I think it's really sick and obsessive.
I love WDW just as much as the next guy, but IMO, being so obsessed that you want to be cremated and have your ashes spread around WDW...that's taking love for WDW to incredible, unhealthy extremes. It's just a vacation resort folks...not a religion. Some people seem to worship the joint as if it were a god or something.
Besides, I never have understood why people have any wishes at all for their funeral or their body. My point of view is that I'll be dead and gone, so you can grind me into dog chow for all I care...it's not like I'll be around see or care what happens to me or how you do my funeral. I'd rather do my planning for things that I will be around to enjoy, and focus my thoughts on the things of the living, not the things of the dead.