I find that to be believable, given when ROE was being developed.
Remember, the computer behind it is just a controller. So if it did BSOD, hopefully it would reboot. Sure, maybe it takes 5 minutes to reboot, but all that would happen is the show would pause. And if it BSOD'd at the right time, who knows, maybe you would never know. Maybe the globe would flash some (seemingly) random flashes, but I really doubt you'd SEE the BSOD on the globe. Of course, not knowing how it was implemented, now way to know.
Most of the problems people have with Windows can be traced back to a couple things. Buggy drivers, buggy software, buggy users. People who install software they shouldn't, people who don't know what they are doing, people who click on links and shouldn't, or there is no real protection running on the machine, tend to be most of it. Oh, and the overly bloated Windows Registry. The WR is a huge issue too. One that doesn't come into play until the other issues bring it up.
I would kind of assume that the earth globe probably has a few micro-controllers inside, and the Windows 95/98/whatever machine is just there to keep feeding instructions to them, and keep the globe in sync with the rest of the show. Since the computer doesn't have a connection with the outside world except for the main computer controlling the show, shouldn't be an issue. Of course, maybe it does have an outside connection, and then I stop taking bets.