News Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser Permanently Closed Fall 2023


Well-Known Member
I've been wondering where people are getting all this, too - "best rated attraction ever on property" and other such claims.
I just...don't buy it.

If they are talking about YouTube reviews, then yeah - they either are paid shills or wannabe paid shills. The ones I watched didn't pay for it, and at the end were like "but it still would be worth 6K!", you know, lying through their teeth so Disney gives them (more) free stuff.

The only way I can remotely think that a large number of fully paid customers gave these amazing reviews is the sunk cost fallacy, LOL.
Exactly. Not one single person is going to say "yeah, I was an idiot for spending $6000 for two days on this boondoggle."

LOL Not gonna happen.


Well-Known Member
I've been wondering where people are getting all this, too - "best rated attraction ever on property" and other such claims.
I just...don't buy it.

I feel like if it was *that* strong (never did it, not saying it wasn't at a level that satisfied at least most real guests) then Disney would be doping a marketing blitz, not a climb-down. If GSATs were off the charts good, a reworked marketing push would seem like a smarter play than cutting losses (even allowing for hefty tax write offs or whatever else the spreadsheet guys engineered).

Feels to me more like a: did decent, but not quite as well as hoped, and didn't have the expected legs; time to take stock.


Well-Known Member
To be fair there is also margin(s) line between duped and not not seeing the value to love it or ever doing it again.

I was fine with going to Sea World's Howloscream, but in the next few years until enough things change and I can get a great deal, the value for me to go again is not there.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, it isn’t even that overpriced considering it’s all inclusive.

Maybe if it were a week and not a 45 hour experience? LOL. Because you can get a fancy truly all-inclusive (with drinks) in any number of tropical destinations for a week or more at this price level (and a nice one too, not one of the garbagy ones).

I also would hesitate to call this "all inclusive" in the traditional sense of the word as well. It was more "meals included" for the 2 breakfasts, 2 dinners, and 1 lunch they give you in very limited time frames. Usually "all inclusive" means you can walk up and get food or drinks at any time during your stay (or at least the majority of the waking day).


Well-Known Member
Maybe if it were a week and not a 45 hour experience? LOL. Because you can get a fancy truly all-inclusive (with drinks) in any number of tropical destinations for a week or more at this price level (and a nice one too, not one of the garbagy ones).

I also would hesitate to call this "all inclusive" in the traditional sense of the word as well. It was more "meals included" for the 2 breakfasts, 2 dinners, and 1 lunch they give you in very limited time frames. Usually "all inclusive" means you can walk up and get food or drinks at any time during your stay (or at least the majority of the waking day).
Uh, we stayed at a very nice, all inclusive, oceanside resort in Cabo this year and we spent about half of that cost on our weeks stay. A NFL player got married while we were there, so you know it wasn't a dump.

People trying to justify a literal 48 hour experience by saying "but it was all inclusive!!"

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 Get outta here.


Well-Known Member
I've been wondering where people are getting all this, too - "best rated attraction ever on property" and other such claims.
I just...don't buy it.
From recorded statements by the Chairman of DPEP.

You guys are really working hard today at crowing that other people are dumb and wrong for liking something you didn't do and are not very knowledgeable about. Certainly it's not every group, but many made lasting friendships on vacation and I know of a few who have CSL tattoos. This discussion is going nowhere, as usual. I'm just hanging around to occasionally counter misinformation and the steady supply of red herrings.

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
Eh; if I'd paid that, and felt duped, I'd be telling people. 🤷‍♂️

Not every call we make is a smart one, and warning other people who might be about to make the same bad call is kinda basic courtesy.
I’ve seen several DCL reviews where they say it’s not worth the cost unless you are a huge Disney fan, not sure why people wouldn’t feel comfortable saying the same about the Starcruiser.

The idea people would feel embarrassed to say it isn’t worth the money doesn’t make sense, people say it all the time.


Well-Known Member
I think the 2 night time frame is probably fine for most and having everything included like Food is probably how it should be.

People don't want to pay out for an extra experience (very expensive one) on top of their regular WDW trip and then still have to pay for food on top for the 2 nights/3 days.

I think there's quite a bit they could have added to give more value

1. Could guests not get like 1 hour exclusively in Galaxy's Edge without regular day guests?
2. Personally I think all the meals should have been Table service and not just buffet
3. Where was the rare character meets on board?
4. Each room should be entitled to 50% off a Lightsaber from Savi's & Droid from the Depot.


Well-Known Member
Maybe if it were a week and not a 45 hour experience? LOL. Because you can get a fancy truly all-inclusive (with drinks) in any number of tropical destinations for a week or more at this price level (and a nice one too, not one of the garbagy ones).

I also would hesitate to call this "all inclusive" in the traditional sense of the word as well. It was more "meals included" for the 2 breakfasts, 2 dinners, and 1 lunch they give you in very limited time frames. Usually "all inclusive" means you can walk up and get food or drinks at any time during your stay (or at least the majority of the waking day).
They could’ve included one complimentary drink per day it would’ve cost them like$3


Well-Known Member
The idea people would feel embarrassed to say it isn’t worth the money doesn’t make sense, people say it all the time.

Agreed. It's different as it wasn't hard cash but we stayed at the Polynesian using our DVC points and my lord, what an overrated resort. Certainly wasn't worth the 50% extra points over Jambo House.


Well-Known Member
Eh; if I'd paid that, and felt duped, I'd be telling people. 🤷‍♂️

Not every call we make is a smart one, and warning other people who might be about to make the same bad call is kinda basic courtesy.
The true word did get out despite social media click bait. Most people do reason things out when it comes to their time and money. Click bait just gets out faster and circulates quicker than the truth, eventually the truth does overtake the fake and over comes it.


Well-Known Member
Eh; if I'd paid that, and felt duped, I'd be telling people. 🤷‍♂️

Not every call we make is a smart one, and warning other people who might be about to make the same bad call is kinda basic courtesy.
This is much more in line with what I have experienced.

There just seem to be a small group that can't handle that people really liked this thing so they reach for any and every excuse they can to explain away the good reviews.


Well-Known Member
I think the 2 night time frame is probably fine for most and having everything included like Food is probably how it should be.

People don't want to pay out for an extra experience (very expensive one) on top of their regular WDW trip and then still have to pay for food on top for the 2 nights/3 days.

I think there's quite a bit they could have added to give more value

1. Could guests not get like 1 hour exclusively in Galaxy's Edge without regular day guests?
2. Personally I think all the meals should have been Table service and not just buffet
3. Where was the rare character meets on board?
4. Each room should be entitled to 50% off a Lightsaber from Savi's & Droid from the Depot.
The purpose of this wasn’t meet & greets it was an extended series of citizens of hollywood type skits enhanced by technology


Well-Known Member
Agreed. It's different as it wasn't hard cash but we stayed at the Polynesian using our DVC points and my lord, what an overrated resort. Certainly wasn't worth the 50% extra points over Jambo House.

See I am the opposite. While it's not my favorite DVC resort I think it is so much better than Jambo. We love the theming, restaurants, pool, etc.


Well-Known Member
The purpose of this wasn’t meet & greets it was an extended series of citizens of hollywood type skits enhanced by technology

I get that and while I appreciate they made new characters who were part of the cruiser but im sure for the many people would have loved to get photo ops on board with R2 & 3PO or Lando?
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