The issue I see is if they were going to go the echo lake / parking lot route why are they ripping out Streets of America and LMA? Toystoryland would fit nicely behind the sound stages with a path back to streets of america where grottos and the Tram turnaround are currently and that footprint fits the acreage they have told us the land will be. This is what I'm trying to make sense of. There's about 20-30 acres of land that's going to be bulldozed (BLT, LMA, HISTK, SOA,Writer's Stop, premiere theater, cars meet & greet and studio catering company) without anything announced that's going on it.
Edit: Thought of something. If they are indeed going the parking lot route perhaps they are going to use the LMA area for cast services and cast parking. It would solve some logistical problems for the park and give cast a separate entrance & exit from the park which has been needed for a long long time. The only way this works however is if they build parking garages for guest parking as they need to increase capacity already without all of these new lands.