Started Dieting For Trip


New Member
Oh, the hunger pains! Well, it's officially 50 days til my trip. And the diet has begun. It actually started Sunday. Now, how I lost 3 pounds in 3 days is beyond me, but LETS KEEP IT GOING. My goal is to get down at least 15 pounds, around 2 a week. This will give me a great buffer. I have started 4-5 nights a week hourly workouts, and am well on my way. I have found that training really helps the first day or two from being VERY painful, especially pushing a stroller. Does anybody else have goals before they go to pack it back on? I actually lost 15 pounds last year too, and only put 5 back on. But with DDP, ice cream just keeps on calling.

Hate to burst your bubble, but the first 5-7 pounds are water weight. Think about it. A pound of fat represents about 4000 calories. So unless your sweating like your in an oven and losing that much in one work out all your losing is water weight. However after you lose that, you will really have to work for every calorie, and pound you lose. Go for it though. Just eat well and work out daily and 15 pounds will fall off easily.


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Original Poster

I know right.. I was like... thats not the point...

BUT very good sugggestion!

Who cares! Gain 50 pounds at Disney! It's worth it!

:sohappy: Yay for trans fats!

It's kinda like people freaking out about the 1600 calorie deep fried twinkee. Sure it's 1600 calories, but one day at the fair a year won't kill anybody. Don't check the calorie counts on any resurants you go to -- 3-5K isn't impossible for a plate. Besides, I force myself to eat fruit and everything before I go. Actually, on DDP, I have Grapefruit every morning for breakfast. I only have it 2-3 times a year otherwise.


New Member
I too started a diet and exercise program. Not just for Disney but for myself as well. Disney (which is in 45 days) was just another reason to do it. Since I started (alomost 2 months ago) I have lost 5 punds of fat and gained 15 pounds of muscle, lost 1.5% body fat and lost 4 inches in my waist.

I do plan on gaining some weight back, but I still plan on trying to eat somewhat healthy. Besides Disney only comes once a year or so, why waste all of that great food.

Good luck on your Diet, I know it is hard, but it does pay off in the long run!


Well-Known Member
thanks, but, um, I'll be disreguarding your suggestion now. Call me a Disney Fatty -- BUFFET BUFFET BUFFET!

LOL ....Its so funny because this morning while I was working out I was thinking of starting a thread like this.....oh yes i've stared the pre disney diet and exercise thing....but I cheat on saturdays.....but yes no dietings at much good stuff..and buffets.....turkey cream bars.............pancakes..............and yes...the beverages!!!!!On yeah...muddy rivers at moonshine......good stuff..oh also banana stuffed french toast at boatwrights..god stuff...oh and cheese and fruit plate...oh yeah...could go on!!!


47 days to go - I started 3 weeks ago - lost 11 pounds so far. We've got free dining the first 5 days so we'll be taking advantage of that - then we're there for another 5 days so I figure I've got 5 days to wear it off - right? :lol:

I've been walking 2 miles every day too, trying to get in shape. I'm planning on enjoying myself - it's vacation and it's DISNEY!!!!!! Food and Wine Festival - yum!
Just started a couple days ago...I've been wearing winter clothes all summer, because:

A) They cover the excess poundage
B) Most of it's black, and it's slimming
C) Most of the summer stuff doesn't fit
D) Okay, I lied. NONE of the summer stuff fits.

I'm not doing this for Disney, but if I could plan a trip for next year, I'd get more pumped.

This past May I LOST weight at Disney, but since I had the worst time of my life on that whole vacation, it's no wonder. But even our trip two years ago, I stayed even. I guess all the walking (which I normally never do) evened out with my ice cream/table service/churro treats...:animwink:


Active Member
I hope I'm not hijacking this thread but I have a question now that we are on the topic of food. My wife and I are vegan (no meat or dairy) and I was wondering what sort of options there are at the parks. We have only been vegan for about nine months now so we have never noticed on the past trips. We have always avoided dairy so I know that can be accomplished at the park but the meat thing is sorta new. Any tips?

P.S. We are not the type who looks down on those who eats turkey legs, after all, that was us two years ago...:D


47 days and 10-15 pounds to go for me. In January, I actually lost a few pounds at WDW, and that was with the Dining Plan. All that walking sure paid off. Also I have practically cut out cokes and sweet tea. Mostly water now.
I told someone just today that I was trying to lose the weight before I go back in Sept., so I won't feel so guilty eating what I want when I'm there. Actually, I never feel guilty eating.


New Member
do drink lots of water, it fills you up more, and before you're trip, make sure you eat 1200-1500 calories a day and excerise plenty.. you'll lose about 3 pounds a week which is awesome!

at the parks though, i let myself go, its a vacation and i'll always lose it when i come back. if you dont wanna do that (cause you wont gain the whole 15 back, i always gain about 5 back haha) eat the salads and stuff they're yummy but when you want an ice cream sundae, go for it. dont deprieve yourself


New Member
I bought a pedometer for our last trip as I was curious to see how far we actually walk. Wow, was I suprised. We averaged about 7 miles a day. That should go a long way towards a few dole whips here and there.


New Member
What,,, me diet ? You got to be kidding !!

I've got 105 days until me next visit to WDW and I'm already getting ready for it.
I've started by going to a good buffet at least once a week and getting stuffed. I also enjoy dinner out a few other nights a week at an upscale restaurant.
It only makes sense, so that when I get to WDW and have all the offerings available on the DDP, the effect won't be a shock to my system. :)

I'll be in great shape for all that great food around the World !

Then after the holidays I can spend the next 6 months working it all off. Then begin training in mid year for the next trip at the end of the year by eating all I want before I go again.

Hey it works for me !!


New Member
I'm glad I'm not the only person who is doing this. Last year, every vacation photo was marred for me because all I noticed was my stomach. So that's my reason for dieting: To look good in vacation photos.

Lost 14 pounds so far. Have 16 more to lose with about 75 days left until my trip. We should all keep each other updated on our progress.


Well-Known Member
Best cheap meal at Disney. $3.75 for ham and cheese crossant.

My main goal for the diet is to pig out on vacation. I have gained 15 pounds there before, and don't mind doing that quite as much if I lose the weight before hand. Guilt free vacationing. Better than eating grilled chix the whole time.

I always say... there's no such thing as a diet on vacation. lol When I go to WDW, I just try to enjoy myself and eat what ever I want to. I don't usually drink soda's at home (water mostly), I usually eat pretty healthy at home. I try and cook healthy dishes most of the time, so when at WDW, I treat myself.
We have about 105 days until we leave and I've been taking the kids out each evening to walk. Right now, they are doing about mile each evening. We'll go up to 1.5 miles in a couple of weeks. I usually do at least 2 fast paced miles a morning myself, trying to get a few unwanted pounds off.


New Member
I hope I'm not hijacking this thread but I have a question now that we are on the topic of food. My wife and I are vegan (no meat or dairy) and I was wondering what sort of options there are at the parks. We have only been vegan for about nine months now so we have never noticed on the past trips. We have always avoided dairy so I know that can be accomplished at the park but the meat thing is sorta new. Any tips?

P.S. We are not the type who looks down on those who eats turkey legs, after all, that was us two years ago...:D

About 2 years ago I went wtih a Vegan and we were worried about what he would be able to eat. We found the standard stuff....salads and fruit. But on our 3rd day there he was sick of just the lettuce and fruit. So while we were at Cinderella's Royal Table, we asked the server about other options, and he brought the head chef out to talk to my friend. He asked him what he wanted and the chef made it happen. He told us that if you have a special diet then all you have to do is ask and they will get you what you want. So we did at each resataurant after that. It was great!!!


Active Member

Good luck with the diet.
We have a trip booked for mid-Jan. I will start my pre-trip diet in October.
At least, that's my plan for now:lol:


New Member
Well I just got back from running around a track for an hour... and wow I am beat.....but I must keep i can gorge on dole whips and cheeseburgers... lol:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Well I just got back from running around a track for an hour... and wow I am beat.....but I must keep i can gorge on dole whips and cheeseburgers... lol:sohappy:

That's the spirit! :sohappy: (At least that's what I keep telling myself as I push to do that extra mile or to turn down that yummy looking dessert). :lol:


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Original Poster
Week 1 update -

6 pounds GONE!

192 - 6 = 186

6 more weeks to go. I don't think the 6 pounds a week is something that I want to keep doing, but hey, I'm 1/3 there. Time for Ice Cream tonight! 42 pounds in 7 weeks isn't a good thing. 2-3 a week is more than enough. I have cut out all snacks, and even cutting back the sodas. I am now hooked on the flavor water. Aquifina FlavorSplash is my friend.

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