Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts Tres

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Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
I used AAA to book. It saved me on airfare and the hotel $$ was the same with or without. It was easier to book all at once than individually. So I think that's probably why people use it.

Don't judge anyone for using it vs. 'plan your own'. A lot of folks use it for the easy factor but plan out the vacations themselves. Like I did. :)


Well-Known Member
Not when WDW is a big partner.
That... Makes no sense. They may be a partner but it certainly isn't their job to shill for Disney. Disney shills itself real well without AAA's help. Their job is to help you have the best vacation possible in whichever location may be best for you/your family. Id much rather have an honest travel agent than one who acts like they are in the pocket of one company. But I guess you enjoy your travel agent inflating/twisting things based on your post... Personally, I don't need or want that bias.


Well-Known Member
And Trip-Tiks!! I LOVE the Trip-Tik! Nothing better than the Trip-Tik when it comes to trip planning!! I get one even when I know where I'm going. :)

Also, maps of all the areas you drive through, books with tourist info, good roadside stops, hotel recommendations, routes around traffic/construction, routes around mountains, friendly people with honest advice, nice travel shop...

I love AAA.

And on my trip last week, when the mattress hit my windshield and got stuck under my car, leaving me stranded on 95, AAA came out and lifted my car up, pulled the mattress out and recommended an excellent, honest place to get my car checked out (also with nice people.)

This is possibly the best week of my life to ask me to sing the praises of AAA. :D


Well-Known Member
besides being in a wooden alcove.. how would you say the ride itself was themed? Oh.. and painting one track red and one blue.
Umm, the trains are themed to Dragons? If there were 2 dragons flying around over your head. What kind of theming would be surrounding them?


Well-Known Member
They do a fine job adding a little theme to the coasters. The dragons are better than nothing. But there really isn't much you can do to theme a coaster and still have it be so thrilling.

The tracks that some people call "ugly" don't really seem ugly to me. They look strong, powerful, exciting and fun!! Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. :)


Wilson King of Prussia
Umm, the trains are themed to Dragons? If there were 2 dragons flying around over your head. What kind of theming would be surrounding them?

Supported steel that bends, twists and loops?

As was mentioned earlier, we all have our preferences and opinions, but just making the trains look like something isn't enough for me as far as a themed experience goes. Again, just my opinion.


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
I could foresee the Sci-Fi Dine in, converted to StarWars themed experience. Still a drive in, but in antigravity ships similar to this. And with StarWars type movies playing and heavy re-themeing.

Gosh, I hope not.
I love Sci-Fi just the way it is.
I don't even mind the food - for what is. You're at a drive-in, you shouldn't be expecting foie gras or lobster.
Certainly, any Star Wars-land should include a dining venue, but please leave my Sc-Fi alone. Up until a couple of years ago, my boys and I used to go to the drive-in (we have 3 venues/7 screens within a 45 minute drive) at least twice/week. So, even though my boys are 17 and 18, they can appreciate the nostalgia of the drive-in as much as their parents can.


Well-Known Member
Supported steel that bends, twists and loops?

As was mentioned earlier, we all have our preferences and opinions, but just making the trains look like something isn't enough for me as far as a themed experience goes. Again, just my opinion.
And a perfectly valid opinion. :)

Disney has easy, low-thrill coasters that are impressively themed.

Other parks have exciting, fun coasters that have less than impressive themes.

I, personally, like all of them, for what they are. :D I do not compare Everest to Kraken, really. I love them each for what they are. :)


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
I think it's amazing people still pay AAA for trip planning.
I book my trip through CAA every year. They don't charge me anything (outside of my annual dues) for trip planning.
The final price is identical to what I pre-calculate on Disney's site - with the added advantage of the AAA Diamond Parking Pass, and a merchandise discount card for select stores.


Well-Known Member
Gosh, I hope not.
I love Sci-Fi just the way it is.
I don't even mind the food - for what is. You're at a drive-in, you shouldn't be expecting foie gras or lobster.
Certainly, any Star Wars-land should include a dining venue, but please leave my Sc-Fi alone. Up until a couple of years ago, my boys and I used to go to the drive-in (we have 3 venues/7 screens within a 45 minute drive) at least twice/week. So, even though my boys are 17 and 18, they can appreciate the nostalgia of the drive-in as much as their parents can.

Oh I agree, I'm not saying I want them too... just that given the location it would be easy for them to re-imagine it star wars.


Active Member
I could foresee the Sci-Fi Dine in, converted to StarWars themed experience. Still a drive in, but in antigravity ships similar to this. And with StarWars type movies playing and heavy re-themeing.


Uhm, they could retheme it just to a more '77 look, like you were in a drive in watching the first Star Wars, it was the first summer blockbuster after all. I think it would be a nice way to transition to a Star Wars area.


Well-Known Member
Supported steel that bends, twists and loops?

As was mentioned earlier, we all have our preferences and opinions, but just making the trains look like something isn't enough for me as far as a themed experience goes. Again, just my opinion.
And if all they did was theme the trains I would agree. There was just a titch more effort done than simply themed trains.

I'm ok with going the impressionistic route if it means we can get something more interesting than trains in a mountain.


Well-Known Member
The truth can hurt. Partner or not isn't it refreshing to have a realistic opinion?
No, I don't think so. It is the job of a travel agent to set up and take care of the details of what the customer wants. Not to be the judge and jury of whether or not the customer will like the destination. WDW isn't everybody's cup of tea, but, it just might be for the person that she was trying to convince was making a mistake. Couple that with, it's the job of the travel agent to not get in their own way when it comes to making a plan for someone else. Maybe some other travel agency, but, certainly not AAA that has a long and close relationship with Disney Parks and relies on that connection to make a whole lot of money for themselves.

Whether or not Disney is overpriced is not her decision to make. It is the decision of the traveler. It started with a request for a park hopper. The job of the agent was to inform them that if they hadn't been before they might not need a PH, because they can easily spend the whole day in a single park. That's it, not a long lecture on how Disney isn't going to return the investment. That's a personal opinion and not a professional one.

Telling someone that they shouldn't go to a particular place because it's dangerous, unsanitary or just miserable to be in is one thing. This does not apply to a Disney Park and therefore had no basis of mention. What something is worth is an individual decision and not something that she should be trying to "save" them from.

P.S. I have been a travel agent in the past and that is why this particular thing struck a nerve with me. If they ask will I like it...you tell them clearly that in your opinion it isn't worth it, but then you have to say that many, many people don't see it that way. Refreshing to have an opinion? Why? Everyone has an opinion. They're out there by the thousands. It doesn't necessarily make it correct. An agents job is to advise based on facts not opinion. You tell people what is there and it's up to them to decide if that is something they want and if it's worth it to them.


Well-Known Member
And if all they did was theme the trains I would agree. There was just a titch more effort done than simply themed trains.

I'm ok with going the impressionistic route if it means we can get something more interesting than trains in a mountain.
Totally agree!

While I love Disneys mountains, they just don't fulfill the thrill I occasionally crave...so I go to Islands or Busch or Sea World to ride some world class coasters. While IOAs coasters are heavily themed, they are themed a lot more than Cedar Points or Six Flags...especially in the queue


Uhm, they could retheme it just to a more '77 look, like you were in a drive in watching the first Star Wars, it was the first summer blockbuster after all. I think it would be a nice way to transition to a Star Wars area.
As someone who has a decent memory of '77...no thanks. Not a theme/look I'd care to see again.

And Jaws was the first summer blockbuster, not Star Wars.
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