News Star Wars Galaxy's Edge Disneyland opening reports/reviews

Ismael Flores

Well-Known Member
I think it is HUGE that these two Disney loving sites really are critical.

Having the fire buttons on the side is just dumb. You should have a panel in front of you with buttons layer out so you can see them peripherally, and push buttons without taking your eyes off the screen, like, you now, video games have done since Space Invaders came out.

Plus, even the staged video shows the pilots moving the yolks from one extreme to the other. That is sure to be awful piloting. Perhaps more resistance on the yolks so you realize you are moving it a lot

you would think the seats would swivel to allow for better movement.


Active Member
Lol. This is just silly. I understand that taking data and making an educated guess is difficult for some people. But what about when we have critical reviews from Disney loving sites from people who HAVE been on the Falcon confirm some of those negative opinions? Is that a coincidence?

I wish they knocked it out of the park. I really do. I just think they missed. They banked too much on peoples love for the Falcon/ Star Wars lore and very weak interactivity outside of the pilot positions instead of focusing on making it a great attraction first and bonafide hit across the board.

Yet I can quite easily point to plenty of reviews that say the ride is very good.

At this point though I don’t understand why you or anyone are trying to make a case for what it’s like unless you’ve actually been on it.

I’m not about wanting to argue around it. There’s too much of that going on in fandom these days. I’ll happily debate its merits and flaws once I’ve actually been on it.

‘They should have done this and should have done that’ without actually having experienced what it is - I don’t understand that personally. I’m sure I’m not the only one.

Rich T

Well-Known Member
At this point though I don’t understand why you or anyone are trying to make a case for what it’s like unless you’ve actually been on it....
‘They should have done this and should have done that’ without actually having experienced what it is - I don’t understand that personally. I’m sure I’m not the only one.
It's a theme park forum full of Disney and/or Star Wars geeks. It's what we do. :D


Premium Member
So stop complaining and tell us why you think it will great based on the videos, reviews and info we have. What have you contributed to this thread? Its interesting to me that the folks who have an issue with some negative opinions around here don't seem to be posting anything to tell us why the Falcon ride is or why they think it will be great.
The point of this thread is for people who have actually experienced the land to give reviews, report back what they saw and answer some questions from the rest of us who haven’t seen it. There are plenty of threads on SW Land where people can argue the merits of the franchise, spew hatred (or love) for SW or talk about how the land should have had different rides. The point of this thread isn’t for everyone to say why they think the ride or land will be great or terrible based on videos they have seen or personal bias. Criticism from those who experienced the land is as equally acceptable as praise.


Premium Member
What I'm waiting for...what I'm sure MANY of us are waiting for... Is footgage of SWGE when it's in full public invasion mode on a typical, crowded DL day. :D
We need to wait until the end of June when the reservations end. Does anyone know if they are planning on doing another reservation system when RotR opens? I saw it mentioned that they were going to do a virtual ride queue at DL where you check in and then get a text when it’s time to return. Not sure if that happens at WDW too. They did say EMHs starting at 6am for hotel guests but even then it won’t be as pleasantly empty as the videos we have seen.


Premium Member
What I'm waiting for...what I'm sure MANY of us are waiting for... Is footgage of SWGE when it's in full public invasion mode on a typical, crowded DL day. :D

The last day of my upcoming visit is 6/24 which will be the first day of operations without reservations. I've got a reservations slot for Friday evening so I'll have already seen it once at that point. I too will be fascinated to see how it all plays out with the virtual queue mechanism in place. It feels like virtual queue will be a good way to manage crowds at DHS if they are excessive when that comes on line later in the summer.

I think the virtual queue will be the key to keeping the land itself under control but I fear the rest of the park will be an absolute zoo. I'm hoping I can snag a queue position for a second visit on Monday before heading to the airport but I'm not super willing to deal with total chaos for a return after my Friday night reservation slot

Old Mouseketeer

Well-Known Member

Yeah. That's what it feels like. You walk around with a sense of wonder at the awesome scale and amazing detail. If just FEELS like Star Wars. It doesn't matter that this isn't Tatooine, or Naboo, or Coruscant. It's very, very familiar. You don't want to leave.

P.S. I will no longer respond in this thread to critics who haven't visited it yet. Those comments belong in the other thread.
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Well-Known Member
From TouringPlans‏ @TouringPlans:

Half of Star Wars Launch Bay is closed off to prepare for Galaxy’s Edge wristband distribution and merchandise sales.

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Hawg G

Well-Known Member
Except the ramps wouldn't work unless we are all Warwick Davis. Unless you changed the Falcon so you didn't bump your head but that spoils it again, right?

And making those changes would be INFINITELY better than just skipping it. You would really rather skip walking up the ramp in to the Falcon because the height would be off then.


Well-Known Member
Both of these posts make the same excellent point. There's a hint of minor criticism for Smuggler's Run in a minority of reviews, and we get two separate hyperbolic reactions: either now Galaxy's Edge is crap and ruined forever or you're yelling but how dare anyone question Disney and Imagineering.

Calm down and accept the nuance, don't just cherry-pick or ignore information that doesn't fit your predetermined conclusion.

I’m pretty sure I didn’t reach either of those conclusions. Some people have problems with gray areas and nuanced observations/ conversations. They see everything in black and white.


Well-Known Member
And making those changes would be INFINITELY better than just skipping it. You would really rather skip walking up the ramp in to the Falcon because the height would be off then.

The ramp would have to be one foot for a every inch in rise to be ADA compliant. So giving that ramp the benefit of the doubt based on Harrison Ford's 6'1" height, that ramp needs to be 48' long minimum.

So you say that ADA can use some other access? The ramp would have to be pointed at about a 45 degree angle or you'd have to raise the falcon 3-4 feet easy and that would make it look stupid. Yes, I'd skip the ramp if I was Disney and this is a case of what works in a movie doesn't work in real life.

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