SPOILER: The Acolyte -- Disney+ Star Wars -- begins June 5, 2024


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First Impressions of "Star Wars: The Acolyte" based on the member comments on this board: The Force is… Well, Sorta There​

The Look and Feel: "It looks like Star Wars but acts like Star Trek." Lightsabers and spaceship battles, but... the actors might just break out into a philosophical debate about the Prime Directive at any minute.

Droids Steal the Show: The real stars are, of course, the droids. Especially Pip, who turns into a pilot seat. We’re just here for the droid antics and waiting for them to drop a sick mixtape. Hasbro, where's our Pip action figure? You’re missing a cash cow here!

Action Scenes: The fight scenes are on point. If nothing else, at least we get to see some epic lightsaber duels.

The Plot: Story-wise, it's a mixed bag. Half the viewers are intrigued, the other half are going, "Is it just me, or are we all just watching the characters wander aimlessly through the sets like it’s a Star Wars-themed nature documentary?"

Review Bombing: Right on cue, the review bombers are out in full force, probably because the cast has more women than a Spice Girls reunion tour. But seriously, the only thing heavier than the female cast is the baggage these review bombers are carrying.

Mystery and Theories: The big question: Who’s the mysterious "master"? Some think it's Darth Plagueis, others are betting on "Yoda in a wig." Let’s not forget the wild theory that the master could be one of the girls' moms. A galaxy far, far away just got a lot closer to a daytime soap opera.

Character Curiosities: Mae’s got some serious beef with the Jedi, and we’re dying to know why. And what's the deal with the twin aspect? Here’s hoping it doesn’t end up like a bad episode of "Maury."

Timeline Confusion: The show is set a hundred years before the prequels, which has some fans scratching their heads. "Are we getting a Yoda cameo or what? Dude’s been around longer than sliced bread, he better show up."

Speculations: The perpetual line of Sith hiding out like they’re playing the longest game of hide-and-seek ever. "Hey, maybe they were just really good at social distancing."

Cameos and Connective Tissue: Disney loves their surprise cameos. If Yoda doesn’t show up, fans will riot. We’re betting on at least one scene where he pops out and says, “Surprise, it is!”

Final Verdict so far (according to comments on board): The show’s enjoyable enough, but it’s not quite at the level of "Andor" or early "Mandalorian." It’s mid-pac, like that one droid in the background who doesn’t get a name but is still kinda cool. Here’s hoping the series picks up the pace and gives us a satisfying endgame.

Next up...

Episode 3: The Galactic Drama Unfolds from the voices on this board....​

The Polarizing Episode????: Episode 3 has stirred up intense debate among fans, with wild speculation about its content...

The Polarizing Episode: "What happens in Episode 3 that is so polarizing?" The galaxy is abuzz with speculation. Did Yoda suddenly start breakdancing? Or maybe the Sith Lord is revealed to be a fan of reality TV? Whatever it is, it's got fans on the edge of their seats—or falling off them laughing.

Leak or No Leak: "Yeah so I’m either too lazy or too stupid to find the leak." Ah, the eternal struggle of Star Wars fans everywhere. Finding this leak is harder than finding a needle in a stack of Porgs.

Beyond Ridiculous: "What I read as the 'leak' can’t possibly be true because it’s beyond stupid." Because, you know, Star Wars has always been the epitome of serious storytelling. Remember when Han Solo talked to a giant slug? Yeah, totally serious.

Suspense and Doubt: "I read something but I think it’s made up. I’ll wait for confirmation before saying anything. It just sounds beyond ridiculous." Sounds like the plot twist involves Jar Jar Binks becoming a Sith Lord. Actually, that might make too much sense…

The Lazy Guide: "Go look up ******. So now we’re on an intergalactic scavenger hunt for spoilers. May the search engines be ever in your favor!

Much Ado About Nothing: "Personally it's much ado about nothing to me." Episode 3 is Shakespeare in a galaxy far, far away. To be or not to be… a Jedi.

Hyperbole and Hilarity: "A LOT of hyperbole. But yeah certain types of people will have problems with it no matter how it is portrayed." Like whether Ewoks or Porgs are cuter. Important stuff, folks.

Societal Divide: "It's not as much of a problem with SW as it is with a divide in society that has become deeper and more contentious unfortunately." So, the real dark side is the friends we argued with along the way. Maybe we need a Jedi peace summit to settle these internet debates.

Tune in Tuesday, June 11, 2024.....
I got a good chuckle out of that, well done.


Well-Known Member
So the alien Padawan has been my favorite character so far - her name is Jecki Lon and she is a Theelin/Human hybrid apparently. I feel like the character design reminds me a lot of Star Trek species for some reason but I guess pure Theelins would have more distinctive and flamboyant features.

Anyway, when looking up about her character I was interested to learn that the actress portraying her is Dafne Keen who placed Laura (X-23) in the movie Logan. I think she really has had great screen presence even in her limited time on the show. I hope she is featured a good bit going forward.
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Well-Known Member
So the alien Padawan has been my favorite character so far - her name is Jecki Lon and she is a Theelin/Human hybrid apparently. I feel like the charact design reminds me a lot of Star Trek species for some reason but I guess pure Theelins would have more distinctive and flamboyant features.

Anyway, where looking up about her character I was interested to learn that the actress portraying her is Dafne Keen who placed Laura (X-23) in the movie Logan. I think she really has had great screen presence even in her limited time on the show. I hope she is featured a good bit going forward.
She’s a Theelin/Human hybrid, so her design isn’t as flamboyant as pure Theelins, which might be why she reminds you of some Star Trek species. And yeah, the actress playing her is Dafne Keen, who was awesome as Laura (X-23) in Logan. She’s got such great screen presence, even with the limited time she’s had on the show.


President of Animal Kingdom
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Original Poster
So the alien Padawan has been my favorite character so far - her name is Jecki Lon and she is a Theelin/Human hybrid apparently. I feel like the charact design reminds me a lot of Star Trek species for some reason but I guess pure Theelins would have more distinctive and flamboyant features.

Anyway, where looking up about her character I was interested to learn that the actress portraying her is Dafne Keen who placed Laura (X-23) in the movie Logan. I think she really has had great screen presence even in her limited time on the show. I hope she is featured a good bit going forward.

Hey, Chatbot. Take what this user just said and just rephrase it condensing it just slightly.

She’s a Theelin/Human hybrid, so her design isn’t as flamboyant as pure Theelins, which might be why she reminds you of some Star Trek species. And yeah, the actress playing her is Dafne Keen, who was awesome as Laura (X-23) in Logan. She’s got such great screen presence, even with the limited time she’s had on the show.


Well-Known Member
Hey, Chatbot. Take what this user just said and just rephrase it condensing it just slightly.

It's interesting that you accuse me of manipulating the board when all I did was rephrase doctornick's comment to keep the discussion friendly and engaging. You're so focused on opposing views that you can't handle differing opinions. Does it drive you crazy? You tell me.
MisterPenguin, your constant attempts to take down individuals with opposing views only reveal your insecurities. It's not just against me—I've seen you do it to others as well. Instead of trying to destroy discussions, why not contribute constructively? This board is for everyone to share their thoughts on The Acolyte, even if they are negative. If you have passion for the show, let's see it. Your behavior discourages open and honest dialogue.
All I've done is speak passionately about Disney and the Star Wars universe, and that might not align with your views, but attacking me discourages others. I liked what doctornick had to say—he talked about actually liking a character. What are you doing, MisterPenguin? You just lost me. Unbelievable!!

Whatever problem you have with me, let's iron it out. You tell me what bothers you, and I'll respond in kind.
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Well-Known Member
It's interesting that you accuse me of manipulating the board when all I did was rephrase doctornick's comment to keep the discussion friendly and engaging. You're so focused on opposing views that you can't handle differing opinions. Does it drive you crazy? You tell me.
MisterPenguin, your constant attempts to take down individuals with opposing views only reveal your insecurities. It's not just against me—I've seen you do it to others as well. Instead of trying to destroy discussions, why not contribute constructively? This board is for everyone to share their thoughts on The Acolyte, even if they are negative. If you have passion for the show, let's see it. Your behavior discourages open and honest dialogue.
All I've done is speak passionately about Disney and the Star Wars universe, and that might not align with your views, but attacking me discourages others. I liked what doctornick had to say—he talked about actually liking a character. What are you doing, MisterPenguin? You just lost me. Unbelievable!!

Whatever problem you have with me, let's iron it out. You tell me what bothers you, and I'll respond in kind.
Do you have an opinion on the Acolyte…. I have only seen you ridicule other opinions


Well-Known Member
Do you have an opinion on the Acolyte…. I have only seen you ridicule other opinions
What opinion did I ridicule? And if I did, were they attacking me first? It’s funny because this started with me agreeing with an Acolyte character observation, and then MisterPenguin attacked. Crazy.

MisterPenguin has been upset for years when people disagree with him, as shown by his accusations of me using AI. Where did that even come from?

Anyway, show me what you are referring to.
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Well-Known Member
I have seen no one attack you… but you have said yourself… your a wanna-be comic here to make jokes out of others opinions… I am wondering what thoughts you have on The Acolyte?
Can’t believe we are having this conversation… I wasn’t making fun of anyone. I was summarizing the views on the board in what I thought was a funny way, but there was no attack. Some thought it was funny; go back and read it—it doesn’t make fun of anyone.

Where else have I attacked someone in these discussions? You said I have, so show me. And if I did, did they attack first?

I’ve been passionate about my views, yes.


Well-Known Member
Can’t believe we are having this conversation… I wasn’t making fun of anyone. I was summarizing the views on the board in what I thought was a funny way, but there was no attack. Some thought it was funny; go back and read it—it doesn’t make fun of anyone.

Where else have I attacked someone in these discussions? You said I have, so show me. And if I did, did they attack first?

I’ve been passionate about my views, yes.
Do what are your views… the only thoughts I have seen is your views on opinions from others

Disney Irish

Premium Member
Can’t believe we are having this conversation… I wasn’t making fun of anyone. I was summarizing the views on the board in what I thought was a funny way, but there was no attack. Some thought it was funny; go back and read it—it doesn’t make fun of anyone.

Where else have I attacked someone in these discussions? You said I have, so show me. And if I did, did they attack first?

I’ve been passionate about my views, yes.
Let me "summarize" for you -

Come up with your own thoughts on the show instead of summarizing others for "humor".

You've posted in the main thread asking people for their thoughts on the show, after you helped derail it. Well now several people indirectly and now directly have asked you to do the same thing in this thread. So how about it?


Well-Known Member
Let me "summarize" for you -

Come up with your own thoughts on the show instead of summarizing others for "humor".

You've posted in the main thread asking people for their thoughts on the show, after you helped derail it. Well now several people indirectly and now directly have asked you to do the same thing in this thread. So how about it?
Will you also join me, Disney Irish? Or do you plan to keep the confrontational, accusatory tones?

Clear the board—my summary isn’t what fired you up. You were upset with me before that. Something else is bothering you. My Last Jedi stance? No way that’s it.

Get it off your chest and clear the air. And yes, I thought the summary was awesome—I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t think so. :)

Anyway, I’m looking forward to your future reviews of the series.
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Well-Known Member
I’ve already been providing my thoughts on the show. So it’s you who should be joining the rest of us.

I really am beginning to see @MisterPenguin point.
I’ve been engaging in discussions and contributing my thoughts. The question is, are you truly open to different perspectives or just here to reinforce your own biases? Because this is what this is all about.

I’m here to share and discuss, just like everyone else. If my approach isn’t to your liking, maybe it’s time to reflect on why differing opinions bother you so much. Let’s focus on the show and leave the unnecessary drama behind.


Well-Known Member
I’ve been engaging in discussions and contributing my thoughts. The question is, are you truly open to different perspectives or just here to reinforce your own biases? Because this is what this is all about.

I’m here to share and discuss, just like everyone else. If my approach isn’t to your liking, maybe it’s time to reflect on why differing opinions bother you so much. Let’s focus on the show and leave the unnecessary drama behind.
I have not seen any contributing thoughts of your own on The Acolyte…now it seems your deflecting @Disney Irish so you you don’t have to answer


Well-Known Member
So the alien Padawan has been my favorite character so far - her name is Jecki Lon and she is a Theelin/Human hybrid apparently. I feel like the character design reminds me a lot of Star Trek species for some reason but I guess pure Theelins would have more distinctive and flamboyant features.

Anyway, when looking up about her character I was interested to learn that the actress portraying her is Dafne Keen who placed Laura (X-23) in the movie Logan. I think she really has had great screen presence even in her limited time on the show. I hope she is featured a good bit going forward.

Dafne Keen had the lead role as Lyra in his Dark Material. It got very little play here, but was a BBC/HBO co-fund and very highly produced. She's a very strong actor. It's a childhood franchise I actually adore more than Star Wars.

This is the first cast that I actually really recognize. I mean I knew Emilia Clark and saw Oscar Isaac in Ex Machina, but that was quite a niche film.

Lee Jung-Jae is the lead of Squid Games. Charlie Barnett was in Russian doll. The side character Manuel Luis Jacinto is Jason from the Good Place. It's kind of a veritable whose who of shows I've watched for whatever reason.


Well-Known Member
I have not seen any contributing thoughts of your own on The Acolyte…now it seems your deflecting @Disney Irish so you you don’t have to answer
has potential, but its true success will depend on how it develops its story and characters. I was disappointed that Carrie-Anne Moss’s character died so early. This sudden loss ended the show for my wife, who was looking forward to seeing more of Moss’s performance. The series needs to sustain its intriguing elements and deliver compelling arcs to keep viewers invested


Well-Known Member
has potential, but its true success will depend on how it develops its story and characters. I was disappointed that Carrie-Anne Moss’s character died so early. This sudden loss ended the show for my wife, who was looking forward to seeing more of Moss’s performance. The series needs to sustain its intriguing elements and deliver compelling arcs to keep viewers invested
Maybe the 180m budget couldn't afford to keep her for more than a one day shoot?

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