I know this post is like a month old, but when I worked at a sushi restaurant for a year in an upper middle class area, I noticed 99% of parents had their kids on iPads. Literally every day I would see multiple children of multiple age ranges on iPads, not interacting with their families. They would be playing games or watching TV shows or YouTube with headphones and the parents wouldn't even attempt to interact with them unless they were trying to get their kid to eat their food because they wouldn't touch it cause they were so involved with their iPads. I can't imagine this is setting these children up for success later in life, people my age already have anxiety doing things like talking on the phone or in person, I can't believe that having someone this isolated from the world from this early on will make it easy for them to interact face to face with other people. Especially with all the messed up content on YouTube Kids that has come under fire (Elsagate, etc.) I would be really really nervous to leave children unattended with iPads. I think letting kids play games without in app purchases within reason is acceptable, but I would also want my potential kids to play with actual toys and go outside and communicate with people, even if it would just be me and my wife, and not ignore us for a screen.