Well-Known Member
Hey Gang! - was reading previous posts.
The issue with RotR was wifi connectivity dropping. The ride cars communicate via wifi.
When the signal is lost for more than 300 milliseconds, as a rule of safety, the ride cars all shut down.
Prob. was they kept losing connectivity and no one could figure out why.
Just recently, they solved the problem (no idea what the solution was, though I suggested checking patch cables, lol)
Now things are working and they are heavy into "Test and Adjust"
I have been told by my contacts - around September for DL and December for WDW
Do you have any info on the "drop" I've heard from many people it's not a thrilling it is so do you know which one it is? Either way this is my most anticipated new ride for my upcoming trip happy it will be open when I'm there...I do wonder will this effect MMRR?