News Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser Permanently Closed Fall 2023


Well-Known Member
From recorded statements by the Chairman of DPEP.

You guys are really working hard today at crowing that other people are dumb and wrong for liking something you didn't do and are not very knowledgeable about. Certainly it's not every group, but many made lasting friendships on vacation and I know of a few who have CSL tattoos. This discussion is going nowhere, as usual. I'm just hanging around to occasionally counter misinformation and the steady supply of red herrings.

Oh, the same person ultimately responsible explaining the boondoggle and the 100's of millions of dollars they lost on it? And you also realize how Disney surveys are reported, right, and can be twisted any way one wants really, especially in situations like this. I'm sorry, you'll have to forgive my extreme skepticism, but I have been around this company an awful long time and I have a very difficult time believing that this has higher guest satisfaction ratings than anything ever.

In any case, I am genuinely glad that you made some new friends. That said - while I'm sure there are a few dozen, or perhaps even a few hundred people out there who were such rabid fans that they get tattoos of it, or, as someone claimed earlier in this thread, "I went a bunch of times, I just wish I went more to support it!", that's great and all - but the experience has been endlessly detailed, everyone knows and can see exactly what was offered. And by just about all quantifiable aspects, it was severely underwhelming.

This revisionist idea that has taken hold of some folks that this was just some misunderstood, or mis-marketed masterpiece is just objectively false based on all of the ample available evidence. That doesn't mean that there weren't people who somehow enjoyed it - just that the vast majority of people in position to go (either because they could afford it and they like new things at Disney, or from the huge global fanbase of Star Wars fans who spend huge amounts of money on Star Wars products) took a look at the final result and had no interest in it whatsoever.

Regardless, it was a huge blow to the company, and consumers voted with their wallets. It is very clearly the worst failure in Disney theme park history. Superstar Limo and Rocket Rods are breathing a huge sigh of relief these days.


Well-Known Member
Oh, the same person ultimately responsible explaining the boondoggle and the 100's of millions of dollars they lost on it? And you also realize how Disney surveys are reported, right, and can be twisted any way one wants really, especially in situations like this. I'm sorry, you'll have to forgive my extreme skepticism, but I have been around this company an awful long time and I have a very difficult time believing that this has higher guest satisfaction ratings than anything ever.

In any case, I am genuinely glad that you made some new friends. That said - while I'm sure there are a few dozen, or perhaps even a few hundred people out there who were such rabid fans that they get tattoos of it, or, as someone claimed earlier in this thread, "I went a bunch of times, I just wish I went more to support it!", that's great and all - but the experience has been endlessly detailed, everyone knows and can see exactly what was offered. And by just about all quantifiable aspects, it was severely underwhelming.

This revisionist idea that has taken hold of some folks that this was just some misunderstood, or mis-marketed masterpiece is just objectively false based on all of the ample available evidence. That doesn't mean that there weren't people who somehow enjoyed it - just that the vast majority of people in position to go (either because they could afford it and they like new things at Disney, or from the huge global fanbase of Star Wars fans who spend huge amounts of money on Star Wars products) took a look at the final result and had no interest in it whatsoever.

Regardless, it was a huge blow to the company, and consumers voted with their wallets. It is very clearly the worst failure in Disney theme park history. Superstar Limo and Rocket Rods are breathing a huge sigh of relief these days.
Let's not forget about much did that show cost?


Premium Member
Plenty of people like Harmonious too... it's not some revisionist fandom to acknowledge that. It's just reality that some liked it, while many did not.

Same with Starcruiser - to believe no one could have really liked it because you don't see how someone could possibly have liked it is just narcissistic.

These people aren't saying their baby isn't ugly... the money was already spent. They have nothing to cover up or regain from pretending something. They actually take MORE flack from people for liking it then saying they didn't... so explain again how they must be lying to save face?


Premium Member
they weren't fighting for lightning lane access.. or dining access... and have their own unique experiences in the park. That's the special access.
It’s a mass audience amusement park…an underdeveloped one - actually - and continues to be operated that way. Because it need ls to be.

But all that stuff above is “cute”🧸


Well-Known Member
…if you want to relive it…buy a Disney singalong from about 1999 and you’ll get the same show

As long as you get some sparklers…of course 🎆
and a few lawn sprinklers



Well-Known Member
Oh, the same person ultimately responsible explaining the boondoggle and the 100's of millions of dollars they lost on it? And you also realize how Disney surveys are reported, right, and can be twisted any way one wants really, especially in situations like this. I'm sorry, you'll have to forgive my extreme skepticism, but I have been around this company an awful long time and I have a very difficult time believing that this has higher guest satisfaction ratings than anything ever.

In any case, I am genuinely glad that you made some new friends. That said - while I'm sure there are a few dozen, or perhaps even a few hundred people out there who were such rabid fans that they get tattoos of it, or, as someone claimed earlier in this thread, "I went a bunch of times, I just wish I went more to support it!", that's great and all - but the experience has been endlessly detailed, everyone knows and can see exactly what was offered. And by just about all quantifiable aspects, it was severely underwhelming.

This revisionist idea that has taken hold of some folks that this was just some misunderstood, or mis-marketed masterpiece is just objectively false based on all of the ample available evidence. That doesn't mean that there weren't people who somehow enjoyed it - just that the vast majority of people in position to go (either because they could afford it and they like new things at Disney, or from the huge global fanbase of Star Wars fans who spend huge amounts of money on Star Wars products) took a look at the final result and had no interest in it whatsoever.

Regardless, it was a huge blow to the company, and consumers voted with their wallets. It is very clearly the worst failure in Disney theme park history. Superstar Limo and Rocket Rods are breathing a huge sigh of relief these days.
First, nobody knows how much they lost on this. We know how much early depreciation they took relative to the 30 years that nobody thought it would remain open. Yes it's his job to put things in a positive light, but they would have no reason to lie and say it got amazing GSATs if it did not. There is nothing to gain for by a lie that could easily be disproven, so I would take him at his word.

Now saying that other people's descriptions of an experience means you know everything about it and can be objective is ridiculous. Reading a concert or movie review isn't the same thing as going yourself. It just gives you enough information to BS somebody if you choose to. Of all the ways to describe the experience on the Starcruiser, I don't think any person would say it's underwhelming. I'm assuming you are referring to finishes you saw in a picture or buttons you didn't push rather than the totality of the experience and offerings, because the most common thing I heard from people was that it was almost overwhelming in the choices and quality offered. There was so much to do that you had to pick and choose what seemed best in the moment.

And as @flynnibus said above, it's not revisionist to have an opinion and stick with it. The only thing that's changed at this point is that most of the haters have moved on, and now you're left with a more balanced number of attackers and defenders. We've detailed ad nauseum why many didn't go, and that's not really a problem. But how can you say the vast majority of people in a position to go had no interest. Do you just pick a random population of characters in your head and ask them questions? Because the only data that exists on this is done by DPEP and they are trying to figure out if they can make a very well-reviewed experience more cost efficient.

And as to the worst failure in Disney history, I'm sure there are varying opinions. I don't think Rocket Rods ever had a 2 hour line to get in after people spent $6000 on it. I don't think Superstar Limo made it a year, whereas SWGS was sold out of all initial dates (6 or so months worth IIRC) in a few days, with the "people in a position to go" spending many hours on hold in hopes of getting the date they wanted. I don't agree with your assessment there, and honestly going that far in your criticism shows me you're willing to move the goalposts of failure even before the post is over. If you had a stronger argument, there wouldn't be a need to make such outlandish claims.

Financial failure, sure. That's a reasonable take without knowing a ton of information because it closed early. Beyond that it's all a reach


Well-Known Member
But how can you say the vast majority of people in a position to go had no interest.
Because it is based on the biggest IP of all time that makes hundreds of millions of dollars a year in merchandise sales alone, that tens of thousands of people fly across the world to attend conventions for, and had an unprecedented "TAKE MY MONEY!" reaction when first announced, until everyone saw what it actually was and nobody went which is why it closed so quickly.

We know exactly what was offered on the itinerary (just one example here), and there are videos out there of every inch of the experience. Once the curtain was pulled back, interest in the thing sunk like the Titanic.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, it isn’t even that overpriced considering it’s all inclusive.
I posted further back in this thread that my wife and I are getting six nights and Sandals South Beach in Jamaica for $6,000.
That includes air, limitless drinks, about 5 restaurants, a couple of pools one with a swim up bar, watersports, two miles of beach...


Premium Member
I posted further back in this thread that my wife and I are getting six nights and Sandals South Beach in Jamaica for $6,000.
That includes air, limitless drinks, about 5 restaurants, a couple of pools one with a swim up bar, watersports, two miles of beach...
Yeah…sounds great…except for Jamaica. Not a fan…

Float that sucker to Antigua or st. Kitts and I’ll meet you there 😎👍🏻


Well-Known Member
I posted further back in this thread that my wife and I are getting six nights and Sandals South Beach in Jamaica for $6,000.
That includes air, limitless drinks, about 5 restaurants, a couple of pools one with a swim up bar, watersports, two miles of beach...
That is a compelling point...
And while I am not the prime market for the Galactic Starcruiser, if it had looked better may have given it a shot..
but the videos and pictures I have seen, while cute, did not live up to the initial hype in my eyes...
and honestly the design and build looked budget...Not Intergalactic Cruise Ship...I wanted to see Flohston Paradise...not deregulated freight ship...

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
Too expensive for the market does not equal bad.

Every YouTube I’ve watched has raved about how much fun it was, all while saying it’s too expensive.

Not sure why people can’t differentiate between the two.

Bugatti loses money every year, that doesn’t make the cars bad, it just shows there isn’t a large market for multi million dollar cars.


Well-Known Member
not deregulated freight ship...
I'd have been good with a deregulated freight ship if a) it actually looked like one, and b) looked like it belonged to the correct franchise.

I'm not one of those people who insists everything has to be a beloved Star Wars IP[1]; Black Spire Outpost is fine[1], I don't need Tatooine. BSP at least *looks* Star Wars. The Cruiser didn't.

[1] utter lack of life and streetmosphere aside


Premium Member
Too expensive for the market does not equal bad.

Every YouTube I’ve watched has raved about how much fun it was, all while saying it’s too expensive.

Not sure why people can’t differentiate between the two.

Bugatti loses money every year, that doesn’t make the cars bad, it just shows there isn’t a large market for multi million dollar cars.

I think we are skirting around the idea that the YouTube reviews were in the can…were comps or those they KNOW will support anything with the D

But beyond that…”everyone” loved it suspect:
1. We don’t know how many people that actually is? Not many…it closed almost as it opened and was far from booked solid. What are we talking…100,000? If that? For a place that gets 50,000,000 gate clicks a year?

What was the total occupancy of that thing? 100 rooms? So like 500 total capacity?

That’s 1/12 of all stars?

I don’t know…nothing “amazing” ever closed on Disney ground in a year. Especially when it’s all about “luxury”
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Well-Known Member
But beyond that…”everyone” loved it suspect:
1. We don’t know how many people that actually is? Not many…it closed almost as it opened and was far from booked solid. What are we talking…10,000? If that? For a place that gets 50,000,000 gate clicks a year?

What was the total occupancy of that thing? 100 rooms? So like 500 total capacity?

100 rooms, max capacity was somewhere in the 400s I think. It was open for 19 months, with roughly 12 of them sold out completely. Lets just spitball and say the other 7 were at about half. I'll use 350 as an estimate for sold out cruises. It's a little low but most cabins held 4 or 5 other than the 2br, but there were only 2 of those.

say 180 (ish) voyages sold out: 180*350 = 63000
and 105 (ish) voyages half full/empty: 105*175 = 18375

That's roughly 81000 guests. Definitely had some repeats, but it's got to be at least 50000 unique guests. And I'm trying to slightly undercount.

You of all people know that closing anything like this is about money and not quality. It didn't make that much money, and half the people going spent their money on this instead of high margin items in the parks.

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