Staggs resigns


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why so many of you dog on Iger. Is it because he's pricing you out? Or because you just want to live in the Horizons era the rest of your life?
1. The prices are sort of getting ridiculous, so no need to insult people on whether or not they can afford to go to Disney often.
2. I would much rather have new, original attractions than re themes of old attractions or shoving IP's into our faces. I wish I would have been old enough to experience things like The Living Seas and Horizons before being shuttered for IP's or cheap thrills. I'm assuming you were a fan of the GotG overlay for ToT?


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why so many of you dog on Iger. Is it because he's pricing you out? Or because you just want to live in the Horizons era the rest of your life?

I mean come on... the guy brought us Star Wars and Marvel. Bringing in those two things alone makes him worth his weight as a good CEO for me. The parks have record attendance AND profit (which is great as a shareholder). We've got Disney Springs expansion, Toy Story Land, Avatar, Star Wars Land and more... record profits and attendance on Frozen, Zootopia, Inside Out, etc.

Are there things that should be improved? Sure. But bad CEO? No way. I hope he gets an extension. I'm very happy with Disney as the moment and am excited about everything new being brought in.

I think Staggs got the ax (or got pushed out) because of his big over-budget and often-late projects. Think New Fantasyland, MM+, Avatar, and Shanghai. It's not that the ideas were bad, it's more that the planning was always way off.

FWIW, I generally agree with this. Re: the parks, the improvements have been slow in coming and not earth-shattering but they should - generally speaking - stand the test of time. 7DMT will be a fixture for years. It's the only roller coaster my almost 7yo will tolerate and he loves it. Certainly, it's a good start for the braver younger ones. Mermaid is stunner from the outside and adequate in its internals. Again, the little ones love it. Avatar should be a really nice addition and, while MK is running on crack in terms of attendance, AK and HS are poised for a renaissance.

Sure, I hate the loss of Maelstrom. I wish there were new novel ventures. While the studio's acquisitions have been cinematic marvels, so far they haven't been for the benefit of the parks yet. But I see this as a long game. And I expect WDW should be looking pretty solid in the near future. As soon as they figure out future world.

But as a company's CEO, he's had a great run.


Well-Known Member
Who will be Bob's riding buddy now?



Well-Known Member
I don't understand why so many of you dog on Iger. Is it because he's pricing you out? Or because you just want to live in the Horizons era the rest of your life?

I mean come on... the guy brought us Star Wars and Marvel. Bringing in those two things alone makes him worth his weight as a good CEO for me. The parks have record attendance AND profit (which is great as a shareholder). We've got Disney Springs expansion, Toy Story Land, Avatar, Star Wars Land and more... record profits and attendance on Frozen, Zootopia, Inside Out, etc.

Are there things that should be improved? Sure. But bad CEO? No way. I hope he gets an extension. I'm very happy with Disney as the moment and am excited about everything new being brought in.

I think Staggs got the ax (or got pushed out) because of his big over-budget and often-late projects. Think New Fantasyland, MM+, Avatar, and Shanghai. It's not that the ideas were bad, it's more that the planning was always way off.


George Lucas brought us Lucasfilm.

Stan Lee brought us Marvel.

Record attendance and record profits resulted in job cuts.

What else ya got, Ethan?


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why so many of you dog on Iger. Is it because he's pricing you out? Or because you just want to live in the Horizons era the rest of your life?

I mean come on... the guy brought us Star Wars and Marvel. Bringing in those two things alone makes him worth his weight as a good CEO for me. The parks have record attendance AND profit (which is great as a shareholder). We've got Disney Springs expansion, Toy Story Land, Avatar, Star Wars Land and more... record profits and attendance on Frozen, Zootopia, Inside Out, etc.

Are there things that should be improved? Sure. But bad CEO? No way. I hope he gets an extension. I'm very happy with Disney as the moment and am excited about everything new being brought in.

I think Staggs got the ax (or got pushed out) because of his big over-budget and often-late projects. Think New Fantasyland, MM+, Avatar, and Shanghai. It's not that the ideas were bad, it's more that the planning was always way off.
It is clear you do not know your history very well.

Star Wars and Marvel were not created by Iger and their being owned by The Walt Disney Company didn't suddenly make them more enjoyable.


Well-Known Member
I don't work for Disney nor do I ever plan to. Sorry you can't be happy with Disney anymore old timer. Things change, deal with it.

I'm with you! Walt Disney World has never been better! I'm very excited for my upcoming family vacation. Our week at the Poly is only going to be $9,000! Really excited about all the changes coming to DHS too! Hopefully they'll be done by 2021. We'll come back every year between now and then anyway though! Just love it so much, the magic, ya know? There's nothing else like it! Sigh. So grateful Bob Iger and the wonderful execs at Disney have kept WDW in such great shape for so long. Not only is the maintenance great; I love walking through Epcot and passing all the empty buildings. I LOVE empty buildings. The kids love meeting the princesses and I love having to feverishly click through the Fastpass system at midnight 60 days before we leave to make sure we can see Elsa. So great and convenient! I'm an early riser so I don't mind getting up at 6am six months out so I can book my little snowflakes into Be Our Guest. We love the Grey stuff cupcakes! So clever! Did you know the angels on the ceiling are the Imagineers' babies? How cute is that? There are hidden Mickeys too! My oldest wanted to go to college but we decided we'd rather do WDW each year. You can't put a price on memories, unless you're a shareholder!


Well-Known Member
It is clear you do not know your history very well.

Star Wars and Marvel were not created by Iger and their being owned by The Walt Disney Company didn't suddenly make them more enjoyable.
You could make the argument that Disney's purchase of the IP's did actually make them more enjoyable. One of the few things I think Iger has been good at as providing the checkbook to his purchased film brands, while entrusting them to talented individuals who are relatively autonomous in order to build the franchises. Lasseter with Pixar. Feige with Marvel. Kennedy with Lucasfilm.

At other studios, the parent company would be meddling more and the product would suffer. And with Marvel and Lucasfilm, these were stagnant companies who were given additional life when Disney purchased them.

But that is really the ONLY place I will give Iger credit.


Well-Known Member
I'm with you! Walt Disney World has never been better! I'm very excited for my upcoming family vacation. Our week at the Poly is only going to be $9,000! Really excited about all the changes coming to DHS too! Hopefully they'll be done by 2021. We'll come back every year between now and then anyway though! Just love it so much, the magic, ya know? There's nothing else like it! Sigh. So grateful Bob Iger and the wonderful execs at Disney have kept WDW in such great shape for so long. Not only is the maintenance great; I love walking through Epcot and passing all the empty buildings. I LOVE empty buildings. The kids love meeting the princesses and I love having to feverishly click through the Fastpass system at midnight 60 days before we leave to make sure we can see Elsa. So great and convenient! I'm an early riser so I don't mind getting up at 6am six months out so I can book my little snowflakes into Be Our Guest. We love the Grey stuff cupcakes! So clever! Did you know the angels on the ceiling are the Imagineers' babies? How cute is that? There are hidden Mickeys too! My oldest wanted to go to college but we decided we'd rather do WDW each year. You can't put a price on memories, unless you're a shareholder!

Whats even more magical is the fact that when they say "value" they really mean value. I mean a value room for just $2000 for 6 nights! WOW what a deal. and that doesn't even include tickets!!!


Well-Known Member
So confused. I figured Staggs was going to be the fall guy for Shanghai. Why announce this now unless the board is setting up Iger as the fall guy so they can push for all new top level executives? Anyone know how much of this is really about the parks and how much of this is about ESPN and ABC?

ESPN keeps getting trotted out as a great punching bag. There may be issues there, but they are much less significant than fans want to believe.

Shanghai has been a (pooh) show since the start. I don't care how kewl drone pics look to fanbois in the Twitverse who are too afraid to ever travel over there.

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