Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

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Active Member
Safe to say that 15,000 rooms are not to fully support what Uni currently has...but what they are about to get? This announcement is the first domino for something bigger...much bigger. I think they are laying the infrastructure to accommodate more guests.
I'm predicting and expecting all out scorched earth competition which is good for everybody. :)


Premium Member
Disney opts for BRAND advocates that shout down the fans with legit concerns. Go watch Duncan Wardle's video.

Who is Duncan Wardle?

I don't see these types shouting down the fans with legit concerns. They seem scared of people with legit concerns if you ask me.... preferring the company of like minded individuals instead of independents.


Well-Known Member
Safe to say that 15,000 rooms are not to fully support what Uni currently has...but what they are about to get? This announcement is the first domino for something bigger...much bigger. I think they are laying the infrastructure to accommodate more guests.

Would Disney build 10,000+ rooms based on NextGen? Nope.

Sure NextGen is designed to get more out of guests and they WILL lose some night stay casualties to Universal.

Things are about to get really interesting!

I just wonder how much landowners to the south and east are going to start asking when Universal starts calling, because it is beyond obvious by now how Universal is going to accommodate that much of an increase in rooms and guests. I have a very good hunch they're waiting on Fourth Quarter Properties to properly go under or hit the point where they're going to need land sales to get out from under the mountain of debt, tax, and bankruptcy issues they have (or rather "he" and all of the FQP variants he runs).


Well-Known Member
So by your own definition...

you're tainted. That's a mighty fine glass house you have there misterID

Your standards for Disney bloggers are quite impressive...

Big difference: I'm not advertising their product and encouraging you to use it or giving them glowy reviews (yes, I'm so slanted aren't I?) for perks.

I still speak my mind. And above all else, I admit and was open, of my own free will, that I took their free stuff. I didn't have to. :)


Premium Member
You have no idea who I know or how I came to know them or be in their circles. So, you shouldn't assume anything (and certainly not listen to what a few lifestylers enjoy spreading because it fits their business agenda).

I don't do backchannel gossip...


Active Member
I have made my opinion abundantly clear regarding the way Disney chooses to engage in social media ...you can engage your fans and customers and not come off as smarmy and slimy and fake.

Disney opts for BRAND advocates that shout down the fans with legit concerns. Go watch Duncan Wardle's video.

No, I certainly do not believe everyone writing about WDW needs to be a journalist ...far bigger things for them to be working on most of the time.

Do you mean this video?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster

if you truly have issues with anyone who blogs about Disney or works for the Orlando sentinel... why don't you start your own nega-fanboy blog to counter them?

I honestly cannot understand why you have so much beef against these fans of Disney who like to talk about what they love. Just because they don't b#+ch and moan when they post doesn't mean they shouldn't be doing it. I can't figure out if it's jealousy or if it's just that they aren't as negative about Disney as you?

this isn't a personal shot my any means... I just cannot figure out why you are so bitter about everything Disney

Actually, that was a personal shot by any rational read.

And I have a professional career. Not looking to be a blogger. And I am not bitter about everything Disney, you are just misrepresenting my feelings and opinions as many others have before you and many others will after you.


Premium Member
Big difference: I'm not advertising their product and encouraging you to use it or giving them glowy reviews (yes, I'm so slanted aren't I?) for perks.

So you're only tainted if you take stuff.. and then give positive reviews? Everyone else is free to take things and not be considered 'tainted' as long as the freebies did not result in positive reviews. Gotcha..

Connect the dots man... it's not the swag/freebies that make someone biased or not.


Well-Known Member
Then your anger should be focused at Disney.... not joining in with the likes of @TP2000 who pick apart their wardrobe and personal lives...

I never said my issue wasn't with Disney and I never made a comment about their personal lives, nor was I picking apart anyones wardrobe specifically ... My issue is and always has been with Disney not enforcing it and with Disney catering to a crowd who is anything but objective or has any concept of what full disclosure in advertising truly means ... abuse like this is exactly why the FTC revised its guidelines earlier this year.


Premium Member
And I have a professional career. Not looking to be a blogger

That's right.. what applies to one doesn't necessarily apply to the other. That's a two way street..

The standards for professionals are not the same for enthusiasts. Yet several hear act like people should be tar'd and feathered because they would get kicked off the NYT staff. Well.. they never aspired to be that.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I call'em as I see 'em.

There are plenty of topics I say out of. I stay out of stuff I have no knowledge about (a lesson many could learn from..). Maybe we just have more overlap than you'd like in our experiences.

I do as well. Lots of folks haven't enjoyed me online because I do exactly that.

And I am quite certain that your background and mine are very different. I'll give you the tech stuff in a heartbeat, but if you think you can match me in media, entertainment, journalism or PR, I will just say you are. Mistaken and leave it there.


Well-Known Member
I do as well. Lots of folks haven't enjoyed me online because I do exactly that.

And I am quite certain that your background and mine are very different. I'll give you the tech stuff in a heartbeat, but if you think you can match me in media, entertainment, journalism or PR, I will just say you are. Mistaken and leave it there.

you certainly have him beat in the entertainment category lol


Well-Known Member
Funny, I saw the video that everyone was making fun of and I didn't see any cut off jeans and tank tops...

Here is Disney's dress code for California Grill...

Please, point out in that video where someone wasn't adhering to the dress code.
You need to re-read the post you quoted. I never said anyone was wearing those items to that event. You are also quoting the dress code for the general public, where as the dress code for the event in question was "Creative Black Tie."


Well-Known Member
So you're only tainted if you take stuff.. and then give positive reviews? Everyone else is free to take things and not be considered 'tainted' as long as the freebies did not result in positive reviews. Gotcha..

Connect the dots man... it's not the swag/freebies that make someone biased or not.

Flynn, you're trying really really hard, here, man. Desperate. As I said, I wasn't in that position. Apples and oranges, right? As someone who tries to "call it like you see 'em" you're falling over yourself trying to connect any dots and act in your typical role as apologist/explainer/arguer. Your last sentence is a laugh.
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