News Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser coming to Walt Disney World 2021


Premium Member
I wonder if that "Welcome to the New World" song was supposed to be promoted more, like a music video or something before the bad reviews of the preview came in a few months back. Something people can look forward to as a familiar song/artist when they get on board.


Well-Known Member
Imagine paying 6k to play Bingo and do slide dances. How Embarrassing. Look we all said it before today that all the so called 'reviews' by the people who went for free was going to be positive. That does not make it a hit. When paying customers go to this crap that is when we will see if this is a hit or has legs. My 2 years it is closed.

You know one thing I find funny that no one is talking about? Is how Disney is constantly hiring Daisy Ridley look alikes to play Rey but they don't try to find one guy who looks like Adam Driver to play non masked Kylo. If you had Kylo unmasked in this it would fit their timeline better but now you have Kylo with a prestine mask during a period where he does not wear a mask and doesn't fix his mask until after the events of this so called crappy 'cruise'.


Well-Known Member
It really bothers me that a lot of people are trying to push the narrative that anybody who criticizes the price point is doing so out of jealousy. I've only seen a couple of people on Twitter try and use this argument (literally saying verbatim that people are just "jealous they can't afford it)" and it's just a really ignorant statement to make. I'll admit, I was one of the people wary about this project but seeing it in action has changed my opinion of it. Would I pay $6,000 for it? Probably not. The reality is a lot of people who would love this kind of experience simply cannot afford it and those that can (and actually HAVE spent the money on it) all have valid reasons to criticize the price. Calling them "jealous" for doing so is disgusting and entitled.
Agreed, jealousy isn't it.

Earlier this month, when I saw the lights on in Polynesian's King Kamehameha Suite and a family dining inside before the fireworks, I was a little jealous. That's a bucket list experience for sure.

I also feel a little jealous strolling past Yacht & Beach Club heading back to Swolphin, or looking up at guests in GF's Royal Palm Club when I'm just there for dinner.

But this? Even if the price were 80% lower, I'd be saying it looks pretty neat, but it's not for me. Likewise with all the Galaxy's Edge upcharges. Would much rather spend those dollars staying in an overwater bungalow again, or maybe revisiting Japan when it opens its borders.


The Starcruiser does look neat, but I don't feel like I'm missing out by skipping it. The price just adds a big fat exclamation mark to that sense of indifference.

Also, I know it's come up in the thread before, but if Universal were opening an immersive Hogwarts experience I'd be far more enthusiastic–and perhaps a little jealous of those readily able to pay mid-four figures for it.


Well-Known Member
Its still crappy

Even real cruises who only charge a 50% premium can afford different uniforms than just the captain’s.

Heck, DCL even have multiple uniforms for the same person depending on their station that shift. And they fit too!


What baffles me is how many people here who are lifelong Disney theme park fans are so willing to accept these frumpy, lumpy and cheap uniforms. I get it, the average 23 year old living in central Florida today has a dramatically higher BMI than the average 23 year old living in central Florida in 1971.

But what you don't do is outfit those kids all in the same cheap polyester tunic with no structure, no form, and no accesories. Because then they just look like they're wearing a cheap polyester tunic for an experience that is charging thousands per night, per cabin.

It's a dramatic downgrade not only in showmanship and quality, but in the investment in the Cast Members themselves.


Well-Known Member
I just watched a 3 hour youtube video of the Starcruiser, and here is my favorite scene. Look at how beautiful it is!


It doesn't really look Star Wars, more of a Ten Forward feel to it, and I love Star Trek TNG. I wouldn't mind staying in a hotel like that for $1000 a night, or $1500 to include food for the family. The rest of the video about gives me an anxiety attack. There are crowds everywhere all the time, and one or more CM are constantly talking, singing, acting, the crowd's noise level is overwhelming. The overall effect is exhausting, for the CM and for the guests. But the above picture is quiet, beautiful, peaceful, luxurious, science fiction style, just what I want in my dream hotel!


Well-Known Member
And so, how many of "THOSE" type of couples are out there.. and will drop 5K on this thing. No doubt, 10, 20 maybe 50.. maybe 200 couples.. and then after that?... The pool of candidates runs quickly out for this thing.
Your numbers seem a bit off, they'd need less than a week's worth of bookings to surpass that and they've already done it.

Time will tell over this event, it is extremely expensive. The best publicity this has had is what we've seen with our own eyes from the videos made during the media event. Ignoring the views and judgments from those on a freebie, if you watch what their cameras capture this looks a really fun event in my humble opinion. The only problem with that is I think only those really into Disney will access those videos which does limit the number of people aware of this experience. Now the videos have been released I can see Disney marketing this event showing it in a much better light as the 'secrets are out'. This would increase the number of people who don't mind paying the price to at least see what it entails unlike the first round of advertisements that left so many unanswered questions and confused people.


Well-Known Member
To be fair, couldn't that partially just be a teenager being a teenager? Like in a, "it wouldn't be cool for me to do that even if I think it looks fun," way.
Mine asked what else there was for kids to do together. So she's more into meeting other kids, which she can do anywhere. She wants nothing to do with being around Kylo, based on her red face watching the video: hiding a crush lol. Being 13, I honestly don't know if the kids only stuff would exclude her like on Disney cruises. And they asked if they would have "her size" costumes. She grew out of Disney princess dress sizes 3 years ago and doesn't like the clingyness in certain areas of women dresses.

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