This is only my opinion but I visited recently and have to say I love both and as I anticipated it is because they are so different, I still stand that SWGE is more interactive. I am a proud diehard HP fan, read and re-read all the books, watched the movies, dragged my family around iconic locations during a trip to London, cried upon entering Hogsmeade for the first time etc. for Star Wars, I am a casual fan, I watched all the movies 1-2 times and enjoy the stories enough to go watch the newest releases but that is about it.
Did SWGE make me cry like Hogsmeade did? No, but it did make my friend cry when we got to the Falcon. To me it didn't pull my heartstrings like Hogsmeade did in the "wow, I am "home"' feeling but I was filled with excitement and wonder walking around. I did get a little bit of that nostalgia feeling when I was inside the falcon, getting to see THE chess table and get in the cockpit. I rode it 3 times and have to say that it is sad that your experience depends on the CM, the first time I felt rushed, I barely stepped foot on the falcon and the CM was already calling my group to board, I did not get to explore. The second time, the CM told us to take our time looking around, but not too much, and to meet him when we were ready to ride. Also, being a pilot is way more exciting than the other positions and it will be sad when guests wait hours to ride/ can only go once and do not get the same experience since positions are not chosen (unless you switch with your group).
I would not compare SWGE to Hogsmeade, it felt much more like Diagon Alley, as in, there are less rides but the best part is walking around and being immersed. I was honestly completely immersed, more than I have ever been at a park, I stayed there for 7+ hours only in Galaxy's edge and I left wishing I had more time to take it all in. Plus, leaving the lad was such a shock to me because I had forgotten where I was, it felt weird to walk back to Grand Avenue and not be in Batuu.
I did not build the saber but still felt like I could "choose a side", so I do not know if I agree with the statement that guests have to pay to feel immersed. I was wearing regular clothes but with resistance colors and was approached by CMs to help them with a mission and Troopers stopped us to intimidate us, later in the day Rey even approached us and interacted. That is what was magical to me, the characters roam and interact, they are not in a meet and greet location just for photos. Do I wish the entertainment would have been kicked up a notch and not cut? Having some droids etc... yes. And I do not know how the characters will roam when the land is packed, that remains to be seen. It also remains to be seen if CMs will continue to be super into it, or if they are going above and beyond because it is novel and exciting.
Just saw the pics of the quick service Docking Bay at SWGE. Inside does not look like a place I would want to eat, kinda dark and like eating in a garage, but the outside is intriguing, though those counters to sit at are odd that there is no seating on each side. Instead there is some sort of tree in the middle? What happens if your food falls over there? Desserts look really good but man, 13.25 for "Gold Leader Lager" is really ridiculous.
I ate there and did not think it was dark at all, yes it is themed to a docking bay or a garage of sorts but its pretty well themed and comfortable, imo. I will say that the outside part looked nicer, there is a really cute patio but I wanted the AC. Everyone said their food was delicious and I am happy to have a good veggie meal at DHS (garden spread).
FOP in Pandora is possibly the best ride in Orlando, but once I ride it I would rather be walking around the Asian section of the park than stay in Pandora. Again I gotta see SWGE myself, but it puts itself behind off the bat by not having Mos Eisley Cantina, didnt we all dream of having a drink at the bar listening to an alien band rock out.
I just wanted to add that I feel the same way about Pandora, I do not roam around there a lot, but I did not want to leave Batuu. Also, yes it is not THE cantina but at Oga's Rex plays the iconic cantina song as part of his set and gives them a shoutout and I thought that was cool.
This is all my personal opinion, I am sure some will like it and some wont, but I was pleasantly surprised!
Edit to add: Adding to the immersion, supposedly the play app will store your data and based on the missions you choose withe the app you will either be classified as resistance, smuggler etc. the SWGE version of the play app was not yet available when I visited so idk how well it holds true.