I'm going to interrupt with some recent construction photos.
Taken yesterday morning (Sunday) by MintCrocodile, from the usual vantage points inside the park and from the 6th floor of the parking structure...
The latest Glamourama Shot
Boss-type guys in clean pickup trucks showing up on a Sunday morning with even a small crew of workers are a good indication this project is going full steam ahead. Deadlines to meet!
Basements and pits and framing and foundations, oh my!
Plus the work to re-route the Rivers of America and Disneyland Railroad north of Critter Country.
A gaggle of worker bees checking out the Fantasmic! stage in its final refurbishment phase on Sunday morning. The ducks still aren't impressed.
The old grist mill has been given a new paint job, now a rustic red.
The rest of Pirate's Lair on Tom Sawyer Island, rockwork and structures, is getting new paint and refurbishment too.
Peering through the construction wall next to the Big Thunder Mt. exit, there's a giant cement wall and structure there now.
A reminder that 8 months ago the view from this spot above looked like this...
All the rest of the latest construction photos can be found at Mint's blog...