Mark IV Fan
Active Member
Why do they have to accept anything Disney does? Because it’s Disney? If Disney is able to make good films and keep the SW universe going in a way that fans like then they’ll accept it. If they can’t, they won’t. It’s the height of arrogance to just say to the largest section of the fan base “It’s been 36 years. Get over it.”I’m not sure what Star Wars fans want exactly. They ripped George Lucas for the prequels, which is why he sold Star Wars to Disney. The OT is great and all, but it’s been 36 years since RotJ. It’s time to enjoy them for what they were but accept that Disney has taken the films in their own creative direction.
As for the battle sequence, I’m not sure why Luke/Vader had more emotion than Obi-Wan/Anakin. Vader may have been Luke’s father, but they had only met once before. Luke had no reason to feel connection to him. Obi-Wan had to “kill” the man who had been his best friend/protege/“brother” for 10+ years.
If they want the fan base to shell out $$$, then make choices fans approve of and not “Here’s what we want to do. Like it or leave it.”
And they rightly ripped Lucas for the prequels because they were, by most objective measures, total crap that Lucas forced down everyone’s throat. They rejoiced when Disney bought because they thought they’d be smarter and listen to the fans desires. And far it’s been a mixed bag at best and people like Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson have openly been jerks to the fans.
And no it’s not impossible to come up with a new product the fans of the OT will embrace. Star Trek has flipped that trick several times and even Star Wars did with the Clone Wars series. That’s what these people get paid the big bucks to do. Not throw whatever they want on screen and say “It’s great and if you don’t agree, screw you.”