Star Wars: The Acolyte


Premium Member
Who knows.

We’ll find out tonight. As noted I’m more curious about next week’s episode. We’ll see then if it is another line where fans step off.

The Ewoks
The Sequels
The Last Jedi

I’m not one of those folks who are “you ruined my childhood!” What Disney Star Wars is to me? It’s simply making me apathetic.

After the first two episodes tonight I’ll likely watch the first episode of Obi Wan, who along with R2 is my favorite character. As I noted in the other thread I’ve see a few snippets and understand the lightsaber duel is very good so we’ll see.
Forgot the prequels, solo and jar jar in particular, boss 😎


Premium Member
Also, my guess on the hysteria- there are other interpretations of the force in both Canon and the EU. We'll probably be introduced to a people (witches) who see and use the force in a way different from that of the Jedi. Doesn't mean that they're way is the one and only way. If true, the only people who will be really upset are the same that kept yelling that Midichlorians were the force (they're not)
Don’t know how deep they’ll go into the witch thing?

Filoni already has used that one


Well-Known Member
While working under Milius during the production of 1941, Kennedy caught the attention of Steven Spielberg,[9] who stated in 2015:

She was horrible at taking notes... but what she did know how to do was interrupt somebody in midsentence. We'd be pitching ideas back and forth, and Kathy—who was supposed to be writing these ideas down—suddenly put her pencil down and would say something like, "And what if he didn't get the girl, but instead he got the dog?"[10]
In 2018, Kennedy's contract to remain president of Lucasfilm was extended another three years, through October 30, 2021.

So how can someone who produced the most loved feature films in history fail so completely on her own with television?


President of Animal Kingdom
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Original Poster
While working under Milius during the production of 1941, Kennedy caught the attention of Steven Spielberg,[9] who stated in 2015:

In 2018, Kennedy's contract to remain president of Lucasfilm was extended another three years, through October 30, 2021.

So how can someone who produced the most loved feature films in history fail so completely on her own with television?
I've enjoyed the SW streaming shows. So, I wouldn't call it a complete failure.

The streaming stats for the shows also tell the tale of mass appeal.

And their critical scores.

So.. in what way were the complete failures?


Well-Known Member
You're talking about Kathleen Kennedy, right?

Here's a long list of her roles as a backup dancer/chorus/spear character from which one can mine a million insults...

In order to do a proper retrospective of Kennedy's managerial career, I recommend taking her list of credits and separating them into "Involved Speilberg, Zemekis, Donner or Favreau" and "Didn't involve one of those four" ... then compare and contrast. When viewed this way, it's easy to understand why she has credit on some of the best films of the last 50 years ... and why her resume of projects she had full control of is turd city. She's a hanger-on who failed up the ladder. Now she is on her own and she sucks.


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Well-Known Member
She certainly was never a dancer

She started as George’s best friend’s secretary

Well, it was her most successful contribution to Lucasfilm ...



Premium Member
In order to do a proper retrospective of Kennedy's managerial career, I recommend taking her list of credits and separating them into "Involved Speilberg, Zemekis, Donner or Favreau" and "Didn't involve one of those four" ... then compare and contrast. When viewed this way, it's easy to understand why she has credit on some of the best films of the last 50 years ... and why her resume of projects she had full control of is turd city. She's a hanger-on who failed up the ladder. Now she is on her own and she sucks.

I don’t blame her for a lot of that

It’s an AWFUL ceo giving directives/approvals and some really awful directors…

Did they let JJ out of witness protection yet?
I hope not


Premium Member
So the hours draw thin…

How we feeling?

I just saw that “anyone a Star Wars fan prior to Disney will be done after episode 3” thing…

…so then no fans anymore? Active destruction/corporate malfeasance?

I hope not…but it totally scans


Premium Member
While working under Milius during the production of 1941, Kennedy caught the attention of Steven Spielberg,[9] who stated in 2015:

In 2018, Kennedy's contract to remain president of Lucasfilm was extended another three years, through October 30, 2021.

So how can someone who produced the most loved feature films in history fail so completely on her own with television?
My money is because an uncreative has been paid $4,000,000,000 for her to stroke his ego some more and it’s way out of his league having any involvement in the property at all…


Well-Known Member
My money is because an uncreative has been paid $4,000,000,000 for her to stroke his ego some more and it’s way out of his league having any involvement in the property at all…
Lucasfilm and Marvel are like having two money-printing machines ... and then taking them both and pointing the spout (where the fresh money comes out) directly into a furnace. And then wondering where the money is (and why it is so hot in the room).


Premium Member
He sucks too. He can write an excellent opening paragraph and then quits and let's someone finish it poorly. Every. Single. Time.
One of the positives here is he was exposed for being just another hack.

Mr “lifelong Star Wars fan”

A lifelong Star Wars fan never agrees to a reboot. Period.

Which means he was what I feared: a lifelong fan of his Idol Steven’s wallet

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