It's all subjective and the reviews from the paying guests are holding their own to say the least. I'm not a hard core Star Wars fan but rather somebody who enjoys the movies. As it's all fictional the SW 'look' was down to a person designing a set for a movie and the story writers. Therefore if they're creating a set for this new story that's not featured in the movie, well it's possibly not going to look identical to anything from the movie and is down to the set designers.
Whilst it doesn't scream SW to me, the people who've paid to go are saying it feels very SW when you're there. I've not been but a lot who have are saying the overall feel of the experiences combined really makes them feel like they're in a SW universe. I suppose pictures of some of the areas could be easily used to say "this isn't the SW I know". From the reviews from people attending however they say the combination of characters, the story line and some of the experience capture the very essence of the SW universe for them in a way that many describe as brilliant.
@lentesta who'd been very critical of the still pictures not looking like SW to him before he went, came back talking about how the experience felt great for him as a SW fan. He's probably in a great position to discuss it further and a lot better than myself or anyone who's not smelt it, touched it and lived within it for 2 days.
Nearly everyone who's talked about it after visiting it have commented that they appreciate it's not for everyone, so there's wriggle room in there to accept that opinions vary on whether it's liked or not and many of those not liking it despite not going, are probably just giving their honest opinions too. For some it works whilst for others it doesn't, however a few still pictures probably isn't a great way of measuring the overall feel to guests there as many who've experienced it personally have verified.