Yeah, and I have had to talk to the showrunner/creator numerous times when all I can muster is a 'great work' and then turn the subject to anything else (including the weather, which always seems extremely hot when I am at industry functions with Matt).
I have tried. But it leaves me with the same feeling I got from ABC's Pan Am -- looks great, characters aren't compelling.
Binge watching is terrible. I did four and a half seasons of Breaking Bad in one month last summer before the final eight episodes because I had never watched and I KNEW how good it was. I also did the Netflix reboot of Arrested Development, which I hated. Couldn't believe it was the same show I loved for three seasons on FOX. I tried with House of Cards but the start of this season (and figuring out where it would end) just soured me on it and I gave up.
I know binging is popular now, but I really hope to never do it again.
BTW, I have to say I am thrilled 24 is coming back (even if I'll see it delayed since I'll be on holiday) and hope it more closely resembles its first few seasons of greatness and not the cartoony depths in ended in.