News Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge - Historical Construction/Impressions


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty open to Disney making dramatic changes to Disneyland, but the thought of demolishing Space Mountain really troubles me. :cry: I could be soothed though if they replaced it with that bad@ss Tron Coaster from SDL.

Space Mountain is never going to get demolished. People would lose their minds. And the 60 second Tron coaster would not be a solid replacement. An addition maybe (as it was once planned to be before it got scrapped) but not a replacement. I'd be a lot more impressed with it if it had a few show scenes and wasn't over in the blink of an eye.

Rich T

Well-Known Member
I'm pretty open to Disney making dramatic changes to Disneyland, but the thought of demolishing Space Mountain really troubles me. :cry: I could be soothed though if they replaced it with that bad@ss Tron Coaster from SDL.
I think DL's current Space Mtn. (not counting the SW overlay) is one of the most perfect rides in the world. I'd hate to lose it. And I'm curious to hear first-hand reactions to the comfort (or lack of) of Tron's hunched-over seating, which is my only concern about that coaster.

Deleted member 107043

I think DL's current Space Mtn. (not counting the SW overlay) is one of the most perfect rides in the world.

I agree, although DLP's Space Mountain puts the DL attraction to shame, especially the original "From Earth to The Moon" version.


Well-Known Member
I thought the same about TOT. Sure it's not getting demolished, but it will not be recognizable after the apparent guardians overlay.

TOT doesn't have anywhere near the attachment that any of Disneyland's E tickets have. To generations of SoCal-ers, Mansion, Pirates, Space, Splash - these are sacred rites of passage. TOT is not in that echelon. There will be outcry, and has been already, but nothing like what would befall Disney if they removed any of DL's biggies.

Rich T

Well-Known Member
I thought the same about TOT. Sure it's not getting demolished, but it will not be recognizable after the apparent guardians overlay.
DCA's TOT is a young'un, only 12 years old. Space Mountain opened at DL in '77--the same year Star Wars hit theaters! Just saying SM's had much more time to develop a multi-generational following of fans. Also, DCA still isn't thought of as being in the same league as Disneyland. It's been in flux so much since its birth that it almost gives off a "World's Fair" vibe--in that just about anything could be changed, and (except for Cars Land and Screamin') not a lot of folks would be much opposed. Give the park another 20 years to really settle in.

Deleted member 107043

TOT doesn't have anywhere near the attachment that any of Disneyland's E tickets have. To generations of SoCal-ers, Mansion, Pirates, Space, Splash - these are sacred rites of passage.

One of the aspects that I find frustrating about Anaheim's Disneyland is this notion that everything is sacred because change will upset the locals, who are apparently as delicate as a box of eggs. Disneyland is supposed to be a source of joy and inspiration to the world, not the just the people of Orange County, California.

Give the park another 20 years to really settle in.

20 years? That long? Judging by people's reaction to the GoTG tower of Terror rumor, the removal of Soarin' Over California, and the Aladdin closure, I'd say that park is already there.

Curious Constance

Well-Known Member
I thought the same about TOT. Sure it's not getting demolished, but it will not be recognizable after the apparent guardians overlay.

I don't know if I'd go so far to say that TOT will be unrecognizable. It'll essentially, likely be the exact same ride just new theming. Kind of like taking regular Space Mtn and comparing it to the Star Wars overlay.


Well-Known Member
One of the aspects that I find frustrating about Anaheim's Disneyland is this notion that everything is sacred because change will upset the locals, who are apparently as delicate as a box of eggs. Disneyland is supposed to be a source of joy and inspiration to the world, not the just the people of Orange County, California.

I agree to an extent, but it's a natural byproduct of 60 years of unprecedented success. There has to be a balance for Disneyland of maintaining important elements of its history while progressing and reinventing itself. It's not a museum, but that also isn't justification for wholesale destruction of classic elements.

Rich T

Well-Known Member
One of the aspects that I find frustrating about Anaheim's Disneyland is this notion that everything is sacred because change will upset the locals, who are apparently as delicate as a box of eggs. Disneyland is supposed to be a source of joy and inspiration to the world, not the just the people of Orange County, California.

But the mentioned rides *are* a source of joy and inspiration to the world, not just TPoOCC. They are beloved by just about everyone who visits Disneyland. They're one of the main reasons folks fall in love with DL in the first place. Nothing lasts forever, but before you get rid of the classics among classics, make darn sure the replacement will be better.

Rich T

Well-Known Member
20 years? That long? Judging by people's reaction to the GoTG tower of Terror rumor, the removal of Soarin' Over California, and the Aladdin closure, I'd say that park is already there.
Imagine fans' reactions to the bulldozing of Grizzly Mountain in 20 years. :) It's all a matter of perspective, I guess. To me, it still feels like DCA is still finding its way and just opened a few summers ago. Excuse me... I have to go chase some dang little hooligans off my lawn...

Deleted member 107043

There has to be a balance for Disneyland of maintaining important elements of its history while progressing and reinventing itself.

True, however that balance should come organically as resources and company priorities change ebb and flow.

It's not a museum, but that also isn't justification for wholesale destruction of classic elements.

What I meant in my previous post is that Walt Disney and his designers established change as part of the fabric Disneyland. So to me declaring that a ride that has stood in the park for over 30 years cannot be replaced simply because generations of locals have an emotional attachment to it sounds completely misaligned with Walt's objectives for Disneyland as creative enterprise.

Old Mouseketeer

Well-Known Member
Who can say for certain? Look what's happening right now in Frontierland...

This raises one of the biggest sets of unanswered questions all having to do with Fantasyland Theater, the tunnel under the RR tracks right next to it, and the Expansion Pad just West of Toontown (one report has it designated Frozen show building on a blueprint).

My rebel spies report that the concrete RR tunnel on top of the vehicle/pedestrian underpass is now completely exposed. There's no indication whether it will remain or be demolished to accommodate the sharper curve needed to transition the new RR route into Toontown Station. If they reroute pedestrian and vehicle traffic in between the Millenium Falcon and Frozen show buildings, then they could completely demolish the existing underpass. This would permit a new tunnel under the RR tracks to access the alleged Frozen show building from the ride entrance where FLT is now, along with the Arrendale area. One hears that the Magical Map cast's contracts were extended through Feb. 2017 rather than a full year into May 2017 and that the show will NOT go back to seven days this summer. Among some people around the Theater it is believed that FLT will be demolished at some point, but the emphatic official word is that there is no plan to close Magical Map.

I infer from this that they may have committed to the Frozen plan and are putting the infrastructure in place during this massive construction effort. But that's just guesswork on my part. If reports of GotG ToT coming next year and possible Marvel expansion in DCA are correct, then I question whether anything would happen with Frozen until a year or two after SWL opens.

Note: No Bothans were harmed in acquiring this information.

Rich T

Well-Known Member
20 years? That long? Judging by people's reaction to the GoTG tower of Terror rumor, the removal of Soarin' Over California, and the Aladdin closure, I'd say that park is already there.

Reply #2. It's the Fun Wheel. And Sky School. And Jellyfish. And the whole rave party temp zone. It's because DCA still has much to fix before it even approaches its full potential. It's never been in a state of "Bingo!" like DL was before the Tomorrowland disaster. It'll get there, but it's never been in a state where anyone involved with its design could honestly step back and say, "Yeah! That's it! That's the park we wanted!" Give it ten years to be a fully rockin' place. Twenty to reach full"enthusiast" fan stage where goofballs are crying over the loss of a pancake breakfast.

Rich T

Well-Known Member
I doubt if the people of the world consider a ride on Space Mountain a "rite of passage".
For millions of Disneyland fans, from all over, that's exactly what Space Mtn. is. And by "Rite of Passage," we're of course talking in theme park terms. Riding your first serious roller coaster is an entertainment milestone, but it's not marriage. For most people.

Old Mouseketeer

Well-Known Member
For millions of Disneyland fans, from all over, that's exactly what Space Mtn. is. And by "Rite of Passage," we're of course talking in theme park terms. Riding your first serious roller coaster is an entertainment milestone, but it's not marriage. For most people.

What about the first time you get married ON a serious roller coaster--is that like a triple word score or something? LOL


Well-Known Member
One of the aspects that I find frustrating about Anaheim's Disneyland is this notion that everything is sacred because change will upset the locals, who are apparently as delicate as a box of eggs. Disneyland is supposed to be a source of joy and inspiration to the world, not the just the people of Orange County, California.
“‘Disneyland is not a museum’ is the one thing Walt got wrong.”--Locals

Deleted member 107043

For millions of Disneyland fans, from all over, that's exactly what Space Mtn. is. And by "Rite of Passage," we're of course talking in theme park terms..

Disneyland doesn't have the only Space Mountain in the world you know.

Deleted member 107043

This raises one of the biggest sets of unanswered questions all having to do with Fantasyland Theater, the tunnel under the RR tracks right next to it, and the Expansion Pad just West of Toontown (one report has it designated Frozen show building on a blueprint).

My rebel spies report that the concrete RR tunnel on top of the vehicle/pedestrian underpass is now completely exposed. There's no indication whether it will remain or be demolished to accommodate the sharper curve needed to transition the new RR route into Toontown Station. If they reroute pedestrian and vehicle traffic in between the Millenium Falcon and Frozen show buildings, then they could completely demolish the existing underpass. This would permit a new tunnel under the RR tracks to access the alleged Frozen show building from the ride entrance where FLT is now, along with the Arrendale area. One hears that the Magical Map cast's contracts were extended through Feb. 2017 rather than a full year into May 2017 and that the show will NOT go back to seven days this summer. Among some people around the Theater it is believed that FLT will be demolished at some point, but the emphatic official word is that there is no plan to close Magical Map.

I infer from this that they may have committed to the Frozen plan and are putting the infrastructure in place during this massive construction effort. But that's just guesswork on my part. If reports of GotG ToT coming next year and possible Marvel expansion in DCA are correct, then I question whether anything would happen with Frozen until a year or two after SWL opens.

Note: No Bothans were harmed in acquiring this information.


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