Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

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Well-Known Member
I'm guessing a certain something that was chasing birds in the very, very last scene of post-credits.

I also really enjoyed the movie. I like that it didn't take itself so seriously (aka Superman) and they constantly broke up the action with humour and fun easter eggs.

I'm still watching SHIELD, which was decently good last week, but it still hasn't really hit its stride. OUAT in Wonderland is far more engaging so far.

I'm also surprised no one is talking about the Marvel-Netflicks deal. They are really leveraging the brand as of late.

Part of the problem with S.H.I.E.L.D. is there there really is no continuity from episode to episode. There is no real ongoing storyline. You could pretty much shuffle all of the episodes and watch them out of order and it would barely change anything. It is bubblegum pop crap whose sole purpose is to whet the appetite of those waiting for the next movie to come out. No substance. In fact if you remove details from the episodes they are generically all the same.

I am excited about the Netflix deal. I feel they will have better writing compared to Disney-owend property rushed and thrown on a Disney-owned property. They will actually have to deliver something better to keep good standing with Netflix.


Premium Member
If amazon is evil, I'm an amazon evil minion. :)

Love amazon! I think (and have said before) that Disney should contact amazon and ask them how to run a successful website.
This is one of those moments where we should have a love button:). Disney could learn a whole lot about websites and general customer satisfaction from Amazon. How did Jobs never straighten them out?

Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
I'm boycotting Xmas this year. My finances won't hear any part of "let's go spend money we don't have!" And I'm also one of about 164 people in this country who do not own, let alone use a credit card (by choice!) I live within my means. Which is getting tougher and tougher to do everyday.

Point of me posting this is that I'm so tired of the commercialization the holiday and the "buy buy buy" mentality of it all. I've never been happier to have cancelled my cable, as I'm not inundated with ads for products. However, shopping in stores makes up for that, it's overwhelming sometimes.

Will not, will not everrrrrr do "Black Friday" shopping. I do not believe that retail store employees should be pulled away from their families on thanksgiving day nor in the godawful early morning hours just so jimmy and jan can buy some plastic made in China crap for one dollar cheaper than they could any other time of the year. Call me old school (at 29 no less) but I believe in family.

The only shopping I'm doing this year is off of etsy, which supports individuals, not companies. Even still, I really can't afford more than stocking stuffers. Good thing I don't have children.... I refuse to go into debt over a stupid commercial holiday.



Well-Known Member
Listen, I get it. There is a lot to like about Amazon. They have the selection, the ease of use, efficiency, best price, everything you would want from a retailer. But the big picture remains. Their existence is a huge game changer for retailers(especially electronics and publishing) and it may eventually hurt the consumer. A monopoly that demands cheaper, faster, easier is not a key to success. They use predatory pricing to win their market share. They can use tactics such as taking losses on e-books to drive people to buy their Kindle. Force out small publishing companies because they sell their book for too much. And the bigger publishing companies have to kow tow to their demands in order to keep in good favor.


Premium Member
I'm boycotting Xmas this year. My finances won't hear any part of "let's go spend money we don't have!" And I'm also one of about 164 people in this country who do not own, let alone use a credit card (by choice!) I live within my means. Which is getting tougher and tougher to do everyday.

Point of me posting this is that I'm so tired of the commercialization the holiday and the "buy buy buy" mentality of it all. I've never been happier to have cancelled my cable, as I'm not inundated with ads for products. However, shopping in stores makes up for that, it's overwhelming sometimes.

Will not, will not everrrrrr do "Black Friday" shopping. I do not believe that retail store employees should be pulled away from their families on thanksgiving day nor in the godawful early morning hours just so jimmy and jan can buy some plastic made in China crap for one dollar cheaper than they could any other time of the year. Call me old school (at 29 no less) but I believe in family.

The only shopping I'm doing this year is off of etsy, which supports individuals, not companies. Even still, I really can't afford more than stocking stuffers. Good thing I don't have children.... I refuse to go into debt over a stupid commercial holiday.

I'm with you on the debt thing. I do have a credit card (need it for my Amazon shopping;)) but I never carry a balance. I always pay off what I buy that month. I do have a mortgage on my house, but other than that no outstanding debt. I never understood the whole going into debt for retail purchases thing. To bring it full circle back to Disney, I would never personally finance a vacation. If I couldn't afford to pay for it I would save up money until I could before booking.

I'd never cancel my cable. Someone has to pay for all that new stuff at Universal;).


Premium Member
Listen, I get it. There is a lot to like about Amazon. They have the selection, the ease of use, efficiency, best price, everything you would want from a retailer. But the big picture remains. Their existence is a huge game changer for retailers(especially electronics and publishing) and it may eventually hurt the consumer. A monopoly that demands cheaper, faster, easier is not a key to success. They use predatory pricing to win their market share. They can use tactics such as taking losses on e-books to drive people to buy their Kindle. Force out small publishing companies because they sell their book for too much. And the bigger publishing companies have to kow tow to their demands in order to keep in good favor.
If I were directly competing with Amazon, like a Best Buy or a Barnes and Noble I would be very frightened. The consumer usually makes out better, unless the consumer works at Best Buy or B&N and they lose their job.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
This is a myth based on an incorrect belief about the origins of the term "black Friday." While a good Christmas season is essential to the bottom line of many retailers, big and small, any store that runs in the red all year will be out of business long before Christmas season arrives.
agree with you on this, usually the black friday type events are to sell overstock or remove older stock to get space for newer.

I'll be quite blunt here since I know who has talked to whom and what those talks entailed: Disney is lying.

They don't have a signed deal that I am aware of, but they have been actively looking at expanding and it is pretty much a question of when, not if. They said similar things before expanding in 2007. Hell, knowing Disney they might just be trying to pressure builders into lower costs and better terms.

the only things that are more sure things are price increases on tickets, food and beverage and resorts at WDW and more DVC additions at WDW.

So, you recon there will be cruise ships sailing to Hawai to the US from disney and expanded to China-Japan?
Can you imagine linking all the World´s disney parks via Cruise lines?

For the way to deep fry a turkey safely I bring you FryGuy and the Alton Brown Turkey Frying Videos


Funny how we went talking about stores, then to work days, then to turkeys, then to greed, and now back to turkeys!

How about Home Depot having their Christmas Display up 2 weeks before Halloween? I mean WTH? Why is everyone in such a hurry? Life moves fast enough, slow it down a little.

that is sadly, very usual in my country.

its like halloween isnt even done, and you are already getting punched by the christmas season.

Let William Shatner explain.

that was awesome ! XD
love the dramatic music they put in there!

You've experienced Talk Like a Pirate Day? Arbor Day? Grandparents Day? Bring Your Dog to Work Day?

do these seriously count as holidays???

The greater evil for me is fighting crazy people in long lines in the middle of the night on Thanksgiving. Amazon allows me to avoid all that nonsense.

Amazon provides me with what I want as a consumer. The products I want at good prices, delivered right to my house. The sales tax loophole has been closed in a large number of states including PA where I live and NJ where I work so I can't take advantage of the tax free shopping anymore unless I wanted to open a PO box in Delaware or something extreme like that. I can't kill Amazon for being innovative and revolutionizing retail sales. The kindle may have been the best thing to have happened to the publishing business. Not so good for Barnes and Noble.

I am not too familiar with the lawsuits you mention. I did see something recently about a lawsuit over being paid for passing through security checkpoints when leaving work. I think the procedure is the employee clocks out then passes through a metal detector and security to get out of the warehouse. This sometimes takes up to 20 minutes if the detector goes off and security needs to do an individual search. The lawsuit claims that Amazon should be paying the employees while they pass through security. Seems reasonable to me to pay them, but in the end I'd hardly call it poor working conditions.

But barnes and noble as their own service.. the nook if I am right.
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Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Our local Costco starts trotting out the Christmas trees and decorations (for sale) mid-August, and the Sears Christmas Wish Book always appears on my doorstep before the end of the school year (end of June).

On another note, the Sears Spring & Summer catalogue should be be here before Christmas.

that is insane... D:

I'm guessing a certain something that was chasing birds in the very, very last scene of post-credits.

I also really enjoyed the movie. I like that it didn't take itself so seriously (aka Superman) and they constantly broke up the action with humour and fun easter eggs.

I'm still watching SHIELD, which was decently good last week, but it still hasn't really hit its stride. OUAT in Wonderland is far more engaging so far.

I'm also surprised no one is talking about the Marvel-Netflicks deal. They are really leveraging the brand as of late.

I didnt liked the original OUAT, but I´m loving the wonderland one so far.
but then, I have seen all the wonderland variations.. including disney of tim burton.. and the syfy one.


Well-Known Member
Listen, I get it. There is a lot to like about Amazon. They have the selection, the ease of use, efficiency, best price, everything you would want from a retailer. But the big picture remains. Their existence is a huge game changer for retailers(especially electronics and publishing) and it may eventually hurt the consumer. A monopoly that demands cheaper, faster, easier is not a key to success. They use predatory pricing to win their market share. They can use tactics such as taking losses on e-books to drive people to buy their Kindle. Force out small publishing companies because they sell their book for too much. And the bigger publishing companies have to kow tow to their demands in order to keep in good favor.

How are they a monopoly? Amazon does not set prices on majority of the items sol on their site. Some may see it as forcing out small publishers but they have opened up online publishing where just about anyone can publish their own book. How is that bad?

I am not sure everyone knows exactly how Amazon works. They are not another big box retailer online. They are a gateway for companies large and small. Sure they sell some of their own items but they have opened up the marketplace so you and I and every independent business and/or individual can sell on their site. ebay is now the same way. They are not just an online auction site anymore.


Premium Member
I am sickened by it all ...I took a friend from out of state to my town center last weekend and was shocked that all the holiday lighting was up. I think the only thing missing was what Disney would call the holiday tree.

The Disney fantasy was already decorated for Christmas on its first cruise after Halloween (nov 2)

They didn't have specific Christmas programs yet- but the boat was decorated including the tree in the atrium


Well-Known Member
I'm with you on the debt thing. I do have a credit card (need it for my Amazon shopping;)) but I never carry a balance. I always pay off what I buy that month. I do have a mortgage on my house, but other than that no outstanding debt. I never understood the whole going into debt for retail purchases thing. To bring it full circle back to Disney, I would never personally finance a vacation. If I couldn't afford to pay for it I would save up money until I could before booking.

I'd never cancel my cable. Someone has to pay for all that new stuff at Universal;).
I'd rather stick to U-Verse and pay for it by going to USO. Let's not reward them by showing them it's okay to continue lousy cable service!


Well-Known Member
Thor 2 was amazing but Kat Dennings really dragged all of her scenes down with her annoying jokes. Other than that I thought it was the second best marvel movie. It succeeded where Iron Man 3 failed, by feeling like an actual sequel to the Avengers. The cliff hanger ending was so unexpected!


Premium Member
I'd rather stick to U-Verse and pay for it by going to USO. Let's not reward them by showing them it's okay to continue lousy cable service!

Never had a problem with Comcast cable service. The prices...that's another story, but if you make the effort you can get your bill reduced too.


Well-Known Member
Never had a problem with Comcast cable service. The prices...that's another story, but if you make the effort you can get your bill reduced too.
I always had problems with them. Now, that I have U-Verse, never any problems. My sister and mom have Comcast and they always call me with problems (because I'm the techie in my family), so I always have to call Comcast for them if I find there's a problem on their end. Try getting credits for service you paid for and were unable to get because there's a problem on their side and not only will you probably not get it but its a process one can easily get gray hairs from, while they should offer you credit immediately and apologize for it.
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