The MCU is a unique and impressive phenomena. There have been attempts at cinematic universes for the Universal monsters (the Tom Cruise Mummy movie), for King Kong and Godzilla, for DC comics, etc. No one has come close to duplicating that level of success (yet people here seem to think it's simple and easy).
When the MCU is set as the bar by which all other franchises are evaluated, they're all failures.
Star Wars under Disney/Kennedy could have done many things better, but I don't buy into the doom & gloom overview held by many. They re-launched the series with a movie that evoked the feeling of the original Star Wars and introduced characters that were immediately embraced. Casting and chemistry is important (looking at you, Anakin Skywalker x 2).
They over saturated the market. Again, MCU successfully having multiple hit movies in a single year, year after year, is impressive, but not the norm. There's a reason there's generally three years or more between movies in a franchise. Five Star Wars movies in five years was too much. Marvel manages it because the movies are diverse in style and story. Guardians is a different type of movie than Ant-Man and Doctor Strange. The Star Wars movies are too similar to keep audiences excited without a break.
It's also bizarre how people, with apparent sincerity, manage to criticize Kennedy when they don't like what JJ Abrams or Rian Johnson did, but also criticize her if they like what Jon Favreau delivered in the Mandalorian.