Gonna piggy back on this a little bit, and make a prediction about Epic Universe. Your post is spot on about Harry Potter. People LOVE Harry Potter and Uni hit it out of the parks (pun intended) with both lands, hence their surge in theme park fandom. People getting to visit the actual places in the books (for me) and movies (for others) is a what people are falling over themselves to spend money on, even if they can't afford it. Harry Potter sells... just look at Lego's numbers in new Harry Potter toys last year. But people do not care about the Wizarding World. Fantastic Beast's Lego sets did not move the needle. If Epic Universe thinks people will come to a Wizarding World based on Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, then they are fooling themselves. Sure, some people will come, but not like people flock to what Harrry Potter brings. Harry Potter matters, but having a theme park land based on the Wizarding World will not move the needle unless it is built specifically around the Harry Potter franchise specifically.
Same goes for Star Wars. Disney had an opportunity with this land to hit it out of the park as well, and they went for Star Wars Universe rather than the characters and the lands within said universe that matter. Sure people will come to see Galexy's Edge like they do any new land at a Disney park. But it will not be the be all/end all that Disney was hoping for. The Star Wars universe is cool I'm sure, but the hoards are not going to flock to see this land (especially at the prices Disney charges) that they have no emotional attachment to. Any Wizarding World built around non-Harry Potter based movies/books will flop. Any Star Wars land built around non Skywalker characters will flop.