I gave up hoping to get any many pages ago, when it was clear that no one had it to back up the claims being made.
Unfortunately, people like yourself keep jumping into the fray to "put me in my place" by mischaracterizing what I said in one continuous straw man and goal-post move after another, so yeah, when folks are outright lying about what was said and directly replying to me, I'm gonna correct that.
(Though I am still waiting for someone to show me the quote where D'Amaro said it was the "highest rated ever", because that claim has been made ad nauseam like it's gospel by a good number of posters and it has yet to be proven.)
Given the fervor of those of you who keep doing this, I do have to wonder what it is you find so threatening about me asking people to back up their claims, but if people want a protected thread where they can just say whatever they want and not be asked for proof, then I might suggest they go to the site-which-shall-not-be-named, as that certainly isn't going to happen here, particularly in the News forum.