Disney Irish
Premium Member
He reads the internet and regurgitates the rumors. In fact he's probably going to see this very comment. So I wouldn't post here saying that "calling his viewers 'Walt-ineers' is terribly cringe-worthy," because he might see that. Instead I would think of some compliments, such as, "the production quality is good," or "his accent is captivating."
I just think of it as a condensed version of here. Not every Disney fan (or anyone that wants to keep up with Disney news and rumors) has time to sit on a fan board like this and read page after page for hours. And in all fairness we do tend to blather on and on over things like whether the DL or WDW version is going to be bigger or which has more entrances. Things like that tend to be boring to those that just want the straight info. And Youtubers like him do that.