Pity the poor tourists who have to rely on WiFi.I was surprised at the number of packet drops (almost 6%) on the WiFi in the morning. Afternoon and evenings seem to be much better.
Your requests are likely still going as HTTPS over TCP, but if one of those packets gets dropped, the time it takes to re-transmit is probably significant with respect to which boarding group you get, if any.
Ping packets are 64 bytes long. At 6% loss per packet, there's a decent chance that a single long HTTP request has multiple failures. (I'd have to check the length of an API call.) Heck, we could probably calculate the odds that one guest's request has multiple failures during the re-try.
18 months. Though late is the wrong word. The opening was delayed until they were happy they could keep it running at a consistent level unlike Rise.Test Track opened nearly two years late.
They had a huge T&A period for TT too.