News Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser Permanently Closed Fall 2023


Premium Member
I agree, but it was said that Disney isnā€™t building hotel rooms, itā€™s true, theyā€™re only building DVC (so it seems) just saying that it would probably be a selling point to new membersā€¦
ā€¦well theyā€™re not selling dvc eitherā€¦

So thereā€™s that. As much as 20% off promotions on 4 different locations as it standsā€¦I hear?


Well-Known Member
Disney to guests: "Why didn't you do the Starcruiser?"
Guests who didn't do the Starcruiser: "Because my family hates that sort of thing."
Disney: "Have you tried previously tried something similar?"
Guest: "No."
Disney: "Is there anything we can do to convince you to give it a try?"
Guest: "Cut the cost by half, put in a pool, take out the LARPing and games, and fix that terrible dining room I saw pictures of on social media."
Disney: "Ok, so if we do those things, you'd consider doing the Starcruiser?"
Guest: "Heck no. I only like the Old Star Wars."
See I think you are combining all the groups here. I have definitely said the first parts would have gotten my family to book. Your last line does not apply to us. I think for others, the first lines don't apply ay all, it's only the last line. I don't think all those reasons combine to make people not go, I think a lot of people had one of them.


Well-Known Member
ā€¦well theyā€™re not selling dvc eitherā€¦

So thereā€™s that. As much as 20% off promotions on 4 different locations as it standsā€¦I hear?

Yeah they're not being that generous. It was on the Grand Flo with welcome offers etc which I think has ended now.

DVC is going to start hitting a ceiling too soon like everything else at Disney. Over $230 per point is becoming too rich for may new people


Premium Member
Yeah they're not being that generous. It was on the Grand Flo with welcome offers etc which I think has ended now.

DVC is going to start hitting a ceiling too soon like everything else at Disney. Over $230 per point is becoming too rich for may new people
No seriouslyā€¦$3000 off add ons and the point number is ā€œnegotiableā€

Theyā€™re already over their price ceiling

Itā€™s the same effect as park attendance. Thereā€™s not Enough people that want $50,000 deposits in Disney in the greater economic climate

Bob systematically screwed that up too. Itā€™s like Abu Dhabi


Well-Known Member
It was a gambleā€¦and they didnā€™t pull it off. I do kinda give them credit for tryingā€¦

But stillā€¦not really a mistake that should have been made. They absolutely have never pooched their market research prior to build like thisā€¦never close.
I know from a business point of view this thing was a dumpster fire but as a fan, I love they took the swing.

Sure, they likely need to fire whoever put together the research that said $5k for two nights was the sweet spot but honestly, when was the last time they tried something this different?

That the people that went rated it so highly is the one good thing we can take from this and why I look at the non-financial part of it as a success. Think about it, despite it being stuck in the sewer that is sequel Star Wars, despite the fact it was ridiculously expensive, despite what that dining area looks like in photos, people still loved it. With some luck they learn a thing or two that can be useful going forward.


Premium Member
I know from a business point of view this thing was a dumpster fire but as a fan, I love they took the swing.

Sure, they likely need to fire whoever put together the research that said $5k for two nights was the sweet spot but honestly, when was the last time they tried something this different?

That the people that went rated it so highly is the one good thing we can take from this and why I look at the non-financial part of it as a success. Think about it, despite it being stuck in the sewer that is sequel Star Wars, despite the fact it was ridiculously expensive, despite what that dining area looks like in photos, people still loved it. With some luck they learn a thing or two that can be useful going forward.
There wasnā€™t that many people that actually went and itā€™s not really a ā€œcross sectionā€ is it?

I donā€™t want to harp on itā€¦but the vloggers and the ones with 20,000 dvc points are generally gonna LOVE anything as long as they get the Dā€¦

Donā€™t think I need to convince you much.

We donā€™t know how many even close to ā€œcasualā€ went to the thingā€¦but I bet itā€™s astoundingly low.

The closure time line tells you what was in the ā€œweedsā€


Well-Known Member
That is very true. Very few casual guests went on Starcruiser whether that was Disney Guests, LARPer's or Star Wars fans.

I don't want to see it demolished as there's still great potential there. If at $5K though, they are struggling to make a profit then no matter what they do, it's always going to require a lot of Cast.


Premium Member
We donā€™t know their marginsā€¦

My guess itā€™s not that it was so much losing money but that the competition for OpEx was deemed more valuable used else where.

When you gotta pick which thing to spend your limited allowance onā€¦ maybe starcruiser was just seen as the lesser choiceā€¦


Premium Member
That is very true. Very few casual guests went on Starcruiser whether that was Disney Guests, LARPer's or Star Wars fans.

I don't want to see it demolished as there's still great potential there. If at $5K though, they are struggling to make a profit then no matter what they do, it's always going to require a lot of Cast.
Original trilogy and lower price would give them a shotā€¦

But as long as ā€œmanagement is in placeā€ā€¦theyā€™ll never publicly accept their mistakes. Iā€™m actually surprised they want as far as they did by closing it so fast


I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
Even so, it is a sad room...lights on, lights dimmed etc...It does look like a corporate cafeteria as opposed to a spaceship cruise. It looks like it was deigned by an outsourced company that did not understand what the setting was supposed to be...and certainly not what you would imagine an Intergalactic Cruise Liner to be like...
I wanted to love this whole concept but all of the spaces I have seen look underwhelming and usual... Not a fantastical Luxury Spaceship Cruiseliner through outerspace...
Every guest space should have looked unique and Wow!
Take a look at another Hollywood set designer's idea of shipboard dining...


Well-Known Member
As always, you make excellent points. As someone who travels in some of these Star Wars circles, I do think this one does need more context. I'm not deep-pocketed, but I am an adult who does spend at least a few grand a year on Star Wars, one way or another. It (and the stuff I create around it) is my main hobby and where my discretionary funds go.

To start, one thing I think far too many dismiss is the Sequel Trilogy theme. I assume this is because of general fatigue on the topic, but it's very easy to quantify this factor. In Star Wars fandom, no matter how hard Disney tried to force it (no pun intended) - the truth of the matter is, if an alien visited Earth, and they walked into a store that had every produced bit of Star Wars merchandise from the last five years, they would have no idea the Sequel Trilogy even existed. It's just a fact.

Dozens and dozens of companies make hundreds and hundreds of new Star Wars products every year, and they will sell anything that they can sell. They got burned with TFA products, only made the bare contractual minimums for TLJ, and had nearly completely given up by RoS. (RoS is the only film in the entire 40-year saga that Hasbro didn't even attempt a sub-line of figures for because the one they launched along side TLJ tanked so badly.) Star Wars products are just as popular as ever - but no one who spends money wants that era. The biggest sellers this year (besides the obvious Grogu/Mando-verse stuff, mostly aimed at mainstream consumers) have been things like background characters from Jabba's Palace in Return of the Jedi, LOL. That's what people who spend money want, Rey, Poe, Finn, and the rest just don't exist in that world. (There is an occasional Kylo unicorn, but we are talking less than 1% of the stuff that is produced.)

Even if this experience had launched as-is, at the same price point, but just themed around Darth Vader/Rebel Alliance, it would still be in business.

Now, all that said, that wasn't the only problem, but if you follow Star Wars communities, the flow over time was basically like this as all the information was being rolled out:

(initial announcement)


(soon after)

* Ugh, it's Sequel based? Well, I guess if it's well done...

(the price is announced)

* Wait, this is going to cost as much as a used car?? Well, I guess I can save up for it...I mean, it is still going to be the most immersive Star Wars experience on Earth, right?

(the details of the "activities" and schedule are released)

* Card games, costume parades, and playing on your phone? That' Well, at least it will feel like living in Star Wars, right?

(the first photos/video reports start to come out)

* Hold up, stackable chairs in the "luxury" dining location? Why does the bar look like it's Star Trek? Where are the droids? Where is anything that actually looks like Star Wars?

Each step of the way, they lost more and more of the Star Wars spending audience, until people finally saw what it was - which broke even the last ones standing. It's honestly like they could not have messed this up more if they tried. Every single decision was just horrible.

I continue to be astounded by how poorly Disney has handled pretty much everything since they took over Star Wars. You can look up my post from a dozen+ years ago when this began, and I was a cheerleader for it - I thought it was the perfect match. But along the way they have made so many bad decisions, alienated so many fans, it's

And, for the record, I'm not even a "hater" - I think they royally screwed up the ST (it's honestly a cinematic tragedy what an opportunity they wasted), but I actually like most of the streaming stuff. I also think they get a bad rap for certain things that isn't always warranted. But I cannot deny that people pulling the strings just have no concept of what Star Wars fans actually want, and instead of taking Star Wars to new heights have made one absolutely terrible decision after another - the Star Cruiser is just the biggest dumpster fire in the midst of a Mustifar landscape full of volcanic idiotic activity.
The glowing reviews from the usual suspects on the media list are also proof that most normies are onto the paid influencer scam


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Who? Be specific. All I saw was the usual suspects that went to the half day preview that I threw out anything they said. The usual fandom menace people, some guy named Vito(none of who went) and then Tom who was on it 3x
We were posting them as they appeared over a year ago. Do your own research.


Premium Member
It got plenty of glowing reviews from non-media types.
Such as?

Frumpy Xers with Twitter handles like ā€œmagic man1955ā€ and ā€œjakku4Meā€ arenā€™t exactly a path to fortune and glory, Dr. Jones.

Iā€™d argue that the kinda ā€œcasualā€ fans you need to sustain any travel would never do a review in the first place

Very few of the common man needed for wdw to make billions each year ever do a trip report here šŸ˜Ž

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