I agree, I still love Omni-movers and always will. They are what makes Disney so unique, they should never change that. Everything goes in circles, before long people will love them again and they will all remember how lazy we actually are and want to ride to our entertainment. They were what sold me on Disney to begin with and I still love them. The moving boarding, the turning cars to view scenes, all of it... just fascinating to me.
What it brings to mind to me was years ago shopping centers were just starting out. Everyone flocked to them, then along came Malls. Wow, you could do all your shopping and never go outdoors, it was, and still is a great idea. However, Malls are dying now because Big Box Stores are the in thing which is nothing more then shopping centers on steroids except that now you have to drive between them instead of just walk. Before long everyone is going to come to their senses and realize that BBS do not carry anymore variety then the old shopping centers used to, just more of the same items. So they'll be back and before long, Malls will be the place to go again. The same thing applies to Omni's. In the twisted words of Arnold..."They'll be back!"