Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts Tres

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Well-Known Member
Alrighty then....you want to go political....lets get this party started. I think that its terrible what happened in the Travon Martin case. But what is more terrible is how the effed up media handled it all. The truth is that 94% of all blacks who are murdered are killed by other blacks. So many young black youths are losing their lives everyday. In Chicago lately they are killing eachother at historical rates. The Martin case wasn't racial in its essence but was made out to be by the race baiters.

What about the soldiers who die almost everyday in Afghanistan.....is that not as tragic? Political? How about cigarettes? If there was any other product on the market that killed so many people ( lead) there would be an outrage. Tobacco kills more people then guns exponentially... but yet we ignore it. How about alcohol? How many people lose their lives due to alcohol.....where is the outrage? Why because of money....that's why.

Ok Spirit.....this is going to continue till you give it up.

I just refer to them as "Race Bombers" these days, 'cause that's EXACTLY what the hell they REALLY are. NONE of those buggers will take responsibility (black, white, or otherwise) for the sickness they feed...'cause THEY feed off of it.
I live my life EVERY single day not pre-judging anyone...A-holes come in every color.
What I'm gettin' REALLY tired of though is people, alternately, telling me to be "color blind", and then when it's convenient for them, tellin' me to notice their color. Pick one. I'm gettin' a bit sick of it.

Anyone who EVER says they're "color blind" when it comes to skin color is a lyin' sack of excrement...we ALL notice it. But, it doesn't make ANY of us racist for the fact that our human eyes see color.

Good grief, already.
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The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
I just refer to them as "Race Bombers" these days, 'cause that's EXACTLY what the hell they REALLY are. NONE of those buggers will take responsibility (black, white, or otherwise) for the sickness they feed...'cause THEY feed off of it.
I live my life EVERY single day not pre-judging anyone...A-holes come in every color.
What I'm gettin' REALLY tired of is people, alternately, telling me to be "color blind", and then when it's convinient for them, tellin' me to notice their color. Pick one. I'm gettin' a bit sick of it.

Anyone who EVER says they're "color blind" when it comes to skin color is a lyin' sack of excrement...we ALL notice it. But, it doesn't make ANY of us racist for the fact that our human eyes see color.

Good grief, already.
Yes, but tell us how you really feel... :cool:


Well-Known Member
Know what else they do? They buy up all the bacon when it's on sale. Not all of it all of it, but the good packs - so you spend like hours looking through the little bacon window for the good slices but they're not there because the Martians took 'em all and you just wasted all that time. GRR!!!11


Premium Member
I'm not racist or anything, but I %$*#ing can't stand Martians. They're always stealing my pies and hiding my socks and taking all the good parking spots. They deserve to rot in HE-E-DOUBLE-HOCKEY-STICKS!!111!!!1
Know what else they do? They buy up all the bacon when it's on sale. Not all of it all of it, but the good packs - so you spend like hours looking through the little back window for the good slices but they're not there because the Martians took 'em all and you just wasted all that time. GRR!!!11

Now we're talking, pies and bacon... things are starting to look up in this thread, I'm heading to the kitchen for a snack.


Well-Known Member
Sea World will tank once Blackfish gets wide release and wins its much deserved Oscar.

I thought the same thing about the documentary "The Cove", but it didn't seem to keep people from going to SW or make much of a difference.

**edit** sorry I'm a little late to the conversation. I just saw the other posts about " the cove". But what really sealed the deal of me never going back to SW was when they decided to keep the whale after its 3rd killing and not release it into a sanctuary.
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Black Pearl

Well-Known Member
This thread has become an excersise in post counts, views, attention spans, expectations, deciphering, tolerance, and so on....

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
Know what else they do? They buy up all the bacon when it's on sale. Not all of it all of it, but the good packs - so you spend like hours looking through the little bacon window for the good slices but they're not there because the Martians took 'em all and you just wasted all that time. GRR!!!11
Look, I'm not racist or anything, I mean some of my best friends are Martians! But I've noticed this same thing. It's not just the bacon either. Try to find a carton of eggs without any cracks in a market near the Little Mars section of town. Good freaking luck. Maybe if the stockboys would get with the rest of the world and grow opposable thumbs, they'd stop dropping everything.


Well-Known Member
I thought the same thing about the documentary "The Cove", but it didn't seem to keep people from going to SW or make much of a difference.

I suspect that Blackfish won't make that much of a dent on SeaWorld attendance, even if it ends up being remarkably successful for a film of its genre.

If people enjoy doing something, it's extremely difficult to get them to change their habits or their long-held beliefs -- human beings have an incredibly powerful ability to minimize and resolve cognitive dissonance. It's why so many sites on the internet that peddle to unreasonable or even irrational perspectives are so successful -- people have an innate need to seek confirmation bias and be assured that what they do or how they feel is not only appropriate, but in fact the only correct way to be.

In contrast, people are more likely to reject something if it affects them directly by causing disappointment, annoyance, or inconvenience. In that vein, I think the largely lackluster experiences guests have had with SWO's highly-touted Antarctica attraction are more likely to affect SW's bottom line than a documentary film, which many are likely to view as "non mainstream."


Well-Known Member
I don't. So what if the kid got away. I must have missed the part where he committed some crime beyond being black and wearing a hoodie. Justice absolutely wasn't served, but in our very flawed system and even more flawed state, that isn't surprising at all.

As soon as the prosecution admitted that Martin could have been on top of Zimmerman during the struggle, that case we over. The stand your ground law wouldn't apply in this case as you are in a vulnerable position. The jury reached the right verdict based on the information they received. I'm not saying what happened was right just the application of the law as it applied to the facts presented.


Well-Known Member
Anyway, getting back to WDW news, is it pretty definite that this will be the last Christmas of the Osborne lights? I just want to know because I would like to see it before it goes, so I will have to change some plans around to make it to HS when I'm in Orlando in Nov.

The Duck

Well-Known Member
Anyway, getting back to WDW news, is it pretty definite that this will be the last Christmas of the Osborne lights? I just want to know because I would like to see it before it goes, so I will have to change some plans around to make it to HS when I'm in Orlando in Nov.
Shhh... You're interrupting a political debate. If you want to talk about Disney you need to go to a Disney forum........ Oh.....Wait a minute...............Never mind. o_O
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