how farsighted Disney was to do that. Then he describes in detail all of the real estate companies he can remember....etc.....and when I finally get him back on topic I usually get few details of the actual construction work he did. He is the type that loves imagining and inventing and fitting out things he makes to be unique and amazing. He only will ever say he did general construction of the building, but working with him on my house and other projects I can see him possibly giving suggestions for design changes that really made the structure stand out. If so he would be too modest to say so. Either way, I love how the building turned out and love it's iconic look.