News Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser coming to Walt Disney World 2021


Well-Known Member
I just turned 45 this month. My spouse is under 45. Our friend we took last year to WDW specifically for Galaxy edge is under 40. We all could afford this. I had misgivings and recently put an offer on a DVC add on that I'll pay in cash. Not wealthy but after little done in 2020 and regular savings this wouldn't have been an issue. We just are good at saving as is our friend, though he's just single. We're probably a prime age they want, though my 14 yo is too tall for those bunks and a bit beyond space invaders.

Really not sure teens will want this. For same spent my kid would rather other experiences. These experiences feel a bit juvenile for him - me as well tbh.

Nice! Got a reservation for MM and deciding if I should scrap it or pay OOP for a room. Only Swalphin shows availability. March has been booked solid for months.
Yep, we used to be big into Disney cruises starting in 2012. The kids loved them when they were younger but after our last one in 2018 they were getting bored and felt it was too kiddy for them and my wife and I would rather just be at a stationary resort. Plus we’ve been staying in 2 bedroom Dvc villas since summer of 2020 (thanks pandemic) and I really don’t ever see us going back to a regular hotel room at Disney if the 4 of us are there together.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
You know theming's bad when someone's comparing it to a correction facility 😬

If thousands, or even if just hundreds all came to that same thought independently of one another, then, yes, that would be bad. But when it's one person wondering if they're making a crazy stretch.... no.

That last pair of pictures isn't even from within the Halcyon. But thinking all hallways look alike is a clear case of being an architectualist.


Well-Known Member
It really bothers me that a lot of people are trying to push the narrative that anybody who criticizes the price point is doing so out of jealousy. I've only seen a couple of people on Twitter try and use this argument (literally saying verbatim that people are just "jealous they can't afford it)" and it's just a really ignorant statement to make. I'll admit, I was one of the people wary about this project but seeing it in action has changed my opinion of it. Would I pay $6,000 for it? Probably not. The reality is a lot of people who would love this kind of experience simply cannot afford it and those that can (and actually HAVE spent the money on it) all have valid reasons to criticize the price. Calling them "jealous" for doing so is disgusting and entitled.
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Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Forgive me if this has already been discussed as this thread has become overwhelmingly long, but... Space Bingo?

WARNING: I will be critiquing the CM's training and management, not the actual perky undergrad at Valencia Junior College working part-time at WDW.

And yet again, the tone from these CM's is just... off. It's too casual, too chirpy and contemporary, too 2020's Carnival Cruise lounge activity on a rainy day. Was there any training whatsoever given to these CM's about playing a role that involved a luxury cruise ship in a Star Wars galaxy? Any training involving vocabulary and tone and phrasing? And are the managers supervising this thinking "Space Bingo! Yup, we really nailed it on this immersive adventure!"

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they added these fillers that are classic from every single cruise ship out there just to fill and make the whole experience "familiar" with a "cruise".
And to entertain those who want more mundane things between Star Wars events.
Specially those who are companions of someone else and aren't star wars hardcore fans.


Well-Known Member
Here's the Crown of Corellia Dining Room set for luncheon service. Is it me, or do all the Galactic Starcruiser CM's wear that same dental hygienist uniform? Front desk check-in CM's, dance lesson CM's, cocktail lounge CM's, Space Bingo number caller CM's, dining room waiter CM's, etc., etc.

That seems weird. And very cheap. Especially because the only uniform they have is frumpy and lumpy and cheap.


P.S. Don't think I'm not appalled that there are no table linens and no tabletop accesories or jewelry. This looks flat and unimpressive. Is this steerage class? How do I upgrade to the real dining room?
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Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Correct. And no actor can be there all time time. Right now is as good as it is going to get until a future refurbishment and rewrite.

And here is the proof positive that people have vastly different opinions. When I watch that Kylo Ren and Rey "fight", I find it so lackluster as to be embarrassing. You think it looks great. Different strokes for different folks. Disney just has to wonder how many folks will pay attention to the first round of "reviews" and plop down a huge chunk of change.
Problem with stuntworks is that it always has to leave some sort of space for safety purposes.. and the ANGLING and point of view is critical to make things look realistically.
Hence why stuntwork and fight choreography use very specific angles to make stuff more dramatic and cool.

And viewing a few videos, showcases that if you see the action from the sides, it looks mostly weird and bad.

Something that sadly cannot be 100% controlled on an stuntshow. (just like how corny the marvel show is..)


Well-Known Member
It really bothers me that a lot of people are trying to push the narrative that anybody who criticizes the price point is doing so out of jealous. I've only seen a couple of people on Twitter try and use this argument (literally saying verbatim that people are just "jealous they can't afford it)" and it's just a really ignorant statement to make. I'll admit, I was one of the people wary about this project but seeing it in action has changed my opinion of it. Would I pay $6,000 for it? Probably not. The reality is a lot of people who would love this kind of experience simply cannot afford it and those that can (and actually HAVE spent the money on it) all have valid reasons to criticize the price. Calling them "jealous" for doing so is disgusting and entitled.
This reads like a fox news segment. Never mind the straw man behind the curtain


Premium Member
Here's the Crown of Corellia Dining Room set for luncheon service. Is it me, or do all the Galactic Starcruiser CM's wear that same dental hygienist uniform? Front desk check-in CM's, dance lesson CM's, cocktail lounge CM's, Space Bingo number caller CM's, dining room waiter CM's, etc., etc.

That seems weird. And very cheap. Especially because the only uniform they have is frumpy and lumpy and cheap.

I’m not gonna say it looks like the food court at pop…didn’t even cross my mind.

But as far as the costumes go. They just look like a kind a retro-Epcot take on standard issue cheap Disney costuming. They won’t break the streamline approach because they see zero value in it.

It is what it is. Some will say it’s “like a
Cruise ship”..:until you point out it’s not jam packed with amenities, food and things to do…in which case the switch is flipped to “it’s not a cruise…it’s an immersive hotel experience”


Well-Known Member
Price tag aside, this just does not seem like my cup of tea. Too much role play, and I honestly don't get a super strong Star Wars vibe from this hotel, at least from the videos I've seen. Throw in the tiny claustrophobic bedrooms with no windows and blue shrimp... yeah, I think I'm content with Galaxy's Edge.


Premium Member
This reads like a fox news segment. I set the straw man on fire so it clearly doesn't exist.
There is undoubtedly some jealousy…there is always a class system and jealousy in any travel.

But this feels different too. This more seems like the heavy upfront prices is causing…ghast…valuation?

Can’t be…because it’s been abandoned in the property it’s contained in. The execs of course know that and they’re banking on it with this.


Well-Known Member
Here's the Crown of Corellia Dining Room set for luncheon service. Is it me, or do all the Galactic Starcruiser CM's wear that same dental hygienist uniform? Front desk check-in CM's, dance lesson CM's, cocktail lounge CM's, Space Bingo number caller CM's, dining room waiter CM's, etc., etc.

That seems weird. And very cheap. Especially because the only uniform they have is frumpy and lumpy and cheap.


P.S. Don't think I'm not appalled that there are no table linens and no tabletop accesories or jewelry. This looks flat and unimpressive. Is this steerage class? How do I upgrade to the real dining room?

I don't understand what they were doing with this room. The lobby looks fine -- it could be more elaborate, but it's not bad -- and the lounge looks good. The standard rooms are too small IMO but they're well themed. Even the bridge, which I think looks too plastic and a bit like a kid's playset, has at least some character.

The main dining room, which seems like it should be a showpiece, looks like a mildly dressed up cafeteria. Media from the test cruises have made a lot of the spaces look more interesting than they did before, but the dining room still looks awful. I don't get it.
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Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Let alone a $6,000 straight upcharge. Which touts itself loudly as the "most immersive immersive that ever immersived immersiveness . . . immersively".
Makes me wonder if they have a redundant redundancy department of redundancy in WDI for their immersion inmersive division.

6'3" is at the 95th percentile of height for adult men, so this is likely adequate. And he is wearing shoes. I didn't watch the video, but if you're bigger than that you didn't really fit in the college dorm either.
just googled average for males and is 5'9. So I agree.
Anyway for someone THAT tall, theres always the beds.

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