I agree that it is harmful keeping specifically children at home quarantined because they are not developing their immune systems which is so necessary. I agree that we are going to have to just accept the fact that we're going to have to get through this and things are going to get worse before they get better, it's unreasonable to lockdown indefinitely until a vaccine that isn't even guaranteed to be possible is created and administered to the general population. I agree that people who are not at risk should feel more comfortable with getting the virus and getting through an asymptomatic or mild case, the problem becomes people who aren't at risk who live with people who are at risk. We should definitely still make attempts to lower transmission to at risk people, obviously, but I do think we need to accept the fact that we're going to have to endure through the virus and get to a point of some semblance of herd immunity and it is wrong that anyone who disagrees with me and believes we should stay in our homes til 2021 will act like I'm calling for people to infect each other and die and I don't care that people will die. It makes me incredibly sad that we have to go through this, I wish there was a way to prevent anyone else from getting sick or dying from Coronavirus, but it is literally impossible. We have a flu vaccine and don't expect to have 0 cases, how the heck are we supposed to get to that point with a virus with no vaccine.
It's so beyond me that anyone can expect people to continue to remain locked down and to speak on their high horse on how easy it is to just stay home. I am 20 and I live at home while attending college and I don't really go out to any places because my parents grocery shop and I am able to do school and work online, and yet I don't sit and preach like I have some moral high ground. I see so many people on Instagram and Twitter talking about how evil people who are going out are and while I agree it has been essential to quarantine to flatten the curve, which we already accomplished, it is silly to keep preaching this and pretend we can viably live like this for an extended period of time. There are no simple answers to any aspect of this, and I agree we need to reopen while taking precautions, but anyone who preaches to either side and vilifies the other side is so annoying to me, especially when celebrities are able to continue making money while never leaving their beautiful homes full of food and not having any risk of not being able to provide from not being able to continue to work, they continue making their money and preach to stay home and demonize anyone who wants places to reopen so they can literally go back to work and afford to live.