MCU has been a great achievement but has had much lower hurdles to clear in order to satisfy fans.
One noticable one is humor. Humor is one of the great assets of MCU in that they've enjoyed a present-day, RDJ snark, this-is-still-fun tone from the beginning to the end. Pulling off humor in a galaxy far, far away has proven much more challenging. I found the attempts in the new trilogy (and prequels) to be mostly excruciating moments that felt like Judd Apatow-Seth Rogan or awkward SNL skit: the "I'm on hold for general hux's office" bit in the TLJ and the "thank goodness you're okay!" stormtrooper bit in TROS come to mind. Many MCU movies earn legitimate laughs. The little puppet droidtechnician creature in this one provided the only chuckle I can recall.
As everyone has said, the biggest asset MCU has over SW is the variation in setting and character (from movies in WWII to space fantasies akin to Star Wars). Whereas the new Star Wars trilogy follows a story too similar to the one we know from the Originals: an evil Empire wields Superweapon(s) against Outnumbered Rebels while Jedi face-off against Sith... again but with some different people.
I feel like the new Trilogy had a weaker over-arching storyline that was better executed (than the Prequels). The Prequels over-arching story (how the Republic Fell and Empire rose) was more original & interesting but dreadfully executed (via script and performances), IMO.
Neither Prequel nor Sequel trilogy lived up to what I had imagined, so my personal, solipsistic Canon simply leaves them out.