A question about selecting guests in your boarding party while joining a group...when you reach this page, are all friends and family managed under your MDE account selected by default (meaning anyone you would not want included you would need to manually de-select)... or are none selected be default and you need to add them manually, one at a time?
My older son and I are heading down to WDW next week, and my wife and younger son are staying home. My wife is managed under my account, but does not have any plans with us, since she isn’t on our room reservation and does not have any tickets linked in her name.
would it make any difference taking her off of my account to speed up joining a group during this portion of the process? Not sure if she would need to be de-selected from the boarding party or not since she has no plans with us on MDE.
thanks in advance for any clarification on how this all works.