News Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser Permanently Closed Fall 2023


Well-Known Member
Already past that - totally accept that there is this tiny group of folks who just were obsessed with it. You know, the ones who went until the bitter end and then Disney literally paid to get surveys from, and are now trying to reframe this as some misunderstood artistic masterpiece (because that survey gave them false hope that it would return).

What some of us are looking for is in response to the claim that somehow, with the 700,000+ videos available, that the rest of the world doesn't really really understand what went on in there, and that people are just cherry picking the lamest ones available. That we are judging the experience offered unjustly. That the claims about most of it looking like a cheap "generic Sci-Fi land", or the quality of the activity offerings being severely lacking are wrong, because we "only saw a few images online".

Given that every inch of this thing was incredibly well-documented, with hundreds of thousands of hours of video, surely if there is some aspect of the experience that everyone else is missing, it must be out there.

Or it just wasn't for everyone and people like different things

This was never going to appeal to a broad spectrum .... But the people that got it loved it and that is great.

Anf hopefully Disney takes notes on what worked and what didn't and can improved the next thing they try - which may appeal to me or you or may not


Well-Known Member
It was fantastic and probably had mass appeal the way the Starcruiser struggled to.

The Starcruiser was something I would consider if it was cheaper, but I didn't feel confident "risking" that much money for a live action role playing experience where you're supposed to be an active participant.

The Void was a much smaller experience obviously but it put me in Star Wars with a nice easy to follow linear story.

For me, a scaled down Starcruiser with a similarly linear story might be appealing.

Very similar to how I felt - I am not really into the role playing aspect and am pretty introverted - and even know I know I could still go and participate as much or as little as I wanted, but I would always feel I wasn't getting full return on what I paid - and that is a lot of $ to risk that

BUT if they did like a day cruise with one meal and one activity or something that was still pricey but not that level of $ or time commitment, I would most likely have tried it


Well-Known Member
This thread is bizarre… people telling people their opinion is wrong for liking something…. In case you forgot we all have difference in opinions…. If we all thought the same… the world would be boring… Back to the Cats analogy… I also would not tell someone their opinion was wrong if they liked that film… I would just say it was not for me… the way an individual felt during an experience is not fact


Well-Known Member
Already past that - totally accept that there is this tiny group of folks who just were obsessed with it. You know, the ones who went until the bitter end and then Disney literally paid to get surveys from, and are now trying to reframe this as some misunderstood artistic masterpiece (because that survey gave them false hope that it would return).

What some of us are looking for is in response to the claim that somehow, with the 700,000+ videos available, that the rest of the world doesn't really really understand what went on in there, and that people are just cherry picking the lamest ones available. That we are judging the experience offered unjustly. That the claims about most of it looking like a cheap "generic Sci-Fi land", or the quality of the activity offerings being severely lacking are wrong, because we "only saw a few images online".

Given that every inch of this thing was incredibly well-documented, with hundreds of thousands of hours of video, surely if there is some aspect of the experience that everyone else is missing, it must be out there.

What do you want me to say to convince you I personally enjoyed Starcruiser despite being a middle of the road Star Wars fan, an introvert with no social media presence and critical of most recent Disney additions?


Premium Member
There are tons of videos with people providing their review of their stay there being extremely positive about the experience ... Many of them returning for multiple voyages - is that what you are looking for?

Like what evidence would convince you that people who actually experience it actually liked it (even if it isn't for you - and it wasn't structured as something for me either, but talking directly to people who did experience it and loved it, raved about it, went back again, the actual experience for people into what was provided was very well done)
I guess my attempt to be honest and end it didn’t go off the way I planned? 🤔


Premium Member
This thread is bizarre… people telling people their opinion is wrong for liking something…. In case you forgot we all have difference in opinions…. If we all thought the same… the world would be boring… Back to the Cats analogy… I also would not tell someone their opinion was wrong if they liked that film… I would just say it was not for me… the way an individual felt during an experience is not fact
…it also puttered out too…

Unless we want to take another spin around the board and see if we land on park place?


Premium Member
What do you want me to say to convince you I personally enjoyed Starcruiser despite being a middle of the road Star Wars fan, an introvert with no social media presence and critical of most recent Disney additions?
…yep…that’ll do it

Restrooms are in the back and todays soup is cream of asparagus


Well-Known Member
What do you want me to say to convince you I personally enjoyed Starcruiser despite being a middle of the road Star Wars fan, an introvert with no social media presence and critical of most recent Disney additions?
You don't need to - I totally believe you. I explained this in the portion you actually quoted.


Well-Known Member
Already past that - totally accept that there is this tiny group of folks who just were obsessed with it. You know, the ones who went until the bitter end and then Disney literally paid to get surveys from, and are now trying to reframe this as some misunderstood artistic masterpiece (because that survey gave them false hope that it would return).

What some of us are looking for is in response to the claim that somehow, with the 700,000+ videos available, that the rest of the world doesn't really really understand what went on in there, and that people are just cherry picking the lamest ones available. That we are judging the experience offered unjustly. That the claims about most of it looking like a cheap "generic Sci-Fi land", or the quality of the activity offerings being severely lacking are wrong, because we "only saw a few images online".

Given that every inch of this thing was incredibly well-documented, with hundreds of thousands of hours of video, surely if there is some aspect of the experience that everyone else is missing, it must be out there.
Your viewpoints in this thread are incredibly obtuse. The quantity of videos, which nobody cares to verify as it's a meaningless metric, continues to mean nothing. You think something sucks that you never did, and you can't let it go that other people know more than you do about it. Frankly I'm embarassed reading half of these posts. There is a reasonable ground to let this die, and just about everybody else is cool with that.

But if you're going to continue to post things that fail basic logic and often are distracting from that actual points being made, we can keep doing this forever. F-O-R-E-V-E-R


Well-Known Member
What some of us are looking for is in response to the claim that somehow, with the 700,000+ videos available, that the rest of the world doesn't really really understand what went on in there, and that people are just cherry picking the lamest ones available. That we are judging the experience offered unjustly. That the claims about most of it looking like a cheap "generic Sci-Fi land", or the quality of the activity offerings being severely lacking are wrong, because we "only saw a few images online".
What they're saying is that the experience was more than the sum of its parts. From YouTube videos, you can indeed see (and even judge) how things looked and sounded. But you cannot tell how it felt to be there, which is what they enjoyed.

How is this difficult to understand? You're on a Disney parks fan site. Hasn't there ever been an attraction/ride/show that you really liked that Disney closed for whatever reason? And have you ever participated in a discussion thread where people told you that the thing you liked wasn't as good as you think it was?

And those of us taking issue with the "it sucked," and "I told you so" hot takes aren't shills or liars or sleeper agents. We're fans. So many of us with fond memories of Horizons or World of Motion or the subs or Mr. Toad or any of the other things that have moved on to Yesterland, and it's fun to talk about what we loved about them and how we see the best aspects of those things influence new/future things.


Well-Known Member
Given that every inch of this thing was incredibly well-documented, with hundreds of thousands of hours of video, surely if there is some aspect of the experience that everyone else is missing, it must be out there.
Simple answer is because they can’t.

It is what we all see it is and has been from the first promos.

So we are left with the powerful argument of:

“Sure, it looks embarrassing and sad in the videos, but if you were there, it was absolutely amazing and nothing like what you are seeing in thousands of videos on different days from every possible angle!

You just don’t get what you’re missing (that we can’t show you, because um, reasons)!!!”


Well-Known Member
They're not telling you about the super secret part where Han and Leia see you from across the bar. Or Jabba, for the truly discerning customer...


Well-Known Member
Made me laugh all the vloggers who were shilling to get free trips on the Starcruiser mostly were not even mentioning it after their trip or when it came to close.


Well-Known Member
Simple answer is because they can’t.

It is what we all see it is and has been from the first promos.

So we are left with the powerful argument of:

“Sure, it looks embarrassing and sad in the videos, but if you were there, it was absolutely amazing and nothing like what you are seeing in thousands of videos on different days from every possible angle!

You just don’t get what you’re missing (that we can’t show you, because um, reasons)!!!”

Yeah, it's kind of adorable that instead of showing me (and the rest of the world who looked at what was offered and laughed, i.e. the majority of everyone on the planet that was interested in it LOL) what it is that was so wonderful, what it is that we are all missing, they are just pretending they don't understand and/or taking pot shots at me personally. Which is why they are no longer getting responses.

I completely understand this tiny portion of folks just love it. I understand that the CMs were great and did the best job they could under the circumstances.

But I also know there are piles and piles of evidence of every inch of this thing, every second of the experience, and every bit of it shows that Disney hired someone to design this who knew nothing about Star Wars (or if they did, didn't care, which would be worse), cheaped out on absolutely everything they could, and settled on the laziest, lamest, repetitive, kindergarten summer day camp activities they could come up with.

Unfortunately, typical of the Disne parks experience these days (at least stateside) - though one on a much more embarassing scale than we could have dreamed, given how much attention the opening, and abrupt closure, got in the mainstream media. It also just adds to the list of "how did they mess up Star Wars that badly?" that folks will still be asking decades from now.

Roleplaying is great - but I can do that for free (well, a six pack of beer) on Tuesday nights right at the local comic shop. Sure, this was at least a cooler enviornment for that (and actually the generic interior of the Star Cruiser would be perfect for dozens of Sci-fi games LOL), but when you think of what could have been if anyone who made the decisions for this place gave a crap about actually creating an immersive STAR WARS experience, it's tragic.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's kind of adorable that instead of showing me (and the rest of the world who looked at what was offered and laughed, i.e. the majority of everyone on the planet that was interested in it LOL) what it is that was so wonderful, what it is that we are all missing, they are just pretending they don't understand and/or taking pot shots at me personally. Which is why they are no longer getting responses.

I completely understand this tiny portion of folks just love it. I understand that the CMs were great and did the best job they could under the circumstances.

But I also know there are piles and piles of evidence of every inch of this thing, every second of the experience, and every bit of it shows that Disney hired someone to design this who knew nothing about Star Wars (or if they did, didn't care, which would be worse), cheaped out on absolutely everything they could, and settled on the laziest, lamest, repetitive, kindergarten summer day camp activities they could come up with.

Unfortunately, typical of the Disne parks experience these days (at least stateside) - though one on a much more embarassing scale than we could have dreamed, given how much attention the opening, and abrupt closure, got in the mainstream media. It also just adds to the list of "how did they mess up Star Wars that badly?" that folks will still be asking decades from now.

Roleplaying is great - but I can do that for free (well, a six pack of beer) on Tuesday nights right at the local comic shop. Sure, this was at least a cooler enviornment for that (and actually the generic interior of the Star Cruiser would be perfect for dozens of Sci-fi games LOL), but when you think of what could have been if anyone who made the decisions for this place gave a crap about actually creating an immersive STAR WARS experience, it's tragic.
My personal favorite argument is that apparently you can’t properly judge an experience from the videos.

I watch a 4K walk through of Magic Kingdom and think “Yup, that’s what it looks and feels like”.

I’ve traveled around the world and have done countless themed experiences, parks, cruises, tours, etc. and can’t remember a single one that when I see the YouTube videos of it, I think “that’s nothing like what it is like!”.

If they were selling “it actually feels much bigger/smaller than you get in the video” or “it doesn’t feel nearly as crowded in that room when you’re in it” or “the sound is much clearer when you’re in the room”, sure, I can buy that.

But to pretend the entire experience I’m seeing doesn’t reflect the actual experience - um, no. Sorry, no sale.


Well-Known Member
At the end of the day it sounds like the Cast and guests on the Star Cruiser made the absolute most of what they add and guests loved it as all of these people understand Star Wars.

It failed because yet again Disney doesn’t understand Star Wars among other things like the bean counters cutting back as much as they could


Well-Known Member
I don’t understand the new line of argument that’s emerged these last few days. It seems to go: “There is a tonne of uninspiring footage of this thing online. I spent a good deal of time watching said footage (even though I hated every second of it) and now need those who say they enjoyed the experience to prove to me how they could have possibly liked something that didn’t look appealing to me on my laptop. When I don’t get the answers I’m looking for (which I won’t, because I’m setting an impossible and frankly absurd challenge), I will keep repeating the line that only a small group of zealots can have had a good time on the Starcruiser, ignoring the fact that it garnered overwhelmingly positive reviews overall.”

I just don’t get it


Well-Known Member
I don’t understand the new line of argument that’s emerged these last few days. It seems to go: “There is a tonne of uninspiring footage of this thing online. I spent a good deal of time watching said footage (even though I hated every second of it) and now need those who say they enjoyed the experience to prove to me how they could have possibly liked something that didn’t look appealing to me on my laptop. When I don’t get the answers I’m looking for (which I won’t, because I’m setting an impossible and frankly absurd challenge), I will keep repeating the line that only a small group of zealots can have had a good time on the Starcruiser, ignoring the fact that it garnered overwhelmingly positive reviews overall.”

I just don’t get it

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