I disagree with just about everything
@mikejs78 has said in this thread, but I do agree with a couple of his points. I don't think the miserable performance of SWGE has anything to do with the land being based on the ST. In fact, I don't think the General Public even knows that it doesn't include the OT characters until they get there. So that isn't what is keeping people away. And I'll state now that while SWGE will get a bump when RotR opens, I don't think it will be the silver bullet everyone thinks.
I think the problem is caused by multiple factors.
1. Two MASSIVE price increases in the past 18 months. (I know a lot of folks that have let their APs expire because of the cost)
2. Predictions of crushing crowds deterring folks from visiting near the opening.
3. Franchise fatigue. (See below)
@mikejs78 says that their isn't franchise fatigue, but just from a personal standpoint, it is a major factor for me. I have seen every SW movie in the theater up too and including Rogue One. I just couldn't bring myself to care at all about seeing TLJ or Solo. I have completely lost interest. To be honest, I really only liked Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back. I kinda liked Return of the Jedi. I found the PT mildly interesting, but no where close to liking them. TFA was shallow and formulaic. And Rogue One finally beat that horse to death for me. I couldn't even sit through TLJ on Netflix.