Star struck at Disney....


Super structures are my specialty!
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Former Chicago Bears quarterback Jim McMahon at SWW. Flashed me back to the 85 Bears and the Super Bowl Shuffle. Sadly Sweetness was already passed away and Coach Ditka wasn't with him.


Well-Known Member
Was hearing word that Robert Downey Jr, aka Iron Man/ The Avengers, was at the Magic Kingdom Monday evening. Two young women next to me in line at Liberty Square (at the wafle eatery) said they read on a Disney blog Downey was seen at Space Mountain during extra evening hours. Did not see him.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Was hearing word that Robert Downey Jr, aka Iron Man/ The Avengers, was at the Magic Kingdom Monday evening. Two young women next to me in line at Liberty Square (at the wafle eatery) said they read on a Disney blog Downey was seen at Space Mountain during extra evening hours. Did not see him.
We live in Wilmington NC Iron Man was filmed here... :)


Well-Known Member
Another Steven Tyler sighting here. It was during our first trip back in March 2005 and he got on Aerosmith's Rock N Roller Coaster just before we were to be seated. They walked him in from the other side where the CM was standing and put him on the ride quickly before launching him on his way. Didn't believe it was him until later on when we were waiting in line at ToT and everyone was talking about how they just saw him in the park. Thought that it was just part of the ride (you know, to give you the whole Disney experience) until I got home and looked on Aerosmith's website, where it said Steven was on vacation down in WDW with his children.

Mista C

Well-Known Member
It was late 1983 or early 1984 and I was 10 years old. My family and I were at Epcot riding Horizons. Horizons was not an original Epcot attraction when it opened in 82. Horizons did not open until late 1983, so at this point it was pretty much brand new. During the course of the ride, it kept stopping for prolonged periods of time throughout. It probably stopped 4-5 times and for a few minutes each time. We were wondering what was going on since it was obviously not your typical wheelchair loading stoppage. When we got off the ride, we asked a CM what was going on and they said that Michael Jackson was on the ride and that they kept stopping it for him at each major scene so that he could see everything. So we decided to wait out front for him to exit. I stood up on the seat-wall of the big in-ground planter that was right out front of the pavillion where you entered/exited. Sure enough, minutes later MJ comes walking out of the exit doors surrounded by Disney VIP's and handlers. This was only about a year after Thriller came out and I was only 10 so you could imagine my excitement at seeing one of the biggest celebraties of that time. And he was decked-out in one of his Thriller-type leather jackets with all the bells and whistles. My Dad started snapping pictures of him as he was walking (headed towards Communicore), and at this point, not many other guests had seen him yet. My Mom yells to me to get his autograph and she hands me a pen and a piece of scratch paper from her purse. (I'm fairly certain that it was a McDonalds flyer, believe it or not). Right about this time other guests started to notice him and a small scene began to form around his group. I bobbed and weaved my way through everyone and got right up to him. I handed him the paper (while he was walking) and he signed it for me (again as he was still walking). When he was done signing it, and while he was still walking, he just stuck it back out in the air in my general direction and other people started grabbing for it! I luckily managed to get it back and get away from the mob just as it was starting to get a little out-of-control. Seconds later, they wisked him off through some side door at Communicore. The autograph and the pictures of this encounter are still in a photo album at my parents house. Next time I'm over there, I'll have to take them and scan them so that I can post!


Well-Known Member
It was late 1983 or early 1984 and I was 10 years old. My family and I were at Epcot riding Horizons. Horizons was not an original Epcot attraction when it opened in 82. Horizons did not open until late 1983, so at this point it was pretty much brand new. During the course of the ride, it kept stopping for prolonged periods of time throughout. It probably stopped 4-5 times and for a few minutes each time. We were wondering what was going on since it was obviously not your typical wheelchair loading stoppage. When we got off the ride, we asked a CM what was going on and they said that Michael Jackson was on the ride and that they kept stopping it for him at each major scene so that he could see everything. So we decided to wait out front for him to exit. I stood up on the seat-wall of the big in-ground planter that was right out front of the pavillion where you entered/exited. Sure enough, minutes later MJ comes walking out of the exit doors surrounded by Disney VIP's and handlers. This was only about a year after Thriller came out and I was only 10 so you could imagine my excitement at seeing one of the biggest celebraties of that time. And he was decked-out in one of his Thriller-type leather jackets with all the bells and whistles. My Dad started snapping pictures of him as he was walking (headed towards Communicore), and at this point, not many other guests had seen him yet. My Mom yells to me to get his autograph and she hands me a pen and a piece of scratch paper from her purse. (I'm fairly certain that it was a McDonalds flyer, believe it or not). Right about this time other guests started to notice him and a small scene began to form around his group. I bobbed and weaved my way through everyone and got right up to him. I handed him the paper (while he was walking) and he signed it for me (again as he was still walking). When he was done signing it, and while he was still walking, he just stuck it back out in the air in my general direction and other people started grabbing for it! I luckily managed to get it back and get away from the mob just as it was starting to get a little out-of-control. Seconds later, they wisked him off through some side door at Communicore. The autograph and the pictures of this encounter are still in a photo album at my parents house. Next time I'm over there, I'll have to take them and scan them so that I can post!

DEFINITELY scan those please :)

He was a real small guy, right?

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